Re: No IMG in FIG

Mike Batchelor (
Sat, 15 Jul 1995 20:21:10 -0400 (EDT)

Benjamin C. W. Sittler once wrote...
> >On Fri, 14 Jul 1995, Benjamin C. W. Sittler wrote:
> >> It would be really nice if the content model on FID were changed to allow
> >> IMG's inside...
> >
> >I agree. If FIG is a peer of P, why doesn't it have the same content
> >model?
> >
> > Brian
> >
> >--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--
> > http://www.[hyperreal,organic].com/
> >
> FIG has a more general content model than P, actually... it includes a dummy
> element whose content-model is %body.text, so it can contain <P>.
> In fact... all text inside a FIG needs to be contained in <P>, <Hn>, etc.
While experimenting with the <FIG> element, I found that <Hn> is rendered
by Arena 0.97g outside of the figure, as a regular <Hn>, part of the text flow
around the <FIG>.

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