Grid Software references

Hemant Desai (
Mon, 17 Oct 1994 23:31:02 -0500 (CDT)

Peter Caputi wrote:

> An excellent review of computer packages for grid analysis and
> elicitation was presented by Sewell et al in the International Journal
> of Personal Construct Psychology, 1992, Volume5, No1.
> Peter

Thanks, Peter. Calvin, good luck with your project! Do let the list
know of your progress. A couple more references on grid programs:

There is also a good overview of repertory grid computer software
programs in Michael Bringmann's article "Computer based methods
for the analysis and interpretation of personal construct systems".
In Neimeyer, R.A., & Neimeyer, G.J. (Eds). (1992). Advances in
Personal Construct Psychology, Vol 2. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press.

For developing such systems you might want to check Mildred Shaw's
work, in particular: Shaw, M.L.G. (1980). On becoming a personal
scientist: Interactive computer elicitaton of personal models of the
world. London: Academic Press.

Also nearly every issue of the *International Journal of Personal
Construct Psychology* (founded 1988, and now called Journal of
Constructivist Psychology) has had a page or two in the back which
describes computer software and repertory grid programs available.

Happy construing! Hemant Desai