Glossary for Student Registration System

Add Date
starting date for registrations for a term.
Administrative Functions
system functions restricted for use by privileged users, not for student use.
Case Insensitive
action is the same for upper or lower case letters.
Conflict, Time Conflict
occurs when a student attempts to enroll in a course section occupying part of the same time interval as another course section in their timetable.
Course (Course Name)
a course discipline and number (eg. MATH271)
Course Component
a part of a course that a student is required to register in (eg. Lecture, Lab, Tutorial.)
Course Number (Level)
the numeric part of a course name.
Course Title
Descriptive Name for a Course (eg. Discrete Mathematics)
Course Weight
whether the course is one term or two.
Current Courses
the courses a student is enrolled in, but not completed.
day of the week, encoded as M|T|W|R|F
a synonym for course discipline used in menus for clarity.
Discipline (Course Discipline)
the major, or department, offering a course, (eg. CPSC)
Drop Date
the last day on which a course can be withdrawn from.
the length in minutes of a course section.
when a student is registered for a course.
title used for a set of course disciplines. eg. Science, Art, Engineering
Graphical User Interface (GUI)
presentation of system functions as interactive elements of the display screen.
Help, On-Line Help
assistance displayed by the student registration system.
Identification Number
a unique numeric descriptor given to each user.
person responsible for a section of a course.
Lab (Lab Section)
a component of a course, which may be optional.
Lecture (Lecture Section)
a component of a course which is not optional.
Level (Course Level)
the number of a course in a discipline.
a code for a building and room number where a course section occurs.
Login Screen
the initial display of the course registration system.
Main Menu
a display listed all accessible features of the system.
Past Courses
courses completed (including failures and withdrawals)
a course which must be passed prior to enrollment in another course.
one of the choices available for a course component.
Section Size
the maximum number of students that can enroll in a section.
Sign On
entering the system by entering an ID and password.
Start Time
the hour:minutes of the day a course section commences at.
Status Line
a line on the screen which displays current status of the process.
the display used by a user of the system.
the courses components and times a student is registered in.
Tutorial (Tutorial Section)
a component of a course, which may be optional.
User ID
Identification Number for all users.
User Information
name, address and associated information given by administrator when creating and instance of user.