General comment: This section is well-done, especially arranged on alphabetical order which makes our reading easier. It seems that some of the "terms" are not very defined though, for instance, room (that are not operating room.) Thanks for the hard-work.


Entities and their Attributes:
bed number = integer
Attribute of schedule, and ward. Minimum value = 1, maximum value = 50
cancellation I.D = integer
Attribute of schedule; used to cancel scheduled operations. Minimum value = 0 , maximum value = 999999999.

On a curious note, would we want this to be unique?

city = string
Attribute of doctor, nurse and patient. Maximum length = 100.
date = integer
Attribute of schedule; represents the date at which some hospital event is scheduled. The integer is a composite value made up of three distinct values to represent the month, day and year. It is of the structure MM-DD-YYYY, in which MM has maximum value = 12, minimum value = 1; DD has maximum value = 31, minimum value = 1; YYYY has maximum value = 9999, minimum value = 1997.

This is a very good definition although the format above 'd fit the category of "string of digits" better than "integer" :)

Doctor = @I.D. number + name + street + city + province + postal code + phone number + pager number
Entity in ERD; represents doctors currently kept track of in the HSS.
duration = integer
Attribute of schedule; represents the length of any scheduled event. Maximum value = 1200 and minimum value = 0000 (this value is in hours and minutes - 2 digits for each.
first name = string
Attribute of doctor, nurse and patient making up part of the full attribute name. Maximum length is 35.
I.D. number = char + integer
Key attribute of doctor, nurse and patient in which the character designates type of id number (d - doctor, n - nurse, p - patient), followed by a 10 digit number which is incremented sequentially. Min value = 0.
middle name = string
Attribute of doctor, nurse and patient making up part of the full attribute name. Maximum length is 30.
last name = string
Attribute of doctor, nurse and patient making up part of the full attribute name. Maximum length is 35.
medical history = string
Attribute of patient, which is of maximum length = 1000.
name = first name + middle name(s) + last name
Composite attribute of doctor, nurse and patient. Maximum length = 100. As well as key attribute of patient.
Nurse = @I.D. number + name + street + city + province + postal code + phone number + phone number #2
Entity in ERD; represents nurses currently kept track of in the HSS.
operation I.D. = integer
Attribute of schedule; used to determine the type of operation which has been scheduled. Minimum value = 0, maximum value = 999999999. operating room = @ward number Entity in ERD; represents an opearting room within the hospital.

Again, on a curious note, would we want this to be unique?

Patient = @I.D. number + @name + street + city + province + postal code + phone number + medical history
Entity in ERD; represents patients currently kept track of in the HSS. Key attributes are both id number and name.
pager number = integer
Attribute of doctor, which must include a 3 digit area code, followed by a 7 digit phone number.
phone number = integer
Attribute of doctor, nurse and patient, which must include a 3 digit area code, followed by a 7 digit phone number.
phone number #2 = integer
Attribute of nurse, which must include a 3 digit area code, followed by a 7 digit phone number.

General comment on the format of address: It's quite possible that we may get some patients (or even doctors/nurses) who are not residents of Canada, and therefore may have different format of address. (ie. limit of postal code, province, etc.)

postal code = string
Attribute of doctor, nurse and patient, which must be of maximum length = 6 and of the form LNL NLN where L = letter and N = number.
province = {AB, BC, HAL, MAN, NFLD, NS, NWT, ONT, QUE, PEI, SASK, YUK}
Attribute of doctor, nurse and patient, which can only be one of the above listed provinces within a given sequence of characters.
recovery bed = ward number + bed number
Entity in ERD; represents a recovery bed in O/R.
Schedule = @I.D. number + @ward number + @bed number + date + time + duration ooperation I.D. + @Cancellation I.D.
Entity in ERD; represents the schedules of operations, appointments and work schedules. Note: cancellation I.D. is used to cancel a schedules operation.
street = string
Attribute of doctor, nurse and patient. Maximum length = 100.
time = integer
Attribute of schedule; maximum value = 2400 and minimum value = 0 to represent all of the possible times something can be scheduled.
ward number = integer
Key attribute of ward, and attribute of schedule; used to differentiate among the wards within the hospital, maximum value = 7 and minimum value = 1.
Waiting List = @I.D. Number + duration + priority
Entity in ERD; represents the list and its entries of patients currently awaiting an operation.
ward bed = @ward number + @bed number
Entity in ERD; represents a particular bed within a ward.
Ward = @ward number
Entity in ERD; represents a ward within the hospital.
NOTE: the symbol '@' designates an entity attribute which is key. It must be unique to identify an instance of that entity.
Last modified: Sat Feb 8 13:50:17 PST