Jonathan D Raskin (
Mon, 27 Feb 1995 14:16:05 -0500 (EST)

Hello. I'm starting to put together the next issue of NAPCN News and am
currently soliciting articles. There has been quite a lot posted recently
about upcoming pcp conferences, especially NAPCN '96 in Banff. Would
someone be willing to write a piece for NAPCN News with all vital info
regarding the Banff conference (potential dates, fees, a description of
Banff and the conference facilities, theme of the conference, etc.)?

If there are other topics that people feel NAPCN members might like to
know about, please forward brief articles to me. You can send me
articles via e-mail. My address is:

Thanks! Again, please send in new pieces and other information! I
really want to expand NAPCN News beyond its current scope. The more
people contribute interesting pieces to it, the better it will become!

