KAW98 Author's Guide

There are four very important things to note about KAW98 final submissions:-

Manuscript Due Date

The manuscript is due 1st March 1998. Papers received after this date or not formatted as described below will not be included in the proceedings. Please allow plenty of time for the mail systems, especially if you are not mailing from North America.

The KAW98 proceedings will be published on the web to ensure widespread access to the KA community world wide. In addition the papers will be printed in a conference proceedings supplied to all participants.

Web Version of Manuscript

The web papers should be in HTML as a single file with links to associated images (For LaTeX use the switch: latex2html -split 0 to achieve this). LaTeX2HTML and RTFtoHTML each do an excellent job of converting TeX and Word files to HTML, respectively. They now cope well with embedded math.

The simplest way of making the submission available is to send the URL to Brian Gaines (gaines@cpsc.ucalgary.ca). Otherwise tar a web paper and its associated images, compress it, name it with the first author's last name (e.g. Smith.tar.Z) and ftp it to:-


and send email gaines@cpsc.ucalgary.ca to say it has been put up.

Paper Version of Manuscript

Prepare the paper version according to the format below and mail it together with your workshop registration and fee to:

Camille Sinanan, KAW'98
Dept Computer Science
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2N 1N4.

Camille can be reached by email at camille@cpsc.ucalgary.ca.

Length of Manuscript

Manuscripts are limited to 20 single-spaced pages (1 side) including abstract, figures, tables, and references. Use 8.5 x 11 inch sheets. Margins should be 1 inch on each side, and 1 inch top and bottom. Type size should be 12 point.

If you have to use A4 paper then you can achieve this format by a 1 inch margin at the top, a 1.5 inch margin at the bottom, a 0.75 inch margin at the left and a 1 inch margin at the right (when we copy to 8.5 x 11 it will be correct).


Single spacing should be used. Leave one line or one half-line between the end of a paragraph and the next heading. Do not use indented paragraphs.

Page numbers and identification

Write the author's last name and the page number in pencil on the back of each page of the manuscript. Type the page number on the front of each manuscript sheet at the bottom centred commencing with 1. Ensure that the number of pages is even by adding a blank page if necessary

Contents format

The general format should be: title, name, institution with full postal address of author(s), email address (if applicable), major headings, subheadings, acknowledgments and references. Papers will be reproduced as submitted for distribution at the workshop and the pre-print volume; please take care in presentation.

Title page

There is a special format for the first page. It should contain:


The abstract should be a single paragraph of about 100 words. Briefly indicate the topic being dealt with, the basic methods, and perhaps the main conclusions.


Begin to type the paper on a new line underneath the abstract.


Major headings should be typed in upper case, in bold, and placed flush left on a separate line.

Subheadings should be typed in upper and lower case, in bold, and place flush left on a separate line.

Sub-subheadings should be typed in upper and lower case, in bold, and run-in at the beginning of the paragraph.

Tables and figures should be either typed or pasted in place in the text of the manuscript. Each should have a number and caption, and be referenced in the text. Type captions directly under tables of figures. Leave one clear line before continuing with the text.


References should be in the following formats: in the text, authors' names should appear together with the year, e.g. (Shark and Shark, 1989) or (Bearbiten, 1967; Mug, Wump, and Axotl, 1970). Do NOT use numbers or peculiar abbreviations -- they make the paper much more difficult to read.

In the the bibliography, list references in alphabetical order with the titles of journals cited in full. All author's or editor's names should be given, each followed by the initials, followed by "Eds." in parentheses if appropriate, followed by the year in parentheses. This should be followed by: for journals - journal, volume number, issue number in parentheses; for books - location of publisher, publisher; for papers in books - editors, inclusive page numbers, location of publisher, publisher. Examples follow:

Bear, G. R. (1981). The Elicitation and Capture of Workshop Attendees, Banff: McClaw-Hill.

Boose, J. H., and Gaines, B. R. (2062). Reviewing Workshop Papers in a Hostile Environment: Duck and Cover Techniques, special issue on the 75th Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop, 2061, Part 12, International Journal of Man- Machine Studies, Vol. 102, No. 13.

Bradshaw, J. M. (1883). Top-brain / Bottom-brain: Integrating Indecision Analysis, Left Field Theory, Personal Destruct Theory, and Knowledge Capture and Imprisonment in Chess End Game Avoidance, in P. T. Barnum, D. Minus, and Z. Roe (Eds.), Bear Pacification, an Artificial Intelligence Approach, New York: Grizzly Publishing.

LaTeX Style Files

For those still using LaTeX rather than a decent document processor Richard Benjamins has contributed style files that should produce the above (margins are for A4 paper): kaw.sty and kaw.bst.

gaines@cpsc.ucalgary.ca 22-Feb-98

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