Final Program for 11th Biennial Conference of the North American Personal Construct Network

29 May to 2 June 1996, Banff, Alberta, Canada.

Forty Years of Personal Construct Psychology: Achievements and Directions

Wed 29th May

 4:00 - 5:30    Registration and Coffee
 6:00           Dinner
 7:30           Welcome Reception and Registration

Thur 30th May

 9:00           Welcome and Introduction
 9:15 - 10:30   Invited Dialogue: Social Constructionism Meets Personal 
                Construct Psychology, Hank Stam, University of Calgary and 
                Jim Mancuso, SUNY at Albany
10:30 - 11:00   Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30   Dialogue Continued: Social Constructionism Meets Personal 
                Construct Psychology

12:30 -  2:00   Lunch

 2:00 -  3:30   Symposium: Educational Applications, Bonnie Shapiro (Chair), 
                University of Calgary


                Narrative Reflection in the Teacher Preparation Experience, 
                Bonnie Shapiro
                Experienced and Less Experiened Faculty's Implicit Theories 
                of Academic Work, Carolin Kreber, Brock University
                Effecting change: A Constructivist Parent Training Cum 
                Therapeutic Program, Anita Leung, University of Hong Kong
                Tales from the Field: The Experience Cycle in Field 
                Components of Teacher Preparation, Suzanne Huffman, 
                University of Memphis
                A View from the Grid: A Construct-Based Analysis of Novice's 
                and Expert's Repertory Grids in Mechanics, Laura Winer and 
                Jesus Vazquez-Abad, Universite de Montreal
 3:30 -  4:00   Coffee Break
 4:00 -  5:30 	Symposium Continued: Educational Applications

 6:00           Dinner 

Fri 31st May

 9:00 -  9:30   Stories Lived, Told And Sorted: Blending Narrative and 
                Grid Techniques Through Critical Episodes Methods, 
                Suzanne Huffman, University of Memphis
 9:30 - 10:00   Evaluating 'Valuations' in Herman's Self Confrontation 
                Method (SCM), Finn Tschudi, University of Oslo
10:00 - 10:30   On Testing the Commonality of Construing in Supplied 
                Construct Grids, Richard C Bell, University of Melbourne
10:30 - 11:00   Coffee Break
11:30 - 12:30   Operationalizing Personal Construct Psychology: from 
                Personal Computers to the World Wide Web,  Brian Gaines, 
                University of Calgary

12:30 -  5:30   Sightseeing Trip Around Banff, and Boat Trip on Lake 
                Box Lunch

 6:00           Dinner

Sat 1st Jun

 9:00 - 10:00   Invited Paper: Conceptual Challenges to Constructivist 
                Psychotherapy, Robert Neimeyer, University of Memphis
10:00 - 10:30   Constructivism, Evolution and Survival, Jerald Forster, 
                University of Washington
10:30 - 11:00   Coffee Break
11:00 - 11:30   Standardized Patients: A Fixed-role Therapy Experience in 
                Normal Individuals, Christel A. Woodward, McMaster University
11:30 - 12:00   Do Experienced Therapists Construe Patients Differently from 
                Inexperienced Therapists? Eileen Donahoe & David Romney, 
                University of Calgary
12:00 - 12:30   Impact of an Extended Orientation on International Students' 
                Adaptation to College, April Metzler & Donna Laughrin, 
                Lehigh University

12:30 -  2:00 	Lunch

 2:00 -  3:30   Symposium: Construing Stress: Progress and Directions, 
                Kenneth Sewell (Chair), University of North Texas


                Constructivist PTSD Research: What Do We Know About Change? 
                Kenneth Sewell and Rue Cromwell
                Role Constriction, Reid Klion and David Pfenninger, 
                Richard L. Roudebush VAMC and Indiana University
                Trauma, Healing, and the Narrative Emplotment of Loss, 
                Robert Neimeyer and Alan Stewart, University of Memphis
                Heuristics for Narrative Reconstruction, Judith Stewart, 
                Palo Alto Veterans Health Care System
                Metaconstruction and Readjustment: Towards a Model of PTSD 
                Therapy, Kenneth Sewell
3:30 -  4:00    Coffee Break
4:00 -  5:30    Symposium Continued: Construing Stress: Progress and 

7:00            Banquet: Speaker Brian Gaines, University of Calgary
                Presentation of the First NAPCN Award for Lifetime 
                Contribution to PCP in North America. 
                Reply: Al Landfield, University of Nebraska

Sun 2nd Jun

 9:00 - 10:30   Workshop: If You Can't Change Events, Maybe You Can 
                Reconstrue Them, Al Landfield, University of Nebraska
10:30 - 11:00   Coffee Break
11:00 - 12:30   Business Meeting, Chair: Mildred Shaw, University of Calgary

12:30 - 2:00    Lunch and Departure 21-May-96