
Chris Evans (
Tue, 15 Apr 1997 08:45:54 +0100

It's your harrassed list administrator's bulletin. _Please_ would
people who are losing their Email accounts or moving them unsubscribe
themselves before the axe falls. The Internet seems to be struggling
and I received 26 mail delivery failure messages in the last 24
hours. That's extreme but not the highest total ever and if I don't
take a note of each, what its complaint is, and log when that address
started complaining, the backlog of dead addresses builds up to the
30 odd it was when I took on this role (i.e. I was getting 30
delivery failure messages for every good message you'd all see on the

Hemant, who has never replied to any Email I've sent him since I took
on this task, has, according to the "postmaster" at his university,
moved from that job. I know nothing of his current whereabouts or
his interest, or otherwise, in this list so I have (feeling very big
and powerful, and a bit hurt!) removed him as co-"owner" (I don't
like that term and prefer "administrator" but the former is hardwired
into the mailbase software (something about obsessional "craziness"
on both sides there?!)

I'm looking for a co-administrator to take over after Hemant's
departure. Given mailbase's desire that these lists are seen to be
mainly for the benefit of the community, it should probably be
someone with a (or etc...) address. I don't mind
continuing to do the routine bit as I'm assimilating the
knowledge (and outline messages) to make that easier. What I
would really like is someone (or sometwo!) who is/are willing just to
watch the list daily (not always possible at weekends I accept) and
would alert mailbase if a "bounce" started up is the minimum

I'll look into "swapping" such holiday watching of lists with
administrators of the two other large mailbase lists to which I
belong if we don't have someone who wants to join me from within the
list so don't feel persecuted into volunteering!

Best wishes and creative construing to all!


Chris Evans, Senior Lecturer in Psychotherapy,
Locum Consultant to the
Prudence Skynner Family Therapy Clinic,
St. George's Hospital Medical School, London University
