Re: Faster HTTP Was:Re: The Superhighway Steamroller

Bert Bos (
Wed, 6 Jul 1994 13:50:42 +0200

Tony Sanders writes:
|HALLAM-BAKER Phillip writes:
|> proxy and never need to go over the dialup line because for a given client
|> they don't really change from request to request.
|That's more a user interface bug, and not a feature. While they shouldn't
|change often the user should be able to tell the client it really *wants*
|postscript for this request and it should happen correctly.

There are actually 2 reasons why the Accept headers should be dynamic:

1) the user may (temporarily) prefer format X
2) acceptance of in-line documents depends on the context


####[ Bert Bos ]####[ Alfa-informatica, ]####
####[ <> ]####[ Rijksuniversiteit Groningen ]####
####[ ]####[ Postbus 716 ]####
####[ ]####[ NL-9700 AS GRONINGEN ]####

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