General University

14 March 1996


The accompanying manual instructs students and administrators at General University in the use of Educational Systems Products' on-line student registration system. The manual has been issued so that you will be familiar with the system prior to our demonstration, and to assist you in training your staff.

While the system displays informative help, first time users may prefer to consult a manual. The manual has been modularized to separate student and administrative systems. General University may choose to post copies which do not include the administrative functions in the student terminal areas.

One component of the system not included in this version of the user manual is system initialization; these details have not been finalized. To prevent discrepancies, information on this will be postponed for a future release of the administrative section.

We look forward to your comments on this manual and to demonstrating our product.


Eductional Systems Products, Inc.

General University

Student Registration System

User Manual



This manual describes the use of General University's on-line Student Registration System. Students can use the system to:

Administrators can use these functions for a selected student and also:

The manual has three sections. Novice computer users may wish to begin with "How to Interact With The System". Procedures for using the functions available to students are listed in the second section. The final section describes operations accessible only to administrative users.

How To Interact With The System


On the table beside each terminal is a moveable device called a mouse.

Moving the mouse on its pad moves an arrow (cursor) on the display screen. Screen objects this arrow points to may be activated by pressing and releasing (clicking) the left button on the mouse.

Screen Buttons

The registration screen contains text in rectangular gray boxes called buttons. If the mouse cursor is positioned on a button and the left mouse button is pressed, the system will do what the text on the screen button suggests.

Making a Selection From A List

When the system displays a list of choices, move the mouse cursor to the item you wish. To indicate you have chosen this item, press and release the left mouse button twice ( a double click .) A single click highlights an item but does not indicate selection of it.

Inactive "Grayed" Text

Buttons and list items may at times be unavailable as choices, but remain visible. The text for inactive objects will be gray ("grayed-out") and cannot be selected using the mouse.

Drop Down Lists

Lists may be too large to fit on the screen at all times. Drop down lists have a down arrow on the right. Click on this arrow and a box appears containing the list.

List Boxes

Lists of courses, departments and course sections, as well as a student timetable are displayed in boxes on the screen. Items in these boxes can be selected with the mouse. It the selection is made from a drop down list, the list reverts to a single button displaying the current selection.

Lists may be larger than their screen box. To the right of each list box is a rectangular grey area with triangles at top and bottom. Click on a triangle to move the list in that direction.

If You Need Help
At the bottom the student registration screen displays a single line of "context sensitive help". As the mouse cursor passes over a screen element, its function is displayed in this help line.

Need more Information ? Click on this button.

When You Want to Stop Something You Have Started
If you change your mind when making a change, selecting "QUIT" will stop what you have begun.

Beginning a Session

What You Need To Use the System
After registering a General University, you received confimation my mail. This included your identification number, and a password. Do not let others know your password. The system allows you to change your password to something you can easily remember. If you forget, contact the Registrar's Office to get a new password.

The Welcome Screen

This screen tells you that the General University on-line student registration system is ready to use, and is displayed when you finish a session. To begin a session click on the Login button.

The online calendar option is part of the enhanced system and will not be implemented initially.

Logging In

This screen has two boxes where you must type your identification number and password. Initially the cursor will be in the "User ID" box.

  1. Type in your identification number, then use the mouse to move to the "Password" box or press the "Tab" key.
  2. Enter your password. Asterisks will appear on the screen in place of the characters typed.
  3. Select one of the buttons at the bottom on this screen ( "Clear", "OK" and "Quit" ) or use the tab key to select one and the return key to start the action.
The "Clear" button will clear BOTH the "User ID" and "Password" fields if you wish to correct your input.

The "OK" button is used to proceed after both fields are entered. Pressing return after entering a password has the same function as "OK".

The "Quit" button returns the system to the welcome screen.

Using the Student Registration System

The Display Screen

The student registration display shows your personal information at the top left, and important dates at the top right. You cannot change these.

At the left is your timetable in a list box. On the right is the course information area.

Changing Your Password

To change your password click on the "Change Password" button on the main menu. The Change Password window appears in the center of the screen.

Move between the fields using the mouse or use the tab key to move and the return key for the action.

  1. Type your old password.
  2. Type the new password.
  3. Retype the new password to verify it.
  4. Click on "OK" for the system to test the changed password or on "Cancel" to abort the request.

This window is displayed on the screen to confirm that your password has been changed. Click on "OK" to exit this window and the Change Password window.

However, the password change may fail because the old password did not match the password on file or your new password did not verify. You are informed by an error window and must click "Cancel" to make this box disappear and take you back at the "Change Password" window where you can try again.

Listing Courses
This function allows you to see the courses offerred by Gen U and it also tells you which you are permitted to register in. This function is accessed through the "Course Listing" window.

You must proceed, in order, through the steps of choosing a department, a course, and a lecture section. If labs or tutorial sections are not required for a course, then the "Labs" and "Tutorials" window will display "No labs for this course" or "No tutorials for this course".

1. Choose a Department

Click once on the "Department" pull down list. Now the desired department can be selected by clicking on the item of interest. The listing will be too long to fit in the window, but you may scroll the list up and down. Once a department is chosen, the menu will disappear and the selected department will be displayed in the box.

2. Choose a Course

Once again click on the arrow located on the "Course" pull down list. Select a course from the list. Once a course is selected, the course listing disappears and the selected course is displayed inside the course box.

Once a department and course is chosen, the "Lectures" window will immediately display the lecture sections available for the chosen course.

3. Choose a lecture section

Scroll through the list and select a lecture section. The lecture section you select will be highlighted.

Lecture sections not available to you are grayed out and the reason is indicated beside the section number. You cannot select a greyed out item.

4. View laboratory and tutorial sections

After a lecture is selected, the "Labs" and "Tutorials" windows will display all the lab and tutorial sections available to that lecture section. At this point, all course information is visible, but sections which are not available will be grayed out.

To view lab and tutorial sections for a different lecture section, then simply select a new lecture section.

5. Leaving the Course Listing

You do not have to do anything to leave this function, but the current information displayed in the "Course Listing" function will remain in case you want to refer to it.

What can be done with the course listing?

If you selected all the components for a course, you can add these to your time table. See the procedure for "Adding a Course".

Adding a Course to Your Timetable

To add a course to your timetable, select the course, then click on the "Add Course" button at the bottom right of the main menu.

You must select one of each component of a course (lecture, lab and tutorial) before you can add it to your timetable. If the course does not require you to enroll in a lecture, lab, or tutorial section, no information will appear in that box and that component does not need to be selected.

Use the following steps:

  1. Click on the "Department" pull down list (On the right side of main menu.)

  2. Scroll up or down as required to highlight the department offering the course you wish to add.

  3. Move to the "Courses" pull down list. Scroll up or down to find the course you wish to select. The lectures, tutorials, and labs boxes will now show the sections of each, their times and status.

    If a lecture is full it will be grayed out, and you will not be able to select it.

  4. Select a lecture section by clicking on it in the Lecture list box. You can scroll through the lectures using the scroll bar.
  5. If the course you have want has a lab component, scroll through the list and select a lab by clicking on it. If a lab is available, you will not be able to select it.

  6. If the course you want has a tutorial component, that information will appear in the tutorial information box. Scroll through the list and select a tutorial by clicking on it. If a tutorial is unavailable, you will not be able to select it.

  7. If one of the components of the course you wish to add is full, try another section. Otherwise "QUIT" or return to step 1.

  8. Once you have selected all course sections, the "Add Course" will become active (no longer gray). Click on this button to process your course registration.

    If the course has been added to your timetable, a message will inform you. Click on the "OK" button, and the message will disappear. Your timetable display will be updated with the new course.

    If the course has become unavailable, (another student may take the last place while you are viewing), a message will indicate failure. Click "OK". The course listings will be updated with the changed status of the course. You may reselect a section or quit.

Dropping a Course From Your Timetable

  1. Move the cursor to the course that you wish to drop in the timetable.
  2. Click on the course. The course that you have chosen to drop is now highlighted; if this is the correct course continue on if not go back to step 1.
  3. Click on "Drop Course".

  4. Before processing your selection, the system will prompt for confirmation. Click on "YES" or "NO" to confirm or cancel the drop request.

    If you confirm, the timetable display will be updated.

Changing Sections of Courses You are Enrolled In

You can also modify your registration in a course if you wish to change to a different lecture or lab or tutorial.

To change a course do the following:
  1. Select a course to modify from the timetable.
  2. Click on "Change a Course" button. The course listing (located below the course listings box) will display all of the selected lectures, labs and tutorials along with their times and associated information. Your current sections will be highlighted. see below
  3. Select lecture and/or lab and/or tutorial sections you want to change to. It is not possible for on the student's system to select a section that is grayed out because that section is either full or is in conflict with the current timetable. The administrator's system, however, will allow the user to select a section regardless of FULL status.
  4. Click on "Change A Course" button.
  5. A dialog box will appear. Click on

    if you want to make the change.

    if you do not want the change.

After the "Yes" is clicked, if the request is successful, the system will automatically update the new sections on the timetable and display a success message in the status line at bottom of screen. A course conflict is not possible because the system will not allow a student to choose a course that that is in conflict with their present schedule.

A selection may be unsuccessful if the course happens to become full in the time it takes for the student to view and then select a new section. The system will then display a dialog box with the following error message: - "Modification unsuccessful. Lecture section is full." ("Lecture" may be replaced by "Lab" or "Tutorial").

Printing Your Timetable

Click on the 'Print Time Table' button located directly beneath the Student Time Table.

If the print request is successfully queued, click "OK" on the confirmation box.

If the printing cannot be performed, an error message will appear. Click on "OK" to make the error box disappear. Retry later.

Using the Administrative Functions

For administrative users these buttons are added to the top of the main menu screen.

Administrators can use all student functions, but must first specify a student using the "Find Student" function.

Adding a New Student

Click on "Quit" to exit this function without adding a student to the database.

  1. Click on the 'Add Student' button located to the right of the Student Information area.
  2. Enter in the new student's data in the appropriate fields.
  3. Click on "OK" to add the student to the database.
  4. A new window will appear with the student's password and identification number, make a note of this information and then click on "OK" to make this box disappear.
Description of Input Fields
If you receive 'Not enough information entered' message:

  1. Click on "OK" in the error box to make it disappear.
  2. Enter the missing data in the student information area.
  3. Click on "OK" when corrections have been made.

If a student has been successfully added to the database but one or more of the fields is incorrect it can be corrected by following these steps.

  1. Click on 'Modify Student' located below the 'Add Student' button to the right of the Student Information area.
  2. Edit the erroneous fields.
  3. Click "OK" to accept the changes.

Finding a Student in the System

Click on "Quit" to exit this function without searching for a a student in the database.

  1. Click on the 'Find Student' button located to the right of the Student Information area.
  2. Enter in the student's 6 digit identification number at the prompt in the Find Student Window.
  3. Click on 'Select' to accept or 'Cancel' to abort the action.

If you receive the 'Student not on file' message:

  1. Click on "OK" to make the error box disappear.
  2. Check that you have the correct identification number.
  3. Reenter the identification number at the prompt.
  4. Click 'Select' to accept.

If you receive the 'Invalid identification number' message:

  1. Click on "OK" to make the error box disappear.
  2. Check that you have the identification number in the correct format.
  3. Enter the corrected identification number at the prompt.
  4. Click 'Select' to accept.

Modifying Information About a Student

Click on "Quit" to exit this function without modifying a a student in the database.

Please see "Adding a Student" for a description of the input fields.

  1. Click on the 'Modify Student' button to the right of the Student Information area.
  2. If you do not have a student record on screen you will be prompted to enter a 6 digit identification number, else skip to step 4.
  3. Click on 'Select' to retrieve the student's record.
  4. Enter new information in the Student Information area fields.
  5. Click "OK" to accept the changes.
If you receive the 'Not enough information entered' message:

  1. Click on "OK" to make the error box disappear.
  2. Check that you have entered a student name.
  3. Enter the missing data in the Student Information fields.
  4. Click "OK" when done.
If you receive the 'Student not on file' message:

  1. Click on "OK" to make the error box disappear.
  2. Check that you have the correct identification number.
  3. Reenter the identification number at the prompt.
  4. Click "OK" to accept.
  5. Make modifications to the student record.
  6. Click on "OK" to accept these changes.

If you receive the 'Invalid identification number' message:

  1. Click on "OK" to make the error box disappear.
  2. Check that you have the identification number in the correct format.
  3. Enter the corrected identification number at the prompt.
  4. Click "OK" to accept.
  5. Modify the student fields.
  6. Click on "OK" to accept these modifications.

Deleting a Student
Click on "Quit" to exit this function without deleting a a student in the database.

  1. Click on the 'Delete Student' button to the right of the Student Information area.
  2. If the student's record is on screen goto step 5.
  3. If the student's record is not on screen you will be prompted for a student identification number. Enter the a 6 digit number.
  4. Click on 'Select' to accept. The student record will then appear on screen.
  5. The 'Are you sure?' dialog box will prompt you for a 'Yes' or 'No' to delete this student.

  6. Click on "Yes" to delete the student or "No" to abort the action.
  7. You will then receive a 'Student successfully deleted' message. Click OK to acknowledge.
If you receive the 'Student not on file' message:

  1. Click on "OK" to make the error box disappear.
  2. Check that you have the correct identification number. Reenter the identification number at the prompt.
  3. Click "OK" to accept.

Modifying Add and Drop Dates

In the upper right corner of the screen, there is a data box containing the "Date", "Last day of Registration", and "Drop Date". Dates are displayed in long form (ie. January 29, 1996).

To change dates do the following:

  1. Click on the date you want to modify.
  2. Type in the new date.
  3. Click on the "Accept Dates" button.
The system will check this information against the current date, and each other ( eg. the Add date cannot be past the Drop date).

Erroneous dates will cause an error box to appear. Click on "OK" to acknowledge the error then retry.

If the date is valid a confirmation box and the new date is displayed. Click "OK" to clear the confirmation.

Printing a Class List

Class lists can be printed for single sections of course components using the following sequence:

  1. Select from the Department list box.
  2. Select from the Course list box. Decide which course component (lecture,lab or tutorial) you wish to print
  3. Select the class section from the lecture,lab or tutorial list box.
  4. Click on the "Print Class List" button
If the print request is successfully queued, click "OK" on the confirmation box.

If the printing cannot be performed, an error message will appear. Click on "OK" to make the error box disappear. Retry later.