Re: statistical question (somewhat obscure)

Miguel Sottomayor (
Wed, 24 Jun 1998 17:41:48 +0100 (BST)

Hello Seemo

I've recently used structural equation modelling (which, I suppose, it is
a different name for path analysis), and I find it very useful in testing
relationships between attitude scales. My interest was in testing causal
relationships between between different causes and dimensions of product
involvement, but I think it applies also to your case. I've used a package
called AMOS that works under SPSS and I found it very user friendly.

Here is a references that might be useful:
- Hoyle, Rick H.(editor) (1995) Structural Equation Modelling. Concepts,
Issues, and Applications. Sage: Thousand Oaks

On Wed, 24 Jun 1998,
Seemo wrote:

> I am a psychology student currently studying at University of London. I
> am at present attempting to design a study (for my final project)
> examining the causal relationship between self-concept of ability and
> academic achievement. I'm still trying to find the best way to design
> this study, since I don't have the time to conduct a study spanning over
> a period of a year or two (which would be the best course of action), I
> am considering instead of conducting the study over a two month period.
> My question arises here, when reviewing the literature, I came across
> the following statistical techniques: path analysis and cross-lagged
> panel correlations. Unfortunately, I have no personel experience of
> using these techniques. So I was wondering whether anyone has used
> these techniques previously, and would kindly inform of their thoughts
> and feelings about these statistical techniques (ie. ease of use,
> success etc...)
> Yours Sincerely, H. Sofraci

Miguel L. Sottomayor
PhD Student - Dept. Agricultural and Food Economics
University of Reading, 4 Earley Gate
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