Children's development of Constructs

David Nightingale (
7 Oct 1994 8:06:12 +0000

To all members of the pcp list:

I have a colleague, interested in researching children's development
of constructs, who has searched the literature and turned up very
little. Do members of the list know of any material that would be
relevant to such a study? It seems that not much has been done in
this area.

All the best, Dave N

David Nightingale
School of Human and Health Sciences
The University of Huddersfield Voice: (0484) 472461
Queensgate Fax: (0484) 472794
Huddersfield HD1 3DH (UK) Email:

And diff'ring judgements serve but to declare
That truth lies somewhere, if we knew but where. W. Cowper