Re: HTML 2.0 specification

Gary Adams - Sun Microsystems Labs BOS (Gary.Adams@East.Sun.COM)
Fri, 2 Sep 94 16:46:47 EDT

> From Fri Sep 2 15:36:41 1994
> I concur with Eric: let's not try to put newly implemented tags in
> 2.0, else it'll never be finished. Let's instead be prepared to do
> incremental updates between 2.0 and 3.0. That way we will achieve
> a 2.0 spec (badly needed) to which patches may be applied to address
> new functionality.

Something that might hold back the floodgates of "HTML 2.0 -> reflects
current practice" feature inflation would be to provide a high level roadmap
of the HTML versioning process. A rough time table and a process for
identifying proposed features (html-wg discussion, updated DTD, associated
documentation to be provided by the feature "sponsor") could go a long
way in soothing the confused.

e.g. one scenario might go something like this ...

HTML 2.0 - specified summer 1994, to be released early fall 1994

HTML 2.1 - features to be selected Sep-Oct from browsers released
no later than Sep 16, 1994. Spec to be released by
Dec 1994.

HTML 3.0 - features identified from HTML+ browsers released no
later than Nov 1, 1994. Spec to be released Spring 1995.

Gary R. Adams Email: Gary.Adams@East.Sun.COM
Sun Microsystems Laboratories, Inc. Tel: (508) 442-0416
Two Elizabeth Drive Fax: (508) 250-5067
Chelmsford MA 01824-4195 USA (Sun mail stop: UCHL03-207)
SWAN URL: http://labboot.East/~gra/