29 May to 2 June 1996, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Forty Years of Personal Construct Psychology: Achievements and Directions

Wed 29th May
 4:00 -  5:30    Registration and Coffee
 6:00            Dinner
 7:30            Welcome Reception and Registration

Thur 30th May
 9:00           Welcome and Introduction
 9:15 - 10:30   Invited Dialogue: Social Constructionism Meets Personal
                Construct Psychology, Hank Stam, University of Calgary & Jim 
                Mancuso, SUNY at Albany 
10:30 - 11:00   Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30   Dialogue Continued: Social Constructionism Meets Personal 
                Construct Psychology
12:30 -  2:00   Lunch
 2:00 -  3:30   Symposium: Educational Applications, Bonnie Shapiro (Chair),
                University of Calgary
                Personal Construct Changes As a Basis for Narrative Reflection
                in the Teacher Preparation Experience, Bonnie Shapiro, 
                University of Calgary
                Experienced and Less Experiened Faculty's Implicit Theories of 
                Academic Work, Carolin Kreber, Brock University
                Effecting change: A Constructivist Parent Training Cum 
                Therapeutic Program, Anita Leung, University of Hong Kong
                Tales from the Field: The Experience Cycle in Field Components 
                of Teacher Preparation, Suzanne Huffman, University of Memphis
                A View from the Grid: A Construct-Based Analysis of Novice's 
                and Expert's Repertory Grids in Mechanics, Laura Winer & 
                Jesus Vazquez-Abad, Universite de Montreal
 3:30 -  4:00   Coffee Break
 4:00 -  5:30   Symposium Continued: Educational Applications
 6:00           Dinner

Fri 31st May
 9:00 - 10:30   Invited Paper: Conceptual Challenges to Constructivist 
                Psychotherapy, Robert Neimeyer, University of Memphis
10:30 - 11:00   Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:30   Constructivism, Evolution and Survival, Jerald Forster, 
                University of Washington
11:30 - 12:00   Do Experienced Therapists Construe Patients Differently from 
                Inexperienced Therapists? Eileen Donahoe & David Romney, 
                University of Calgary
12:00 - 12:30   Impact of an Extended Orientation on International Students' 
                Adaptation to College, April Metzler & Donna Laughrin, 
                Lehigh University
12:30 -  5:30   Sightseeing Trip Around Banff, and Boat Trip on Lake 
                Minnewanka. Box Lunch
 6:00           Dinner

Sat 1st Jun
 9:00 -  9:30   Standardized Patients: A Fixed-role Therapy Experience in 
                Normal Individuals, Christel A. Woodward, McMaster University
 9:30 - 10:00   Evaluating 'Valuations' in Herman's Self Confrontation Method 
                (SCM), Finn Tschudi, University of Oslo
10:00 - 10:30   Stories Lived, Told And Sorted: Blending Narrative and Grid 
                Techniques Through Critical Episodes Methods, Suzanne Huffman, 
                University of Memphis
10:30 - 11:00   Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:30   On Testing the Commonality of Construing in Supplied Construct 
                Grids, Richard C Bell, University of Melbourne
11:30 - 12:30   Demo: WebGrid, Brian Gaines, University of Calgary
12:30 -  2:00   Lunch
 2:00 -  3:30   Symposium: Construing Stress: Progress and Directions, 
                Kenneth Sewell (Chair), University of North Texas
                Participants: Constructivist PTSD Research: What Do We Know 
                About Change? Kenneth Sewell, University of North Texas
                Role Constriction, Reid Klion & David Pfenninger, Richard L. 
                Roudebush VAMC & Indiana University
                Trauma, Healing, and the Narrative Emplotment of Loss, Robert 
                Neimeyer & Alan Stewart, University of Memphis
                Heuristics for Narrative Reconstruction, Judith Stewart, Palo 
                Alto Veterans Health Care System
                Metaconstruction and Readjustment: Towards a Model of PTSD 
                Therapy, Kenneth Sewell, University of North Texas
3:30 -  4:00    Coffee Break
4:00 -  5:30    Symposium Continued: Construing Stress: Progress and 
7:00            Banquet: Speaker Brian Gaines, University of Calgary
                Presentation of the First NAPCN Award for Lifetime 
                Contribution to PCP in North America. 
                Reply: Al Landfield, University of Nebraska

Sun 2nd Jun
 9:00 - 10:30   Workshop: If You Can't Change Events, Maybe You Can 
                Reconstrue Them, Al Landfield, University of Nebraska
10:30 - 11:00   Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30   Business Meeting, Chair: Mildred Shaw, University of Calgary
12:30 - 2:00    Lunch and Departure

PCPPage 26-Apr-96