Re: WWW/Mosaic widget

Micha Reisel (
Thu, 29 Sep 1994 06:35:51 +0100

At 19:27 28-09-94, Bill Smith wrote:
>I'm waiting (wishing) for the WWW/Mosaic widget that would let the
>user click a button ... and the widget would save the user's
>existing style sheet ... but instantly substitute, for that
>document only, the style sheet selected by the designer.
>Does anybody else want it? Is anybody planning to do it?

Bill, what you are wishing for is a preference file which is seperate from
the browser.
That way a subscriber to your publication can use the preference settings
*you* prefer for your publication. Now, that begs the question: why would
you want to do that?
The whole idea behind WWW and the browsers is that the reader should be
allowed to use *their own* preference. You could start every home page with
an URL showing what you feel is best for the publication, but what is the
In the end it is the content which sells not the typeface.


Micha Reisel managing director/CEO, "Kommunal Rapport"/"The Municipal
vox: + 47 22 94 79 22 NORWAY
e-mail: Micha,
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