Re: Revised language on: ISO/IEC 10646 as Document Character Set

Terry Allen (
Sat, 6 May 95 19:22:33 EDT

Sorry, Dan, I misread you to be saying that you would supply no SGML
declaration. I cannot see how you can get the effect you want
("binding constraint") with an SGML decl that doesn't even mention
10646, but SGML conformance is thorny, and the present sdecl's fine with me.

| Terry Allen writes:
| > Dan:
| > | Terry Allen writes:
| > | > >I actually make ISO10646 a binding constraint without putting it
| > | > in the public text (the SGML declaration). See what you think:
| >
| > | > That's bogus. We need the SGML declaration that goes with your language.
| >
| > | This is argument by assertion.
| > | Why do we "need the ..."
| >
| > So as to construct a valid SGML entity for parsing, a goal you have
| > yourself enunciated for MIMESGML. Yes, I assert that I need an SGML
| > decl in order to parse HTML.
| You've got one. It has ISO-8859-1 as the document character
| set. That's all that's required. Parse away!

Terry Allen  (   O'Reilly & Associates, Inc.
Editor, Digital Media Group    101 Morris St.
			       Sebastopol, Calif., 95472
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