Re: your research efforts

Jack Gerber (
Fri, 14 Oct 1994 20:46:57 -0400 (EDT)

On 14 Oct 1994, A. J. Zolten wrote:

> I wonder if you have considered using the Rorchach percepts as
> elements in your construct elicitation technique? More specifically,
> take the first 15 or so percepts and place them as elements across
> the top of the grid, and ask your subjects to come up with their
> bipolar constructs.
> >From there, you could do several things. One might be to compare
> their constructs with constructs generated by thee traditional
> technique. Another might be replace the elements with self-aspects,
> and then have the subject fill out the grid. This technique of
> replacing elements is what Joe Doster does in his "community of
> selves" repgrid, which provides the interpreter a map of
> interrelations of the subjects' self perceptions. Using Rorschach
> percepts seems to me to be a good way to generate dynamic construction
> (I hesitate to say unconcious, or submerged as they don't really fit).
> I hope that others on the network respond with their comments as well,
> AJ
I'm not completely sure I understand the suggestion. I'm a bit rusty on
the technique as I have been involved with other work for several years.
If I understand this correctly, you are suggesting I take some of the
subject's own responses and let them come up with the pertinant scales
(constructs) to rate them on as in a classic repertory grid.

The problem with this is that this is a highly individualized technique
which would not allow comparisons to ratings given by other subjects. It
wouldn't shed light on whether subjects placed percepts in the same area
on a common construct space. The original hypothesis was that the
responses subjects chose have something in common which would be revealed
by a common placement in the "space" created by the underlying factors.
Unless different subjects can be compared by their placement of the
percepts in the same semantic space, there is no way to evaluate this.

As I write this response I realize that I could ask subjects to develop a
series of constructs for thier percepts and then find out what all the
-constructs- had in common. It might reveal the same thing. If I then used
the constructs in a multi-dimensional scaling I might find a back door.

I would appreciate any comments on this off-the-wall idea.
