Re: (Alpha Version) Prefetch WWW proxy server release

Chris Lilley, Computer Graphics Unit (
Wed, 10 Aug 1994 17:23:55 +0200

In message <>, Kenichi Chinen said:

{About the Wcol proxy cache]

> - Prefetching
> Analyze anchor and in-line image in HTML, and access automatic.

Does it prefetch all the time, or do requests from line mode browsers or GUI
browsers with delayed image loading get detected? For example, a browser could
twiddle its accept headers to indicate that it was not (currently) looking for
images. I was not able to determine this from the online documentation

PS Could you post a quick description of the differences betwwen HTML and
SJIS-HTML which is mentioned in the online docs?

Chris Lilley
|Technical Author, ITTI Computer Graphics & Visualisation Training Project |
| Computer Graphics Unit,        |  Internet:         |
| Manchester Computing Centre,   |     Janet:         |
| Oxford Road,                   |     Voice: +44 61 275 6045              |
| Manchester, UK.  M13 9PL       |       Fax: +44 61 275 6040              |
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