Knowledge based systems that have some idea of their limits

P. Compton, P. Preston,

School of Computer Science and Engineering,
University of New South Wales, Sydney 2052, Australia

G. Edwards

Western Diagnostics Pathology, Perth, Australia

B. Kang

Department of Computer Science, Hoseo University, Korea


A major problem with Knowledge Based Systems (KBS) is that they do not know when they have reached the limits of their knowledge. One possible solution is for the KBS to issue a warning if a case is outside its range of experience. In these studies we have used the simple technique of issuing a warning if any attribute has a value outside the range of those seen previously for cases satisfying the same sequence of rules during inference. This technique has been evaluated using standard machine learning data bases and a simulated expert. We conclude that single attribute warnings identify many, but not all errors, during KB development.


A major problem with expert systems is that they are "brittle". That is, the expert system does not realise when its knowledge is inadequate and that advice should be sought from some more expert source. It is a well known phenomenon with KBS that they may combine very high levels of expertise with a lack of common sense. They may outperform a trainee, but will not have the trainee's insight that there may be a problem beyond their competence. The classic (apocryphal?) example is the "pregnant male syndrome" where the expert system deduces the patient is pregnant because of laboratory results but has never been informed that only females become pregnant and so erroneously deduces that a male patient is pregnant.

The CYC project is one attempt at a solution to this problem (Lenat & Feigenbaum 1991). CYC is an attempt to build a knowledge base of sufficient consensus or common sense knowledge so that specific KBS built on top of CYC will be able to fall back on common sense in a human like fashion and avoid stupid errors. CYC is aimed specifically at errors like the pregnant male syndrome where common sense, if it was available, would help the system reach a correct conclusion.

Apart from the problems of common sense that arise, there are also issues of brittleness within the domain itself. Even with apparently fairly complete systems, stupid errors are liable to be made. For an example see (Compton, et al. 1989). Despite the availability of techniques to check if a knowledge base is complete(Preece, et al. 1992), in practice this is not very useful. Most interesting practical systems cover a huge space of possible data patterns, so that an expert will not be asked about all of them in building a system. The vast majority of these data patterns may never occur in practice (Colomb & Sienkiewicz 1996) and experience in dealing with experts suggests that their responses become rather speculative when dealing with data patterns outside their experience (Compton & Jansen 1990).

As will be discussed below we have been developing approaches to knowledge acquisition based on correcting errors as they occur, so that the knowledge base is developed whilst the system is in actual use and errors are detected. Clearly for such a system it would be very attractive if the system knew when it was dealing with situations beyond its present competence and was able to request further knowledge acquisition. However, it should be noted that such a feature is perhaps even more desirable for conventional systems. These are systems where we have attempted to make the knowledge as complete as possible before the system is put into use. Although a high level of performance is probably verified before the system is deployed, all this means is that the system is likely to make few errors; but what these are, when they will occur and their significance is generally not known. We are still a long way from fully verified and validated systems.

The aim of the present work is to develop an approach whereby a KBS will realise that a case it is dealing with is beyond its competence and will request help. For a system with an apparently high level of performance this will be an occasional warning that the system's output needs checking. With a system designed for incremental development whilst in actual use, the system will be responsible for requesting knowledge acquisition as needed.

We have previously attempted to exploit the particular structure of the incremental knowledge acquisition method, Ripple Down Rules (RDR), to suggest when a conclusion for a case is incorrect (Kang & Compton 1992). This approach was based on the idea that the KBS to processes a case and reaches a conclusion, but that the system's knowledge is checked to see if knowledge in another context, not reached by the case, may actually satisfy the case and thereby suggest that the conclusion arrived at may be wrong. The motivation was to capture the human notion that a certain conclusion seems appropriate, but that there is just something about the case that reminds us of some other quite different context so we have some doubt about the more immediately obvious conclusion. Although this approach is useful and has some interesting cognitive features and is being developed further, it depends on other knowledge already in the knowledge base and so does not satisfy the requirement for a system that will warn when a case is outside the system's experience.

The approach we have now developed and which is evaluated here is based simply on the idea of keeping a sufficient record of all cases seen by the system and warning about any cases different from those previously seen. We use the term "prudence" to describe this behaviour of issuing a warning every time a case is in some way unusual. We have previously evaluated this approach by rebuilding 600 rules of a medical expert system by hand (Edwards, et al. 1995). The results of this initial study were very promising in that as the knowledge based was developed, every error the system made, that is every case where further knowledge acquisition was required, was correctly warned about. The system correctly prompted for all knowledge acquisition. However, the warnings were unnecessary in some 40% of cases. This seemed to be a major advance in that normally such a system would require all output to be checked, whereas with the prudence feature included only 40% of cases had to be checked. More importantly, no undetected errors were made.

In the work described here we have carried out a larger scale evaluation based on using a simulated expert for knowledge acquisition enabling a number of studies based on different domains. The essential idea is that using a simulated expert, despite the limitations and non-human nature of its expertise, enables the performance of a system to be evaluated on large data sets, where this would be very difficult to organise with human experts. We have previously used this approach to evaluate the efficiency of the RDR methodology (Compton, et al. 1995).

The strategy of warning every time a case is different from those previously seen by the system is very simple. However, it overcomes the problem of dealing with parts of the state space where cases do not occur or occur extremely rarely. With the approach of providing warnings one does not need to develop rules for these parts of the state space; the rules are adequate for the data patterns that generally occur and for the rare occasions when a novel pattern occurs these are warned about so that other more expert advice can be sought.


Recognising Unusual Cases

We identify cases that are unusual with respect to the particular classification being made and with respect to the particular sequence of rules that were satisfied reaching the classification for that case. We distinguish between rule path and the actual conclusion or classification as the same conclusion may be given by a number of rules. The conclusion approach seemed unlikely to be useful but is included for comparison. The rule path approach corresponds to distinguishing between cases which have the same situation specific model (Clancey, 1992) except that the rule path here corresponds to historical corrections to the knowledge base.

All the data in these studies are in attribute-value form. Associated with each rule path and also with each conclusion we keep a set of the values seen for each attribute. If the value for an attribute for a case being processed is not already included in the list of values for that attribute a warning is given to check the conclusion for the case. If the conclusion is then accepted, the list of values for the attribute stored with that rule are updated with the new value. If the conclusion is wrong and a new rule is added, the values for the attributes for this particular case become the initial set of acceptable values for the attributes associated with the new rule. Numerical data is taken as a special case and instead of keeping the actual values, the range of values seen is kept so that a value for an attribute in a case may a new maximum or minimum.

The data requires some consideration before this technique can be used and any datum that is unique to the case, such as an identification number, needs to be removed. Otherwise, all cases will be warned about. Apart from such data all other attributes are considered; both attributes that are known to be relevant to the problem domain and those which may not be so relevant. One assumes that the data that constitute the case are broadly relevant to the task otherwise they would not have been collected, but not all the data will be immediately relevant to the conclusions under consideration. For example, in a medical KBS one may be building a KBS for a particular diagnostic sub-domain. There will almost certainly be other laboratory and clinical information available, which although not apparently relevant to the domain, may be relevant under some circumstances.

A limitation of the method chosen is that we are implicitly assuming that all attributes are independent and so the values can be considered independently. As will be seen, this is a good first approximation, but is not appropriate if one requires a system guaranteed to warn for all unusual cases. Alternative strategies will be discussed.

Knowledge Acquisition

Classification Tasks

The knowledge acquisition method used is Ripple Down Rules(RDR). The original motivation of RDR was to attempt to deal with the situated nature of the knowledge provided by experts, particularly as observed during KBS maintenance (Compton & Jansen 1990). More generally RDR are best seen as offering Validated Cased Based Knowledge Acquisition. A rule is only added to the system when a case has been given a wrong conclusion, whether the case is an actual case or an hypothetical case proposed by the expert. The emphasis on cases relates to Case Based Reasoning (CBR), but unlike CBR, RDR depends on acquiring knowledge from the expert - but knowledge added to deal with a specific case. RDR recognises that despite any apparent generality of the knowledge provided, it is given in the context of a particular case and is prompted by the particular case. It is probably true to say that CBR also depends on knowledge from the expert, but this knowledge is hidden in notions of similarity between cases, whether attributes are salient or not, etc (Kang & Compton 1995). The reason why RDR is described as providing validated knowledge acquisition is that any cases that have prompted knowledge acquisition are also stored along with the knowledge base and the method does not allow the expert to add any rules which would result in any of these stored cases being given a different conclusion from that stored. The expert is required to select features for a rule that distinguish between the case for which the rule is being added and the other stored cases already correctly handled. The validation that this provides is not total validation, but ensures that as the system is incrementally developed, the previous performance of the system is maintained, at least with respect to the cornerstone cases. The focus on distinguishing between cases is in common with methods based on personal construct psychology (Gaines & Shaw 1990).

The key area that has evolved in RDR is how to organise distinguishing between cases. In initial studies focussed on classification tasks where only a single classification per case is required, rules were linked in a binary tree structure and a single case was stored with each rule. When a conclusion had to be corrected a new rule was added at the end of the inference path through the tree giving the wrong conclusion. The rule had to then distinguish between the new case and the case associated with the rule that gave the wrong conclusion (Compton & Jansen 1990). The major success for this approach has been the PEIRS system, a large medical expert system for pathology laboratory report interpretation built by experts without the support of a knowledge engineering (Edwards, et al. 1993). It was also built whilst in routine use. Despite the fact that knowledge is added in random order, simulation studies have shown that knowledge bases produced by correcting errors as they occur are at least as compact and accurate as those produced by induction(Compton, et al. 1995; Compton, et al. 1994).

More recently we have developed RDR to deal with classification tasks where multiple independent classifications are required (Kang 1996; Kang, et al. 1995). This approach allows for n-ary trees, but is most simply understood in terms of a flat rule structure, where all rules are evaluated against the data. When a new rule is added, all cases associated with the KBS could reach this rule, so that the rule must distinguish between the present case and all the stored cases. In the approach developed, the expert is required firstly to construct a rule which distinguishs between the new case and one of the stored cases. If other stored cases satisfy the rule, further conditions are required to be added to exclude a further case and so on until no stored cases satisfy the rule. Surprisingly the expert provides a sufficiently precise rule after two or three cases have been seen (Kang, et al. 1995). Rules which prevent an incorrect conclusion by providing a null conclusion are added in the same way. The MCRDR system produces somewhat better knowledge bases than RDR even for single classification domains, probably because more use is made of expertise rather than depending on the KB structure (Kang 1996).

Construction Tasks

The prudence studies below are not concerned with construction tasks (Clancey 1985). However, the prudence approach proposed in this paper depends on specific and reproducible inference pathways through a KBS for individual cases even while the system is being developed. The following section provides a proposal for how this could be produced for construction tasks and therefore how both RDR and prudence could be applied to such tasks.

From an RDR perspective, the important difference between construction and classification is that components of the solution may depend on each other as well as the data initially provided to the system. To avoid an explosion in knowledge this is normally handled by some sort of inference cycle so that as conclusions are reached they are added to working memory and further conclusions can be arrived at. To control the inference and arrive at a solution some further problem solving method is used or at least implicit, such as "propose and revise" (Zdrahal & Motta 1994). This description probably seems extremely simplistic since some sort of cyclic inference probably underlies most expert systems. However, the lack of an inference cycle in RDR is precisely what makes it relatively simple to ensure that the same pathways are used by the same cases during system development. The challenge for RDR for construction tasks is to deal with the apparent requirement of a cycle for these tasks.

Speculating, it seems to us that the general availability of cyclic inference has been one of the reasons why a knowledge level analysis of KBS became so necessary (as well as being a major source of maintenance problems). If one stays at the inference level, classification tasks do not actually need an inference cycle. Both RDR and MCRDR require only a single pass through a KB and more generally it has been shown that all classification KBS can be reduced to a single pass decision table (Colomb & Chung 1990). It is only when one moves to construction tasks that an inference cycle seems necessary to avoid repeating the same knowledge to deal with every possible data profile. Construction tasks are precisely those tasks where parts of the conclusion affect each other suggesting sequential inference.

We should digress at this stage to comment on heuristic classification (Clancey 1985). Clancey's heuristic classification model includes: abstracting the data, reaching broad conclusions and then refining the conclusions. Although this is generally implemented in some sort of cyclic inference, there is no intrinsic requirement to do this. The key reason for the two intermediate stages in heuristic classification is to maximise the utility of the knowledge provided by experts. If knowledge is simply links between specific data in a case and specific conclusions, then each chunk will be too particular and too much knowledge will need to be added. There is clearly some advantage in providing rules which refer to ranges or clusters of data, so that rules will cover a range of cases. Clearly also, to explain their knowledge, experts discuss broad groups of classifications and how combinations of these determine the final specific conclusion. The RDR approach accepts the advantage of data abstraction, but finds the maintenance and knowledge engineering difficulties of appropriately managing reasoning with broad categories outweighs its advantages. Certainly the third stage is important for explanation, but one can speculate whether it would have been seen as intrinsic to classification inference if cyclic inference had not been available.

With respect to an RDR approach to configuration, the particular cyclic method, whether propose and revise in one of its many variants or some other method is of little importance. There is essentially some sort of inference cycle and some way of controlling this and deciding when and how it should terminate. One can consider the case (Breuker 1994) or Clancey's Situation Specific Model (Clancey 1992) gradually being fleshed out as inference proceeds. RDR for classification tasks not only ensures that cornerstone cases keep having the same conclusion, it also ensures that the same inference sequence is followed. Kang (1996) has suggested how this might be achieved for configuration tasks. When a new rule is added to the KB, the case would also be stored. However the case would be stored in conjunction with all the rules that were satisfied in reaching the particular conclusion given. The case would be stored with each rule partially filled out to the same level as when that rule was evaluated. In the same way as MCRDR, when a new rule is added it would required to distinguish between the new case and the cases stored whether complete or partially filled out. This should again ensure incremental development of the KBS in that the cornerstone cases should still follow exactly the same inference sequence to reach the same conclusions as the knowledge base develops. This would also appear to be quite independent of the problem solving method used. The problem solving method controls how the system proceeds to the next inference cycle while the RDR system ensures that each inference cycle processes the cornerstone cases in the same way as previously. It would be critical in this approach that the problem solving or inference method not be changed during development as this may alter rule pathways. However, in practice most KBS probably satisfy this constraint because of the way in which knowledge is organised to control inference (Clancey 1992). Experiments are under way to test the feasibility of this approach.

The studies below are all based on single classification RDR but we see no reason why the approach cannot be used with multiple classification or construction RDR since the critical issue is to ensure that cases follow the same rule pathway. For a conventional KBS prudence perhaps could be readily developed, if it was guaranteed there would be no further changes to the KB. In this case a profile could be stored with every rule which was updated every time the rule fired. However there is almost a contradiction in using prudence to warn when the system may be making a mistake, but not allow the possibility of fixes to the KB. It may be possible to use validation and verification or related techniques to ensure incremental changes to the KB and thereby continue to use the previous profile information. However this is probably just a more difficult way of carrying out an RDR equivalent change. This will be discussed further.

Simulated experts

A human expert using an RDR system checks the output of the RDR system and where the conclusion is wrong, generates a new rule by selecting conditions from the difference list for that case to go into the rule. A simulated expert is simply the mechanism for similarly selecting conditions from the difference list to go into a new rule. The simulated experts used here were based on other expert systems for the same domains built by induction. The simulated expert was then used to build an RDR system by running all the cases in a large data base against the RDR system and correcting whatever errors occurred. As will be discussed, it should not be expected that the simulation will perform better than a real expert.

Data Sets

The following data sets were used. Chess and Tic Tac Toe are from the University of California Irvine Data Repository. The Garvan data set comes from the Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney

Chess Chess End-Game -- King+Rook (black) versus King+Pawn (white) on a7. 36 attributes for 3196 cases and 2 classifications. The pawn is one step away from queening and it is black's turn to move. It is assumed that white cannot win if the pawn is queened.

TicTac Tic-Tac-Toe Endgame database. This database encodes the complete set of possible
Toe board configurations at the end of tic-tac-toe games. 9 attributes for 958 cases and 2

Garvan Thyroid function tests. A large set of data from patient tests relating to thyroid function tests. These case were run through the Garvan-ES1 expert system (Horn, et al. 1985) to provide consistent classifications. The goal of any new system would be to reproduce the same classification for the cases. 32 attributes for 21822 cases and 60 different classifications. These are part of a larger data set of 45000 cases covering 10 years. The cases chosen here are from a period when the data profiles did not appear to be changing over time and could be reasonably reordered randomly (Gaines & Compton 1994). The Garvan data in the Irvine data repository is a smaller subset of the same data. The Garvan data consist largely of real numbers representing laboratory results. Using the Garvan-ES1 pre-processor these were reduced to categories of high, low etc as used in the rules in the actual knowledge base. Both the preprocessed data and the raw data were used separately in the studies below.

Experimental Method

The following describes the steps involved in building and using the simulated expert.


* collect a set of cases, and produce a knowledge base using a machine learning mechanism - this becomes the basis for the Simulated Expert (SE) (described more fully later). In these studies only the Induct/RDR machine learning algorithm (Gaines 1991)was used as previous studies had shown that this was equivalent to or better than other algorithms such as C4.5 (Quinlan 1992) (Compton, et al. 1995; Gaines & Compton 1992)

* Randomise the data to avoid 'lumpiness'. Four randomisations were carried out and the graphs show the results of the four randomisations.

* Start with fresh RDR Expert System (ES), essentially an empty knowledge base.


Step 1
* get the next case

Step 2
* ask the (simulated) expert for a conclusion

Step 3
* ask the ES under construction for a conclusion

Step 4
* if they agree, get another case and go back to Step 1

Step 5
* if the Expert and the ES disagree, make a new (valid) rule and go back to 1.

Step 5 is the crux. The new rule needs to be constructed and located in the KB. For a RDR simulation, this step consists of:

Step 5
* Run the case against the ML generated KBS and produce a rule trace. This is essentially
the justification for the conclusion.

* Run the case on the developing RDR ES and identify the last rule satisfied and the last rule evaluated. The new rule will be attached to the true or false branch of the last rule evaluated according to the evaluation. That is, the new rule will be reached only if exactly the same conditions are satisfied.

* Obtain the difference list based on the current case and the case attached to the last true rule. This difference list provides a filter to select valid conditions that can be used in a new rule.

* Using a combination of the expert's justification (the ML KBS rule trace; i.e. the rules satisfied in reaching a conclusion) and the difference list to create a new rule and attach it. The level of expertise of the simulated expert can be varied here by the mix of conditions selected, but in this study only a single expert was used.

Level of Expertise

* Choose all conditions from the intersection of the ML KBS rule trace for the case and the difference list for the case. If there are no conditions available in the intersection then a single condition is chosen from the difference list. This very similar to the "smartest" expert used in the previous studies (Compton, et al. 1995). In reality, it is somewhat smarter than the "smartest" expert used in those studies.


* Initially, we did not in fact use the warnings to prompt for knowledge acquisition but corrected all errors as above. We simply recorded warnings as they occurred. These studies were carried out for the domains of Garvan, Chess and Tic Tac Toe. Warning criteria were accumulated and warnings generated both with respect to the individual rule that gave the final conclusion (equivalent to the rule pathway for RDR) and the individual conclusions. That is, a case would generate a warning if it was the first case to follow a particular rule pathway through the KBS which had some particular value for an attribute. It would also generate a warning if it was the first case to be given a particular conclusion that had some particular value for an attribute. Normally there are a number of different rule paths that reach the same conclusion.

The studies were repeated for the Garvan domain, but with the added restriction that rules would only be created when warnings were made.

Method #1 - Warnings NOT Influencing Rule Creation

IF conclusion correct

IF warning

flag case as FALSE POSITIVE warning

update warning criteria so case not warned about

ELSIF if no warning

flag case as TRUE NEGATIVE

ELSIF conclusion incorrect

add new rule (see simulated expert above)

start warning criteria for new rule based on this case

IF warning

flag case as TRUE POSITIVE

ELSIF no warning

flag case as FALSE NEGATIVE

Method #2 - Warnings Influencing Rule Creation

IF conclusion correct

IF warning

flag case as FALSE POSITIVE warning

update warning criteria so case not warned about

ELSIF if no warning

flag case as TRUE NEGATIVE

ELSIF conclusion incorrect

IF warning

add new rule (see simulated expert above)

start warning criteria for new rule based on this case

flag case as TRUE POSITIVE

ELSIF no warning

flag case as FALSE NEGATIVE


Garvan Rule Data Set - Warnings Not Influencing Rule Creation (1)

False Negatives

(cases where RDR made an error but no warning was given)

True Positives

(cases where RDR made an error and a warning was given)

The graphs on this page are cases where the RDR system had made an error so that a new rule needed to be added. The top graphs indicates the cases where the warning system failed to issue a warning. The bottom graphs indicate those that were correctly warned about. The four lines on each graph are for four randomisations of the data. All errors were corrected as they occurred.

Garvan Rule Data Set - Warnings Not Influencing Rule Creation (2)

True Negatives

(cases where RDR was correct and no warning was given)

False Positives

(cases where RDR was correct but a warning was given)

The graphs on this page are cases where the RDR system did not make an error - the case was correctly handled. The top graphs indicates the cases where the warning system correctly did not issue a warning. The bottom graphs indicate cases where warnings were generated unnecessarily. The four lines on each graph are for four randomisations of the data. All errors were corrected as they occurred.

Garvan Rule Data Set - Warnings Influencing Rule Creation (1)

False Negatives

(cases where RDR made an error but no warning was given)

True Positives

(cases where RDR made an error and a warning was given)

The graphs on this page are cases where the RDR system had made an error so that a new rule needed to be added. The top graphs indicates the cases where the warning system failed to issue a warning. The bottom graphs indicate those that were correctly warned about. The four lines on each graph are for four randomisations of the data. All errors were corrected as they occurred.

Garvan Rule Data Set - Warnings Influencing Rule Creation (2)

True Negatives

(cases where RDR was correct and no warning was given)

False Positives

(cases where RDR was correct but a warning was given)

The graphs on this page are cases where the RDR system did not make an error - the case was correctly handled. The top graphs indicates the cases where the warning system correctly did not issue a warning. The bottom graphs indicate cases where warnings were generated unnecessarily. The four lines on each graph are for four randomisations of the data. All errors were corrected as they occurred.

False Negatives %

True Positives %
True Negatives %
False Positives %
Garvan rules

21822 cases

(all errors fixed)

Garvan rules

21822 cases

(only warned errors fixed)

Garvan concls

21822 cases

(all errors fixed)

Chess rules

3196 cases

(all errors fixed)

Tic Tac Toe rules

958 cases

(all errors fixed)

Table The graphs above show the changes in the various parameters over time. In contrast this table shows the total number of true negatives etc for the whole data set over the whole development period as a percentage of the total cases in the data set. As such the data correspond to the final cumulative values in the graphs. Four of the five rows indicate studies where warnings were given when a value was outside the range of values seen for the particular rule pathway (rules). One row, for the Garvan data, indicates results when a warning was given only if the a value fell outside the range of values seen for a particular conclusion (concls). Note that a number of rule pathways may have the same conclusion. Also four rows indicate studies where all errors were fixed whether or not they were warned about. A fifth row indicates a study on the Garvan data where only errors that had been warned about were fixed. This latter study is also included in the graphs.

In the case of the Garvan data where warnings did not influence the creation of rules, the system correctly generated warnings for 92% of the cases that were misinterpreted during system development. That is, it failed to seek a second opinion in only 8% of the cases where it was necessary to seek a more expert opinion. This contrasts with the situation where the system was influenced by warning during rule construction.

In the situation where rules were added only when warnings were given (Garvan data), the system correctly generated warnings for 86% of the cases that were misinterpreted during system development. That is, it failed to seek a second opinion in only 14% of the cases where it was necessary to seek a more expert view. It is also worth noting that the total number of errors made, despite starting from an empty knowledge bases is only 2.8%, so that overall we talking about undetected errors of only 0.4%. This figure of 0.4% is a function of both the warning system and the low error rate of 2.8% which is a function of the RDR methodology which outperforms inductive methods, at least until very large numbers of cases are seen (Compton, et al. 1995). On the other hand it generated spurious warnings for some 15% of the cases seen.

Although the goal of a system that correctly warns about all errors has not been reached, these results seem extraordinarily good. In starting off with an empty knowledge base and asking the KBS to warn when any of its conclusions might be erroneous, only 0.4% of cases have undetected errors. If reliability is taken to mean not only accuracy, but knowing when the apparent conclusion might be unreliable, then this approach is far more reliable than many very highly engineered and well tested KBS. The overall accuracy of the system at 2.8% is comparable to many such systems, but if we are talking about undetected error the reliability of the system is 0.4%. We can note again that overall here means the entire development process from when the first rules are obtained from the expert until development is effectively complete.

In terms of facilitating knowledge acquisition, a conventional RDR development requires all output from the system to be checked until an appropriate level of performance for the domain is reached. Here only 17-18% of cases are required to be checked to achieve a reliability (no errors permitted) of 99.8%.

The results for the other domains are not as good for reasons that will be discussed. Firstly, it should be noted that all the other data is taken from studies where all errors were fixed and so should be compared to the Garvan results for the same protocol. That is where only 8% of the Garvan errors were undetected. In the Chess domain 19% of the errors were missed, but this still represents undetected errors in only 0.3% of cases seen. The unnecessary warning rate however was lower at 7%. The Tic Tac Toe domain was poorer with 28% of the errors missed which was in fact 1.5% of the total cases seen. The unnecessary warnings were 14%.

Finally the worst case of all was for warnings generated for conclusions rather than rules. Here for the Garvan data 52% of the errors were missed. That is there were undetected errors in 1.4% of cases seen. We also carried out studies on conclusion based warnings for Tic Tac Toe and Chess with a similar degradation in performance. We also collected data for these domains at a number of different stages of development as in the graphs for the Garvan domain, but the development profile is similar.


The reason some errors are not warned about is that the attributes are not independent. However, the issue is not relationships between attributes per se. Rules are constructed of conjunctions of conditions, no disjunctions are allowed. This means that for attributes used in rules, different relationships between attributes end up in different rules. The problem is the attributes that are not referred to in rules. There may be a number of significant patterns in these attributes but which do not show up in warnings based on individual attributes. This can be seen in the conclusion data. With the conclusion data a number of different rules may lead to the same conclusion. For a warning to be generated some individual attribute needs to have a value outside the values found in cases coming from any of the rules. If, for example, there is one rule for which very high values for an attribute are seen then the system will fail to note that the case is in fact quite exceptional for the rule that actually fires where some combination of attributes was used in the rule. This phenomenon shows up quite clearly comparing the rule and conclusion data for the Garvan domain where the errors missed jumped from 8% to 52% of total errors when moving from rules to conclusions (all errors corrected).

An immediate conclusion from this result is that it would not be particularly useful to use this approach for conventional KBS by keeping case profiles for conclusions. It is also unlikely there would be much advantage in keeping case profile for individual rules. As discussed earlier, in conventional systems and as in Clancey's specification of heuristic classification, rules may use conditions which are given as conclusions of other rules with the implication that a number of rules may make such conclusions, thus producing the same problem as with case profiles attached to conclusions. We have also noted earlier the requirement of ensuring that any maintenance does not effect rule pathways for previous cases.

We have examined by hand the 47 false negative cases from the Garvan domain (all errors corrected and rule based warnings) and nearly all of them relate to the situation where the results are almost normal. A single slightly abnormal result does not effect a conclusion of normal, but a number of these may result in a different conclusion. In fact there may be a number of slightly different conclusions depending on the particular profile. In this situation the range of values seen by the rule before a peculiar case comes along means that no individual attribute has an unusual value. Note that these false negative cases occurred even for the protocol where all errors were corrected and are due mainly to the limitation of the single attribute approach, (although better experts may also improve this result - see below). Half the false negatives in the protocol where corrections were only made when warnings were given were due to the failure to add a further rule rather than an intrinsic difficulty with the case.

It is worth noting that in manual studies reported previously, there were no false negative results (Edwards, et al. 1995). In this study a thyroid knowledge base similar to the Garvan domain was developed by the human expert, but the data was taken from a larger pathology service so that there were many more irrelevant attributes. We conclude that this is due to the superiority of the human expert over the simulated expert. The machine learning based rules on which the simulated expert is based are highly accurate as part of the overall ML KBS, but often such rules are not very intelligible or at least not very natural for an expert so that selecting part of such a rule trace as representing an expert is problematic. In these studies the false positive results were of the order of 40% because of the many attributes for other sub-domains not under consideration while building the thyroid system.

The weaker results with the Tic Tac Toe and Chess domains are, with hindsight, only to be expected and these were probably poor domains to use. It is in fact surprising that the results are as good as they are. The nine attributes of TicTac Toe represent the nine positions in the game with the values representing whether the position is occupied by an X or O. The value of any attribute is only relevant in terms of the values of the other attributes.


There are two areas that need further development in this work: reducing both the false positives and false negatives

False positives

The main comments of the expert during the earlier manual development study (Edwards, et al. 1995) were that the false positives could generally be discounted on very obvious grounds and that he could have easily made up rules to prevent them occurring in the future. We propose then to allow the expert to develop a second RDR knowledge base. The main domain knowledge base will process the case. The case with the conclusion and the various exception data and credential data (see below) would be passed to a second expert system which decides whether the conclusion should be issued with a warning. The expert would construct this second KBS in a conventional RDR manner. For example: TSH_HIGH is a symptom of hypothyroidism and the higher the TSH the more severe the hypothyroidism, so that there is no point in issuing a warning that hypothyroidism might be false if the TSH is the highest yet seen. The expert might generate a rule such as:

IF conclusion = hypothyroid and TSH_HIGH (exception)

THEN TSH_HIGH (not_exception)

This rule withdraws this particular exception. A warning is given if there are one or more exceptions after processing by the second knowledge base.

To be consistent this knowledge base itself needs an exceptions mechanism. However, it is interesting to note that this process does not need to continue recursively. With respect to the second knowledge base, an exception would not generate a different warning, but effectively it would simply re-instate the original exception so that a warning would be given. The second KBS would re-instate the warning if there was anything unusual about the case, where the case for the second knowledge base is the original case plus any first KBS exceptions. If the warning should not be given and the second KBS rule is confirmed, the attribute values allowed for the rule would simply be updated. If the warning should have been given then the first KBS is updated. We are not concerned with the case where the change in data is a new exception from the first KBS as this would have resulted in a warning regardless of the second KBS rule we are considering.

We have not tested this refinement yet. It is clear from expert comments that it would be simple to acquire rules to override exceptions, but we have no insight as to whether second level exception mechanisms would be useful in practice.

False Negatives

The more important issue is the number of errors that were not warned about. The warning mechanism is clearly very effective as an aid for knowledge acquisition, but the false negative rate is too high even in the Garvan data if this is to be used to eliminate brittleness, to ensure no undetected errors get through. Such error detection is probably beyond human competence, but it clearly should be a goal for a KBS.

One obvious solution would be to provide a table for a pair of attributes, with a cell for each attribute value pair. As particular combinations of attribute value pairs occur the table would be filled in. If a pair of values for a so far empty cell occured a warning would be generated. Such tables could also be higher dimensionality and a table would be required for every possible combination of attributes. This idea is derived from the techniques used in rough sets (Pawlak 1991). The problem with this approach is in deciding on an appropriate dimensionality. One would imagine for pathology data that two dimensions would probably be enough. It should be noted that in PEIRS the average rule had one to two conditions indicating that the combination of conditions that indicated an alternate conclusion was small. For Tic Tac Toe a three dimensional table would be essential. Such tables would require some effort in maintenance and would be very likely to increase the false positive rate so that more effort would be required for the second knowledge base. Secondly, the method assumes attributes with a small number of discrete values. If real numbers were being considered one would probably have to include simple mathematical relationships such as ratios, differences or whatever relationships may reveal exceptions.

An easier alternative to manage would be to keep all the cases that satisfied each rule, or at least keep an example of each different data profile that satisfied each rule. Again this assumes attributes with discrete values. Any cases which did not fit into an existing pattern would raise a warning. Presumably, a missing value would be assumed to have any value and so not generate a warning. One would again imagine the false positive rate to be high. However, it may be possible that this would decrease to acceptable levels after some time, and again a second KBS could be used.


In this study we also collected "credentials" (Edwards, et al. 1995). This is simply a notion of recording the number of cases that have satisfied a rule, the number of correction rules added and the rate at which correction rules have been added compared to cases seen. We believe that providing a table of such information along with the actual output will give the user a better feel for the reliability of a piece of knowledge. At very least it will clearly distinguish for the user between rules for which thousands of cases have been seen without any correction rules and the first few cases a new rule sees. However, there is little to report on this except that we have done it and believe it will be useful to users. We propose further analysis of the data to assess the credentials of rules in relation to their false negative and false positive error rates. Most earlier work on explanation has been concerned with semantics. However, in dealing with human experts we tend to have greater confidence in the person we believe has more experience. This approach is an attempt to provide this for a KBS.

Improving Knowledge Acquisition

As was noted in the methods section, RDR requires the expert to distinguish between two cases and MCRDR requires the present case to be distinguished from some, perhaps all of the stored cornerstone cases. Although this helps to ensure that development of the system is incremental, it is possible that the expert could select a rule which although it does not misclassify the cornerstone case, may misclassify other cases previous correctly handled by the rule. By using the data profile stored at each rule, one could ensure that only a rule which differentiated the present case from all cases previously seen could be added. Brian Gaines, from the early days of RDR, has in fact suggested that all cases seen should be stored and that all these cases should be used in constraining rule creation (personal communication).


With the fairly simple approach to identifying exceptions suggested here, there is no guarantee that all errors will be detetected. Secondly there is fairly clear a trade off between sensitivity and specificity. If the exception mechanism is improved to detect all exceptions without fail it will probably raise too many spurious warnings. However, despite the technique giving less than absolute confidence it would seem to be a major advance to have a system that can prompt that it needs knowledge and have cumulative undetected errors of less than 4% (and perhaps much lower) over the whole development process. If we use some of the techniques noted in the discussion to increase the sensitivity of the system to errors, but correct decreased specificity by use of a second knowledge base, even better performance may be produced perhaps getting close to the goal of a non-brittle KBS, despite the fact that the KBS is under development and known to have a lack of knowledge. At very least the method will be a useful aid in incremental knowledge acquisition.


This work has been supported by an Australian Research Council Grant. We are very grateful to Brian Gaines for making his Induct tool available for these studies.


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