Re: No IMG in FIG

Benjamin C. W. Sittler (
Fri, 14 Jul 1995 11:43:08 -0600

It would be really nice if the content model on FID were changed to allow
IMG's inside... the justification being that one could provide three
levels of complexity with a single block of HTML, i.e. for a clickable
image map situation:

<FIG SRC="Centres.gif" HEIGHT=200 WIDTH=200 -- Image containing icons for
several "InfoCentres"
against a theme-park bg.
<P -- Alternate stuff for non-FIG browsers -->
From here, you can visit the
<A HREF="SpaceCentre.html" SHAPE="rect 20,20,80,80" -- Hotzone in FIG,
also a normal
link -->
<IMG SRC="SpaceCentre.gif" -- Image for browsers that support IMG
but not FIG --
ALT="SpaceCentre -- Alternate text for non-FIG, non-IMG
browsers -->
</A>, the <A HREF="SeaCentre" SHAPE="rect 120,20,180,80">
<IMG SRC="SeaCentre.gif" ALT="SeaCentre"></A>, the
(etc... by the way, will HTML ever support the &vellip; and &hellip;

Anyhow, browsers could so one of three things:

(1) Full FIG Support

| ............. ............. |
| : : : : |
| :SpaceCentre: : SeaCentre : |
| : Hotzone : : Hotzone : |
| :...........: :...........: |
| |
|____________________ Centres.gif _|

(2) No FIGs, but IMG support.

_________________ _______________
From here, you can visit the |SpaceCentre.gif|, the |SeaCentre.gif|, the
|_ Image Link __| |_ Image Link |

(3) Support for neither IMG nor FIG (i.e., CERN Line-mode)

From here, you can visit the SpaceCentre[1], the SeaCentre[2], the
(Where [1] and [2] are links)

Any comments?

 Name: Benjamin C. W. Sittler -- Email: -- Snail: P.O. Box 153
 Web:           Socorro, NM