grid software

Chris Evans (
Mon, 12 Jun 1995 14:45:07 +0000

I have been asked to write a review of software packages for analysis
of repertory grids. I'm aware of a variety but would very much
appreciate as many people on the list as possible letting me know
what (if anything) they use. I'll get back to you if it's not a
package I know of.

Please reply to so we don't clog the bandwidth of
the list.

Many thanks, have fun in Barcelona those lucky people who are going

Chris Evans, Senior Lecturer, Psychotherapy Section, Dept.Ment.Health.Sci.,
St. George's Hosp.Med.Sch., University of London, London SW17 0RE, Britain.
Tel/fax.: (+44|0) 181 725 2540 Email:
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