The Ontolingua Server may be accessed through the URL
Explicit specifications of domain conceptualizations, called ontologies, are essential for the development and use of intelligent systems as well as for the interoperation of heterogeneous systems. They provide the system developer with both the vocabulary for representing domain knowledge and a core of domain knowledge (i.e., the descriptions of the vocabulary terms) to be represented. Ontologies inform the system user of the vocabulary that is available for interacting with the system and about the domain and the meaning that the system ascribes to terms in that vocabulary. Ontologies are also crucial for enabling knowledge-level interoperation of agents, since meaningful interaction among agents can occur only when they share a common interpretation of the vocabulary used in their communications. Finally, ontologies are useful in many ways for human understanding and interaction. For example, they can serve as the embodiment of (and reference for) a consensus reached by a professional community (e.g., physicians) on the meaning of a technical vocabulary that is to be used in their interactions (e.g., exchange of patient records).
Ontology construction is difficult and time consuming. This high development cost is a major barrier to the building of large scale intelligent systems and to widespread knowledge-level interactions of computer-based agents. Since many conceptualizations are intended to be useful for a wide variety of tasks, an important means of removing this barrier is to encode ontologies in a reusable form so that large portions of an ontology for a given application can be assembled from existing ontologies in ontology repositories.
We have been working to develop and disseminate effective easy-to-use tools for creating, evaluating, accessing, using, and maintaining reusable ontologies (Fikes et al. 1991). We have developed a set of tools and services to support not only the development of ontologies by individuals, but also the process of achieving consensus on common ontologies by distributed groups. These tools make use of the world-wide web to enable wide access and provide users with the ability to publish, browse, create, and edit ontologies stored on an ontology server. The design of the web-based interface and the underlying infrastructure is detailed in (Rice et al. 1996). These tools and services provide many of the facilities that are crucial for promoting the use of ontologies and knowledge-level agent interaction including:
In Section 2 of this paper we discuss new features of the Ontolingua language that support assembly and reuse of existing ontologies from a repository. Section 3 addresses the design of our ontology editing tools. Section 4 presents empirical evidence regarding the usability of the Ontolingua Server and our experience supporting hundreds of users.
Figure1: Architecture of the Ontolingua Server. We have developed and deployed an ontology server that satisfies many of the requirements described in the previous section. To motivate the design and architecture of the system, consider the problem of constructing and using an ontology for therapeutic drugs (Gennari et al. 1995). Like many ontology projects, this is a substantial and challenging problem. No single expert has the expertise necessary to construct such an ontology. Thus, it is essential for experts to collaborate on construction. Furthermore, it is essential for prospective users of such an ontology to examine, evaluate, and critique it. These prospective users will be geographically distributed across a variety of organizations (e.g., hospitals, insurers, government agencies). Once this ontology has been built, it can be used in a number of ways. First, practitioners who want to be sure of a term's meaning can use it as a reference. Second, networked programmatic agents such as medical expert systems can query an Ontolingua Server at run-time. For instance, the T-Helper system (Gennari et al. 1995) can query an Ontolingua Server to determine the characteristics of therapeutic drugs (e.g., is zidovine an anti-retroviral drug?). Third, standalone programs can use ontologies as a skeleton for their own representations. In addition to knowledge-based systems, it would be valuable to provide a starting point for constructing database schema, and object-oriented programs.
The design and architecture of the Ontolingua Server supports these modes of use. Figure 1 shows a schematic view of the system. The leftmost box depicts the general-purpose Ontolingua editor and server. The server provides access to a library of ontologies, allows new ontologies to be created, and existing ontologies to be modified. There are three primary modes of interaction with the Ontolingua Server indicated by the three boxes on the right side of Figure 1.
First, remote distributed groups can use their web browsers to browse, build, and maintain ontologies stored at the server. The server interacts with them through the now wide-spread hypertext transfer protocol (HTTP) and hypertext language (HTML) used on the world wide web. This makes the server accessible by a very wide audience. Any user familiar with common web browsing tools such as NetScape Navigator(TM) or NCSA's Mosaic can browse, build, and maintain ontologies stored at the server. The server allows multiple users to work simultaneously on an ontology in a shared session. The editor provides a number of features to support collaborative work (e.g., notifications, comparison, shared change logs). The design of the web-based interface and the underlying infrastructure is detailed in (Rice et al. 1996).
Second, remote applications may query and modify ontologies stored at the server over the Internet. These programmatic interactions use a network API that extends the Generic Frame Protocol (Karp, Myers, and Gruber 1995) with a network interface. The network interface supports queries (e.g., is zidovudine an antiretroviral-drug) as well as updates (e.g., create a subclass of vector-quantity called 3d-vector-quantity).
Third, a user can translate an ontology into a format used by a specific
application (Gruber 1993). The resulting translation can be used in a number
of ways. For example, a CLIPS translation produces a set of class definitions
and inference rules that can run directly in a CLIPS-based application. An
Interface Definition Language (IDL) translation produces an IDL header file
that a CORBA compliant program can use to interact with an Object Request
Broker (ORB). A KIF translation produces a file of logical sentences that can
be used by a logic-based facilitator, such as the one fielded by CommerceNet to
draw inferences in response to client queries and to route these queries
correctly (Keller 1996).
The original Ontolingua language, as described in (Gruber 1993), was designed
to support the design and specification of ontologies with a clear logical
semantics. To accomplish this, Gruber started from KIF. KIF is a monotonic
first order logic with a simple syntax and some minor extensions to support
reasoning about relations. Gruber extended KIF with additional syntax to
capture intuitive bundling of axioms into definitional forms with ontological
significance; and a Frame Ontology to define object-oriented and
frame-language terms. The Ontolingua Server has extended the original language
in two ways. First, it provides explicit support for building ontological
modules that can be assembled, extended, and refined in a new ontology.
Second, it makes an explicit separation between an ontology's
presentation and representation.
The original Ontolingua language provided limited support for defining ontological modules in the form of a tree of named ontologies. As we shall see in Section 2.1, our users found this simple model to be inadequate in several ways. Furthermore, the module system did not have a clearly articulated semantics; this was in sharp conflict with the basic goals of the language. We have subsequently introduced a new inclusion model which makes a clear separation between the set of axioms in an ontology and the input-output behavior of an implementation that must translate sequences of characters into axioms.
The separation of presentation and representation has always been implicit in Ontolingua's translation approach to sharing ontologies. In the current system, however, the explicit recognition of this distinction has become a key notion. The representation, the underlying meaning, of an ontology is always defined by a set of KIF axioms. In Ontolingua, the representation is always simple, clear, and unambiguous. The presentation is the manner in which these KIF axioms are viewed and manipulated by a user. Designing a good presentation involves user expectations and assumptions. It may even be complex, murky, redundant, and ambiguous -- if that is what the user wants or what the semantics of a translation target demands.
As we shall see in Section 3, the presentation in the Ontolingua Server's browsing and editing environment, in particular, is tailored for object-oriented or frame-language descriptions of the world. We hope that users find the presentation clear, but we guarantee that each statement corresponds unambiguously to a KIF axiom. The vocabulary used in this presentation is defined in the Frame Ontology. The Frame Ontology defines terms including class, subclass-of, slot, slot-value-type, slot-cardinality, facet, and so on. If an ontology is defined using this vocabulary, the Ontolingua Server can present it in a form that many users find quite palatable.
A key property of the extended Ontolingua Language and its presentation in the Ontolingua Server is that axioms that do not fit into the frame language are allowed. There is no restriction on expressiveness. This is extremely important for an ontology development environment. In contrast with an inference tool or a traditional knowledge representation tool for which tractability is paramount, an ontology development tool must support expression. For example, if a user wishes to state the disjunction that a pass grade is equivalent to an A, B, or C, an ontology development environment must allow her to state it.
The Ontolingua Server, however, must operate on ontologies and, for instance, translate them into less expressive languages. For this reason, the editing environment encourages users to stay within the relatively simple frame sublanguage. Commands for creating subclasses, adding slots, constraining slot values, and so on, are easy to find and use. The frame-language axioms are presented simply and concisely. It is possible, however, for users to write arbitrary KIF axioms. Even if, in the extreme case, an axiom is untranslatable, it will still serve as an important formal specification of the authors intention. Indeed, because KIF, and consequently Ontolingua, is monotonic, performing weaker translations will still retain their correctness.
To summarize, the underlying representation for an ontology is a set of KIF
axioms. These sentences are projected through a variety of lenses to produce
the editor's frame pages, HTML documents, LOOM knowledge bases, Prolog clauses,
and objects that can be manipulated using the (N)GFP. A rich infrastructure,
not described in this paper, allows a new projection to be assembled from
Assembling an Ontology
We want ontologies to be practical and useful artifacts. This means that the
effort required to construct new ontologies must be minimized and the overall
effort required to construct an ontology must be amortized over multiple uses
and users. We enable ontology writers to reuse existing ontologies in a
flexible and powerful way. In this section, we show how the Ontolingua Server
allows users to reuse existing ontologies from a modular structured library by
inclusion, polymorphic refinement, and restriction.
2: There are many relationships between ontologies.
Formally, ontologies in our system are specifications of axiomatic logical
theories. An ontology specification consists of a vocabulary of non-logical
symbols and a set of KIF axioms that constrain the acceptable referents of
those symbols. An Ontolingua user specifies these axioms in the form of
definitions of classes, relations, functions, and constants. Non-logical
symbols are the names of relations, functions, and constants. In this
section, we describe our approach to providing ontology reuse in terms of
operations on sets of axioms and the non-logical symbols that occur in them.
Figure 2 shows several motivating examples that are drawn from our ontology building experience. Example 1 shows the simplest relation between ontologies: inclusion. The author of a National Semiconductor product ontology needs to represent basic information about products, prices, services, and so on. She wants to include the entire contents of the generic product ontology from the ontology library without modification.[1] In Example 2, we see that specialized ontologies may make simplifying assumptions that restrict the included axioms. For example, in the integer-arithmetic ontology, all numbers are restricted to be integers. In Example 3, the author wishes to extend the addition operator + in two distinct ways. The library contains axioms about the addition operator in the KIF-numbers ontology (e.g., it is associative, commutative, has 0 as an identity element, etc.). She wishes to extend the addition operator to apply to vectors in one ontology and to apply to strings in another ontology -- we refer to this operation as polymorphic refinement. In Example 4, we see that the inclusion relations between ontologies may be circular. We consider two ontologies: one for medicine and another for sports. The medical ontology will need to refer to a variety of terms from the sports ontology (e.g., roller-blading is a leading cause of wrist fractures in teens) and the sports ontology must also refer to medical terms (e.g., weight-lifters may use anabolic steroids to increase muscle growth). We must handle this sort of relationship carefully because the ontology designers do not want either ontology to be polluted by the non-logical symbols from the other.
Many knowledge representation systems have addressed these issues in one way or another. Before turning to our solution, we will discuss some of the approaches that others have used, illustrate some of their shortcomings, and use them to motivate our novel design choices.
The easiest and simplest approach is to provide no explicit support for modularizing represented knowledge -- let the author beware. For instance, the THEO system (Mitchell et al. 1989) uses a single knowledge base and a single set of axioms. In some sense, this enables Examples 1, 3, and 4 to be represented, but it has two key drawbacks: First, it is impossible to restrict definitions (Example 2). Second, by eliminating modularity, it makes understanding and evaluating ontologies a nightmare. Authors using systems like this often resort to lexical conventions to discriminate between symbols (e.g., +@kif-numbers, +@vectors, +@strings). Without automated support, such conventions are difficult to enforce. Furthermore, enforcing them may not even be desirable. In Example 3, the axioms in the vectors ontology are about the same + operator as the axioms in kif-numbers.
A fairly common extension is to allow a directed acyclic graph (DAG) of inclusion relations between "theories" such as provided by Genesereth's Epikit. That mechanism supports modularity, restrictions, and incompatible augmentations. It has two drawbacks: First, no cycles are allowed among theories. As we have seen, it is both natural and desirable to have cyclic relationships between terms in ontologies.[2] Second, in its simple form, this mechanism results in unnecessary name conflicts. For instance, an ontology for scientific course work might include ontologies for chemistry and academics, both of which define tests, but in different ways. There must be a way of discriminating between tests in chemistry and tests in academics.
The LOOM system provides a DAG of inclusion relationships, but extends the simple approach by allowing references to non-logical symbols in ontologies that have not been included. Referencing a symbol in an unincluded ontology, however, does not include all of the axioms from that ontology, but only minimal type information. This conflates the declarative semantics, as defined by the axioms, with pragmatic information about which axioms to apply during problem solving.
There are two distinct aspects to our solution: (1) the inclusion model which defines how axioms and non-logical symbols are included in new ontologies, and (2) the input and output model which defines the relationship between character strings input by (or output to) the user and non-logical symbols in the ontologies.
The Ontolingua Server eliminates symbol conflicts among ontologies in its internal representation by making the symbol vocabulary of every ontology disjoint from the symbol vocabulary of all other ontologies. That is, in the internal representation, the symbol S in the vocabulary of ontology A is a different symbol from the symbol S in ontology B.
Given that symbol vocabularies are disjoint, the Ontolingua Server can assume in its internal representation that the translation used in all inclusion relationships is the identity translation. Therefore, in the internal representation, including an ontology A in an ontology B simply means adding the axioms of A to the axioms of B .
Note that in this model of ontology inclusion, cyclic inclusion graphs are not a problem since the only effect of ontology inclusion is to union sets of axioms.
If an ontology A contains an axiom that references a symbol in the vocabulary of an ontology B, then B is considered to be included in A. the Ontolingua Server allows users to state explicit inclusion relationships between ontologies and implicitly creates inclusion relationships based on symbol references in axioms.
"... no more complex than the Common Lisp package system"The semantic model introduced above provides a powerful, simple, and unambiguous way for ontologies to be assembled and reused. However, in order to eliminate ambiguity, it requires symbols to be given clumsy extended unique names that may be unknown to the user. Moreover, it does not allow a user to perform important operations such as renaming symbols from included ontologies or selectively controlling which symbols are to be imported from included ontologies or exported to other ontologies. The Ontolingua Server solves these problems with additional capabilities that are a part of its facilities for converting symbol references in input/output text to and from the internal symbol representation.
-- James Rice
Ontolingua requires that any non-logical symbol referred to in an input or output stream be defined in some ontology and be assigned a name. The ontology in which a symbol is defined is called that symbol's home ontology. Similarly, each ontology has a name that uniquely distinguishes it from any other ontology.
The Ontolingua Server interprets a symbol reference in an input stream or produces a symbol reference in an output stream from the perspective of a given ontology. For example, if the symbol S is defined in ontology A and also defined in ontology B, then from the perspective of ontology A, the input text "S" is interpreted as "the symbol named S defined in ontology A", whereas from the perspective of ontology B, the input text "S" is interpreted as "the symbol named S defined in ontology B".
The perspective from which any given symbol reference is to be interpreted can be explicitly specified by attaching a suffix to the symbol name consisting of the character "@" following by the name of an ontology. So, for example, the symbol named S interpreted from the perspective of ontology A can be explicitly referred to as "S@A". A symbol reference that includes the @<<ontology name>> suffix is said to be a fully qualified reference. Fully qualified references enable symbols defined in any ontology to be referenced in any other ontology.
The Ontolingua Server input/output system provides a symbol renaming facility that allows a user to assign a name to a symbol which is local to the perspective of a given ontology. A renaming is specified by a rule that includes an ontology name, a symbol reference, and a name that is to be used as the local name of the given symbol from the perspective of the given ontology. Given such a renaming rule, the system will recognize the local name as a reference to the given symbol when processing input in the given perspective, and will use the local name to refer to the given symbol when producing output from the given perspective. So, for example, a renaming rule might specify that in ontology A, the local name for auto@vehicles is to be car. This facility enables an ontology developer to refer to symbols from other ontologies using names that are appropriate to a given ontology and to specify how naming conflicts among symbols from multiple ontologies are to be resolved.
For convenience of input and parsimony of output, the @<<ontology name>> suffix can be omitted from symbol references when the symbol name itself is unambiguous from the intended perspective. In particular, a given symbol can be referred to from the perspective of an ontology A simply as S if and only if the given symbol:
We now describe the mechanisms for importing symbols into an ontology.
Each defined symbol is designated as being public or as being private to the ontology in which it is defined. The system considers symbols to be public by default so that users can ignore the public/private distinction until they encounter or want to define private symbols.[3]
The Ontolingua Server associates with each ontology a set of ontologies whose public symbols are imported into the ontology. User commands are available for editing that set of ontologies. However, in order to simplify the use of this symbol importing mechanism, by default the Ontolingua Server automatically adds to this set any ontology that is explicitly included. Thus, users can ignore the distinction between symbol importing and explicit inclusion until they want to override that default.
In order to provide control over the importing of individual symbols, the Ontolingua Server associates with each ontology a set of shadowed symbols that are blocked from being imported into the ontology. That set of shadowed symbols overrides symbols in the set of imported ontologies in that a symbol is imported into an ontology A only if the symbol is a public symbol defined in an ontology that A imports and is not shadowed in A, or the symbol is a public symbol in an ontology that does not import, but is imported by means of an identity renaming (e.g., S@A goes to S@B)
The Ontolingua Server uses the shadowing mechanism to prevent ambiguities from occurring in the text form of symbol references by automatically blocking the importation into an ontology of any symbols which would have the same text form in that ontology's perspective. Thus, if there is a symbol that can be referred to by S from the perspective of ontology A, a different symbol that can be referred to by S from the perspective of ontology B, and the public symbols from both ontologies A and B are imported into ontology C, then the Ontolingua Server automatically adds S@A and S@B to C's list of shadowed symbols in order to prevent "S" from being an ambiguous symbol reference from the perspective of ontology C. This automatic shadowing occurs irrespective of the order in which the definitions and inclusion relationships are specified. So, for example, if the inclusion relationship between ontologies A and C already exists when a symbol that can be referred to by S@A is defined, then S will be added to the set of symbols shadowed in ontology C at the time S@A is defined.
Using Ontolingua, the ontology inclusion relationship in Example 1 would be explicitly established by the developer of the National Semiconductor Products ontology either as part of the definition of that ontology or as an editing operation after the ontology has been defined. Given that inclusion relationship, public symbols from the Generic Products ontology, such as Service-Agreement, whose names do not conflict with other recognized names in the perspective of the National Semiconductor ontology would, by default, be imported into the National Semiconductor Products ontology and therefore could be referred to from the perspective of that ontology by their names (e.g., Service-Agreement) without the @GenericProducts suffix.
The circular dependencies in the Medicine and Sports ontologies of Example 2 would be established and presented by using fully qualified names to refer to symbols from the perspective of the other ontology. For example, in the Medicine ontology, roller-blading would be referred to as roller-blading@sports, and in the Sports ontology, steroid tests would be referred to as steroid-tests@medicine. The reference to roller-blading in the Medicine ontology will cause the axioms of the home ontology of the symbol roller-blading@sports to be implicitly included in the Medicine ontology, but would not cause the public symbols from the Sports ontology to be imported into the Medicine ontology.
The polymorphic refinement of + in Example 3 is a case in which some
of the subtle properties of implicit ontology inclusion become apparent. If
ontology X does not explicitly include the vectors,
strings, or numbers ontologies, then references to
+@vectors and +@strings in X will cause numbers to
be implicitly included in X, but will not cause Vectors or
Strings to be included since both +@vectors and
+@strings refer to a symbol whose home ontology is Numbers.
If the vector addition axioms of ontology Vectors and/or the string
addition axioms of ontology Strings are to be included in ontology
X, then the user must state the inclusion relationship explicitly.
Our goal was to create a general environment to facilitate the development and
sharing of ontologies. Such an environment must assist the user in the basic
development tasks of browsing, creating, maintaining, sharing, and using
ontologies. We also realized that many of our users desire to develop
ontologies through a consensus process; therefore, we also needed to provide
tools to help people collaborate during the development of their ontologies.
In this section, we will discuss the features implemented in our web-based
ontology environment which provide assistance with basic development tasks,
facilitate collaboration, and improve ease-of-use.
3: A screen image from the Ontolingua Server's browsing
environment showing the class definition Automobile in the
vehicles ontology.
When users examine an entire ontology, they often want to see information
about a term that is inferable from the definition of other terms. To support
this feature, the Ontolingua Server performs the limited set of inferences are
typically provided by frame-based representation systems. These include
inheritance from classes to subclasses and instances, inverses, limited
transitivity, and so on. Information that was directly asserted is visually
distinguished from inferred information. The direct assertions appear in a
roman font and inferred information appears in italics. The user can see where
the inferred information was directly asserted by pressing a button labeled
"GO" attached to each piece of inferred information.
4: The class/slot and class/instance browsers provide a compact
overview of set of ontologies. Only objects in the selected ontologies are
The Ontolingua Server provides class/subclass browsers that display an entire
hierarchy in a compact fashion to give the user a quick overview of an
ontology. Rather than using a node and arc graphic display, the hierarchy is
displayed in an indented text form with widgets that allow subtrees to be
closed or opened (see Figure 4). The class browser interacts with the ontology
inclusion graph. The user can select the set of ontologies whose contents
should be included in the hierarchy. The user can also focus the display on a
single class to reduce clutter in large ontologies. For moderate sized
ontologies (150-1000 definitions), we find the indented text format preferable
to a graphic display. Furthermore, the textual display substantially reduces
the number of bytes required to describe the hierarchy. This results in
improved performance for our networked tools.
Figure 5: Users edit definitions by selecting one of the edit gadgets (pens, or addition icons). An input field is snipped into the page at the appropriate location. The appearance of the editing and browsing modes are as similar as possible.Commands which don't fit into this paradigm appear as menu options at the top of the screen. For example, commands for creating new terms appear on these menus. The user can select which type of term to create, and an appropriate form will prompt the user for information about the new term.
Informal documentation is an important part of making ontologies maintainable. The Ontolingua Server supports special keywords within the informal documentation known as notes. A user can assign a keyword such as example, verified-by, see-also, modification-by, and formerly-named to provide more structure to the informal documentation.
The Ontolingua Server also provides several tools for searching for terms within ontologies in the library. A user may choose the general search facility which allows them to use wild-cards in searching the entire library for terms whose name matches the specified pattern. Context-sensitive searching is also available whenever the user needs to fill in the name of a term such as when adding a value to a slot. In context-sensitive searching, constraints on which terms are appropriate are used to limit the search.
The Ontolingua Server uses a notion of users and groups that is typical in most multi-user file systems. As with file systems, read and write access to ontologies is controlled by the ontology owner giving access to specific groups. This mechanism supports both access protection as well as collaboration across groups of people who are defined within the ontology development environment.
The server provides support for simultaneous work through group sessions. When a user opens a session, she may assign a group ownership to it. This enables any other members of that group to join the session and work simultaneously on the same set of ontologies. A notification mechanism informs each user of the changes that other users have made. Notifications are hyperlinked to the changed definitions and describe changes in terms of basic operations such as add, delete, and modify (e.g., "Farquhar added the slot motor-of to the class vehicle"). The synchronous nature of the web protocols makes this sort of notification somewhat clumsy -- the Server cannot notify users that a change has occurred until they visit a new page. Recent advances in client-side tools, however, are relaxing these restrictions.
To make the interface simple, the Ontolingua Server provides four basic types of pages: the table of contents for the ontology library, ontology summary pages, frame pages (for classes, relations or instances), and the class browser. The Ontolingua Server provides a wide variety of other features to make the environment easy to use. The hyperlinked environment has made it easy to provide tutorials, on-line documentation, and context-sensitive help that can be selected at any time. In addition, the Server allows the user to undo or redo any number of modifications they made to the ontology since they last saved it.
Research organizations such as KSL have limited resources to devote to maintaining, documenting, and distributing software. In general, we would rather invest our energies in adding new functionality than in porting to yet one more platform or idiosyncratic hardware and software configuration. Furthermore, the users of research software would rather invest their time and energy evaluating and using it than in downloading, configuring, and compiling. We also save them from buying the necessary software licenses and hardware platform needed to support our software.
There have been numerous other benefits: users who are already familiar with their web browsers can use the Ontolingua Server right away. The constrained interface afforded through HTML has actually had positive effects on our interface design -- it is much cleaner and more streamlined than it might otherwise have been. Useful context-sensitive hypertext documentation is accessible by any user through the same web interface. Our custom HTTP server was easily extended to handle other network protocols such as the Network GFP. The modular state and session organization was easily extended to support several other network services, that are not described here (but are also available through
Evaluating the impact that the Ontolingua Server has had on specific projects is rather difficult. We have not yet engaged in any formal study and the logging information that we have kept has been limited. This is partly by design and partly due to the nature of the system. We want users to feel confident about the privacy of their data and interactions with the server. This is especially important for industrial users. It is also not yet clear what sorts of information would be useful to log. Most web servers maintain a complete log of all URLs that are requested from them. This allows them to determine usage patterns such as how often specific documents are examined. In the Ontolingua Server, however, things are not so simple. The URLs that go in and out of the Ontolingua Server encode each request with an identifier that is unique to the command, user, and session. A record of these identifiers would be useless (like recording hash keys for hash tables that have subsequently been cleared). Furthermore, the pages that users access do not come from any fixed set of files on a server. Users create, modify, and delete new objects while they work. In this effectively infinite space of objects, there is relatively little overlap between users. Thus, recording the objects that were visited might be of little interest. Although it might be interesting to record command executions, the Ontolingua Server supports over 500 distinct commands, and the current command architecture makes it difficult to draw any coherent picture of user activity from this sort of log. An important next step is to determine meaningful instrumentation that will help us evaluate the impact that the editor has on collaborative activities.
Nonetheless, we do have a base level of instrumentation that allows us to draw some inferences about the overall patterns of usage and activity.
The Ontolingua Server has been extremely reliable. Since its public announcement at the start of February 1995, the server has been available 99.89% of the time. Including scheduled downtime for hardware and software upgrades, the total downtime has been typically less than one hour per month. A typical period of uninterrupted service is two weeks, and multi-day sessions are common for our active users. This high level of reliability is essential if we expect remote users to make use of our tools and services.
The Ontolingua Server has reached a wide audience with an acceptable level of
continued use. Although we believe that ontologies are becoming increasingly
useful and important for a number of purposes, the Ontolingua Server is still a
research vehicle that is relevant to a very narrow range of people. Thus, we
should not expect usage levels to approach that of very general purpose web
sites such as Lycos. Furthermore, announcements of the Ontolingua Server have
only been made to fairly focused mailing lists of researchers interested in
Ontolingua, Shareable Reusable Knowledge Bases, and Qualitative Reasoning.
Nonetheless, as Figure 6 indicates, the number of registered users has grown
steadily and currently exceeds 1000.
6: The number of new users registering each month from January
1995 through May 1996 indicates strong and continuing interest.
Clearly, the number of users does not tell the full story. Figure 7 shows the
distribution of users according to the total number of requests they have made.
As we would expect, the largest group of users are the ones that have simply
surfed by, executed a small number of requests, and moved on. Examining 50
pages or so requires some investment of time and energy. These users are
clearly evaluating the system and exploring some of its capabilities. This
level of activity would also be consistent with colleagues or superiors looking
at an ontology author's work. Executing 51-500 requests is sufficient to
construct sample ontologies and do student level representation exercises.
These users are developing a strong sense for the system and its capabilities.
Finally, there are the users who have issued thousands of requests. These are
our serious users, many of whom are doing substantial ontology development.
The shape of this graph has remained fairly stable over time.
7: Users are grouped by the number of requests
they make.
Figure 8 shows the distribution of requests by top-level Internet domain. This
graph underestimates the amount of European use, because it does not include
figures from the mirror site that was established in Madrid in November, 1995.
At that point, many of the European users switched to the mirror site to
benefit from improved bandwidth. Approximately 20 percent of the 734,000
requests logged came from KSL users. While the overwhelming majority of
requests have been issued by U.S. educational users, there have been a
substantial number issued by U.S. commercial users (COM) and active groups have
been established in Europe, Great Britain, and Japan.
8: Number of requests by Internet domain.[4]
The usage patterns are consistent with our expectations and with those
generally found in the software industry. Only a small percent of the people
who try the Ontolingua Server end up using it on a regular basis. The rest try
it and move on, although some of these return later when they need the
capabilities of an Ontolingua Server.
Evaluating the work done with the Ontolingua Server and its impact on collaboration is difficult. It is clear, however, that users are constructing substantial ontologies. The subject matter of the user contributed ontologies is varied. The more mature ontologies include metadata for genome database integration, satellite image metadata, enterprise integration, products and product catalogs, oscilloscopes, semiconductors, robotics, solid modeling, drugs, medical terminology, the IEEE standard 1175 for tool interconnections, and many others. Some of the larger ontologies, such as the one for medical terminology, which contains over two thousand definitions, have been imported from existing projects. Others, such as the IEEE 1175 ontology, which contains over one hundred and forty definitions, have been constructed entirely through interactions with the Ontolingua Server.
In addition to ontology construction efforts, the Ontolingua Server is also being used in projects to provide run-time access to ontologies. The T-Helper medical application is an outpatient computer-based record system for patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). In order to determine if patients are eligible to participate in clinical trials, it uses an ontology of drug types and specific drugs. It queries the Ontolingua Server to help determine if drug-related eligibility criteria are met (Gennari et al. 1995). The SHADE project is addressing many information system interoperability issues. The Ontolingua Server has been used to define several large ontologies for satellite image metadata (e.g., for the Federal Geospatial Metadata Standard, the Terramar satellite image database). Client-side tools are being developed to view the metadata and define mapping relations between concepts in them. These client-side tools extract the concept definitions from the ontologies stored on the Server.
The level of use that the Ontolingua Server has experienced indicates that the system is filling an important niche and that we are meeting our goal of reaching a wide audience and providing it with reliable useful tools for building and using ontologies.
We presented an inclusion model for ontologies that enables users to assemble new ontologies rapidly from existing ones in a repository. This model makes a clean separation between its simple formal semantics and the input/output properties of the system that uses it. The formal model handles simple inclusion, polymorphic refinement, restrictions, and circular inclusion dependencies. The input/output model yields succinct readable external representations and is transparent to users.
We described our web-based ontology editing environment (Rice et al. 1996) that is integrated with the Ontolingua Server and that incorporates this inclusion model. In addition to providing individual users with a rich many-featured editing environment, this server also supports collaboration between distributed groups of users, and provides access to a growing repository of ontologies. The Ontolingua Server also provides a vital publishing medium for ontologies because hypertext pointers can reliably point to any document in the publicly accessible library of ontologies.
Finally, we presented empirical evidence that our approach to disseminating and providing tools to promulgate the use of ontologies is effective. Our tools and the infrastructure that supports them have been extremely reliable (with a 99.9% uptime). The infrastructure scales well and currently supports several hundred users without performance problems. Users have been able to construct substantial ontologies with the web-based editor including ontologies with many hundreds of definitions. Several of these construction efforts have been collaborative with users distributed world-wide. The server architecture also supports programmatic queries from remote software agents that interrogate the server about the definitions of terms in ontologies and possibly modify them.
Constructing ontologies is a difficult, time-consuming process. The tools that we have been developing help to amortize this effort across many users and multiply the benefits across many uses.
The Ontolingua Server is available for public use through
We would also like to acknowledge the valuable contributions of Wanda Pratt, Rupert Brauch, and the users of Ontolingua Server.
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