Re: Introductory Comments

Robin Hill (BSRAH@TWP.AC.NZ)
Wed, 15 May 1996 09:29:10 +1300

Bob Parks,

If you wish to help students understand their own values, using as a
start point, the three value dimensions: equality-authority;
community-individual; and state-anarchy, then you may wish to try
Laddering Technique, rather than full blown Repertory Grid. Or,
alternatively, some of the construct elaboration techniques, such as
Pyramid Technique or FVB Analysis. These techniques are described in
a number of places - but the best place to start is probably
Landfield & Epting (1987). There is a description of Laddering
Technique in the latest Vol. of Recent Advances in PCP.

I use these techniques quite frequently in the classroom, as a means
for expanding the meanings of terms and elaborating understanding of
them. They are simple to use on a whiteboard/blackboard. I use
these techniques for values clarification in vocational counselling

It is interesting that Devi has mentioned the work of Colin Eden, in
just the last posting that I read. Eden (1977) provides a model of
values that seems to be compatible with values clarification through
laddering technique.


Eden, C. (1977) Modelling the Influence of Decision Makers on the
future. _Futures_, _9_, 272-284

Hill, R.A. (1995), Content Analysis for creating and depicting
aggregated personal construct derived cognitive maps. In R.A.
Neimeyer & G.J. Neimeyer (Eds.) _Advances in Personal Construct
Psychology, Vol 3_. Greenwich, Connecticut: JAI Press. pp. 101-132.

Landfield, A.W. & Epting, F.R. (1987) _Personal Construct Psychology:
Clinical & Personality Assessment_. New York: Human Science Press.

Dr. Robin Hill

Senior Lecturer & Research Leader
Department of Business Studies
The Waikato Polytechnic
Private Bag 3036
Hamilton 2020
New Zealand

