Journal of Constructivist Psychology 1995

Volume 8, Number 2, 1995

Norah Vincent and Michael LeBow, Treatment Preference and Acceptability: Epistemology and Locus of Control

Mary Marsh and Robb Stanley, Assessment of Self and Others during Treatment for Anorexia Nervosa

A. D. Jankowicz, Negotiating Shared Meanings of the Management Process: A Discourse in Two Voices

Judith Stewart, Reconstruction of Self: Lifespan-Oriented Group Psychotherapy

Martin Fromm, Substituting: A Preparatory Step for the use of Grid Technique in CounselingBook Reviews

Kenneth W. Sewell, Sociality Lost: The Schizophrenic's Neurocognitive Dilemma [Review of Frith's Cognitive Neuropsychology of Schizophrenia]

Software Survey

April E. Metzler, Ratimer (1)

Volume 8, Number 3, 1995

Michael F. Mascolo & Carol Ann Dalto, Self and Modernity on Trial: A Reply to Gergen's Saturated Self

James Horley and Vernon L. Quinsey, Child Molesters' Construal of Themselves, Other Adults, and Children

Maureen Burke & Patricia Noller, Content Analysis of Changes in Self Construing during a Career Transition

Trevor Butt, The Ordinal Relationship between Constructs

Jack Adams-Webber, Constructivist Psychology and Knowledge Elicitation

David J. Dempsey & Robert A. Neimeyer, The Organization of Personal Knowledge: Convergent Validity of Implications Grids and Repertory Grids as Measures of System Structure

Book Review

Joel M. Martin and Barry V. Fortner, Self-Reflection and Examination in the Complex Postmodern World [Review of Orientation to Inquiry in a Reflective Professional Psychology by Lisa Tsoi Hoshmand]

Volume 8, Number 4, 1995

Constructivism in Psychotherapy: Limits and Lessons

Guest Editor: Alvin R. Mahrer

Alvin R. Mahrer, What Lessons Does Constructivism Have for the Field Of Psychotherapy? An Introduction And Some Of The Key Questions

Donald E. Polkinghorne, Piaget and Derrida's Contributions to a Constructivist Psychotherapy

Maurice Friedman, Constructivism, Psychotherapy, and the Dialogue of Touchstones

Maureen O'Hara, Is It Time For Clinical Psychology To Deconstruct Constructivism?

Barbara S. Held, The Real Meaning Of Constructivism

Arthur C. Bohart, Configurationism: Constructivism From an Experiential Perspective

Alvin R. Mahrer, A Solution to an Illusory Problem: Patients Construct Their Worlds; Versus, There Really is a Reality

Robert A. Neimeyer, Limits and Lessons of Constructivism: Some Critical Reflections

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