PlaNet - Overall Design Document
Test Plans

Summary of Testing Objectives

We at Integrated Software Solutions Incorporated have already begun planning our extensive testing schedule. The goal of our testing plan is to ensure that the PlaNet program meets the requirements requested by our customer group and provide a stable environment of operation.

Our software engineers are devising a plan to ensure all components of PlaNet provides the proper functionality and do so in a robust manner. In order to ensure the quality of PlaNet, we must not only perform tests on the regular uses of the PlaNet system but also perform tests using irregular inputs and unusual actions to truly test the robustness of our system.

Our tests will include both white-box (testing based on the code itself) and black-box (testing based solely on user interaction or on observing solely the inputs and outputs) testing. We also intend to perform stress tests to ensure that PlaNet remains crash resistant in unstable conditions, and that if a crash occurs, PlaNet will be able to recover gracefully.

We at I.S.S.I. hope to provide Imigine8 Inc. with a powerful and stable system, and to ensure it meets our customer's standards, we will extensively test our PlaNet system.

Schedule of Tests

The table below shows the projected dates for the various phases of testing the PlaNet system:


MARCH 1997











































  Unit Testing
  Integration Testing
  User Acceptance



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Unit Testing

The goal of unit testing is to evaluate code of various portions of the PlaNet system in isolation. Only the functionality contained in those specific segments will be evaluated, and no assumptions are made regarding correct interaction with other system units. (Interaction is tested in the Integration testing phase.)

White Box Testing

"White Box" testing is used for determining logical correctness of program code. It consists of examining all possible paths of execution within a portion of code for:

Test Cases:
Name:   PlaNet Login
What:   Verifies that the login name and password are correct.
Where:  At the starting up of the system.
Who:    Jason, Ken
How:    Type in the user ID and password. Click on OK button.
Inputs: -Login ID
	  -Click on OK
Output: PlaNet login dialog should disappear (meaning the system has 
        excepted it), the main screen will appear.

Name:   Change Password
What:   Verifies a change to its existing password.
Where:  On the main screen, there is a change password button which invokes this.
Who:    Jason, Ken
How:    Just type in the current and new passwords and click on OK.
Inputs: -current password
	  -new password
	  -Click on OK
Output: After the OK is clicked the changed password dialog will disappear (this 
	  is an indication that the change has been successfully done)

Name:   Modify Employee
What:   Verifies that the attributes are changed when the user changes them.
Where:  This is invoked on the Administration screen by pressing the modify employee butt	on.
Who:    Jason, Ken
How:    After an employee is selected (highlighted), click on the modify button.  In this
        dialog, the attributes: first name, last name, login ID, password, comments and 
        Administrator can be changed or edited.
Inputs: -type in the desired changes for each attribute and click on OK.

Output: After OK is clicked, this (Modify Employee) disappears and the Administration
	  screen appears again.
Name:   Modify Meeting Room
What:   Verifies that a meeting room description has been changed.
Where:  This is invoked on the Administration screen by pressing the modify button when 
	  a meeting room is selected.
Who:    Jason, Ken
How:    Click on the existing location, edit it and then click on OK.
Input:  - type in the desired changes in the box of the existing meeting location.
        - click on OK	
Output: After OK is clicked, the screen disappears and changes should be viewable in 
 	  the administrator screen.

White Box Test for Administration Unit

Note: All tests for this unit are independent of the Meeting Management system. Also, the tests which involve calls to other dialogs (e.g. Add Employee) only assume that the dialogs return an OK or Cancel value.

Name: AdminWB1

What: Add employee functionality


Name: AdminWB2

What: Modify employee functionality


Name: AdminWB3

What: Delete employee functionality


Name: AdminWB4

What: Switch from Employee listing to Location listing, and converse


Name: AdminWB5

What: Add location functionality


Name: AdminWB6

What: Modify location functionality


Name: AdminWB7

What: Delete location functionality


Name: AdminWB8

What: Help functionality


[back to top]

Black Box Testing

Name: NewMeeting #1
What: Verifies that personal activities are added correctly
Where: Meeting Management System(MMS), Meeting Details Dialog

Input:  Log into the system with an account
        In the Main Screen dialog
                Click "New Meeting"
        In the Meeting Details dialog
                Correctly fill in each field, ignoring the 
                "Meeting Attendees", "Periodicity" and "FindTime" options
                Click OK
Output: After OK is clicked, the Meeting Details dialog should disappear.
        The new meeting should appear in the current account holder's calendar 
        only on the appropriate day and at the right time.(Restart the 
        application. The meeting should appear in the schedule)

Name:   NewMeeting #2
What:   Verifies that scheduling a meeting with other employees are
        handled correctly.
Where: MMS, Meeting Details Dialog

Input:  Log into the system with an account
        In the Main Screen dialog
                Click "New Meeting"
        In the Meeting Details dialog
                Correctly fill in each field.
                In the "Meeting Attendees" field, select employees to attend
                        In the "Company Personnel" field
                                Click on a name
                                Click the "Add" button
                                Repeat until desired employees selected
                Ignore the "Periodicity" and "FindTime" options
                Click OK
Output: Before selecting attendees, the originator's name should be
        in the attendees listbox. 
        Once a name has been selected, clicking on "Add", should remove the
        name from the "Company Personnel" listbox and added to the "Meeting
        Attendees" listbox.

        After OK is clicked, the Meeting Details dialog should disappear.
        The new meeting should appear in the current account holder's calendar 
        and that of each employee in the attendee listbox on appropriate day
        and at the requested time .(Restart the application. The meeting 
        should appear in the schedules of all attendees)

Name: NewMeeting #3
What: Verifies that employees can be removed from the attendee's listbox
Where: MMS, Meeting Details Dialog

Input:  Repeat procedured for NewMeeting test #2 until "Click OK"
        To remove employees from the "Meeting Attendees" listbox
                Click on a name in the attendees box
                Click "Remove"
                Click OK
Output: After "Remove" is clicked, the name should be removed from the 
        "Meeting Attendees" listbox and added to the "Company Personnel"
        If the name selected is that of the originator, an error message
        should indicate this is not possible.
        After OK is clicked, the Meeting Details dialog should disappear.
        The new meeting should appear in the current account holder's calendar 
        and that of each employee in the attendee listbox on appropriate day
        and at the requested time. The meeting should not appear in the
        calendar for the removed individual. (Restart the application. The 
        meeting should appear in the schedules of all attendees)

Name: NewMeeting #4
What: Verifies that an attempt to double book a location fails
Where: MMS, Meeting Details Dialog

Input:  Repeat procedures as in NewMeeting test #1
        Repeat this procedure a second time, changing all fields
        except those for "Start Time", "End Time" and "Location"
Output: The first new meeting should have been successfully added
        to the account holder's account.
        After the request to schedule the second meeting, an error
        dialog should appear indicating that the desired location
        is already in use. The second meeting should not appear in 
        the account holder's account.

Name: NewMeeting #5
What: Verifies that attempts to schedule a meeting outside the current 
      calendar limits fail
Where: MMS, Meeting Details Dialog

Input:  Repeat NewMeeting test #1
        For the "Date" field, enter a month that is more than a year away
        from the current month.
        Click OK.
        Repeat again 
        For the "Date" field enter a month that was at least 2 months
        prior to the current month

Output: On both attempts, after OK is clicked, an error dialog should 
        appear indicating that the date requested no longer or doesn't 
        currently exist in the calendar.


Name: NewMeeting #6
What: Verifies that attempts to schedule meetings for any time within the
      calendar but prior to the current day and time fail.
Where: MMS, Meeting Details Dialog

Input:  Repeat NewMeeting test #1
        In the Meeting Details dialog
                For the "Date" field, enter a day that was at most one month ago,
                and at least one day prior to today's date.
                Click OK.
        Repeat test.
        In the Meeting Details dialog
               For the "Start Time" field, enter a time earlier than the current
                time for this day.
                Click OK.

Output: On both attempts, After OK is clicked, an error dialog should appear 
        indicating that scheduling meetings in the past is not possible.

Name: NewMeeting #7
What: Verifies that scheduling a periodic meeting is added correctly
Where: MMS, Meeting Details Dialog

Input:  Repeat NewMeeting test #1 
        In the Meeting Details dialog
               Select the "Periodicity" tab
        In the Periodicity tab
                Click a checkmark in "This meeting is periodic" box
                Enter valid fields for "Periodic Start" and "Periodic End"
                Select a meeting interval button
        Click OK
Output: After OK is clicked, the Meeting Details screen should disappear,
        bringing you back to the Main Screen. The new meeting should be
        added to all appropriate schedules for each day that falls 
        within the periodic time and cooresponds to the correct interval.

Repeat test beginning with NewMeeting test #2 for a group of employees.
Repeat this test for each meeting interval.
Repeat test to verify that Periodic Start and Periodic End can't go outside
the currently stored calendar and can't be scheduled for a time that
has already passed.


Name: NewMeeting #10
What: Verifies that the FindTime option for scheduling works correctly. 
Where: MMS, Meeting Details Dialog  

Input:  Repeat NewMeeting test #2 
        In the Meeting Details dialog
                Select the FindTime dialog
        In the FindTime dialog
                Correctly fill in each field
                Click on "Search for available time now"
Output: After the search button has been clicked, a list of available
        times should be listed. If no times are available, a message
        indicates there is no conflict-free times.

Repeat this test for each meeting interval.
Repeat test to verify that First Day to Search and Last Day to Search
can't go outside the currently stored calendar and can't be scheduled
for a time that has already passed.


Name:  ModifyMeeting #1
What:  Verifies that Modifying a meeting a handled correctly
Where: MMS, Meeting Details Dialog

Input:  Apply each test for AddMeeting to the Modify Meeting dialog
Output: Same output expected for Modify Meeting as occurs with Add Meeting.

Test Case
Name:   Cancel Meeting (1)
What:   verify that only the originator can cancel a
Where:  Meeting Details
Who:    ?
How:	  Attempt to press the "cancel meeting" button
	  to try to cancel a meeting from all attendees'
Input:  Log on to PlaNet, as someone who is not an
	  originator of some meeting,
	  navigate to a day where the user is scheduled
	  for a meeting that he or she did not originate,
	  click "modify schedule" on the main screen,
	  click on a meeting not scheduled by the user,
	  click on "cancel meeting"
Output: A system message notifying the user that she
	  or he does not have permission to cancel the
	  meeting in question

Test Case
Name:   Cancel Meeting (2)
What:   verify that all users previously scheduled in
	  a particular meeting are no longer scheduled
	  after a meeting is successfully cancelled
Where:  Meeting Details, Main Screen
Who:    ?
How:	  Follow the steps to cancel a meeting and then
	  check the schedules of the previous attendees
	  to ensure they are no longer scheduled for the
	  cancelled meeting
Input:  Log on to PlaNet, as the originator of some
	  navigate to a day where the user is scheduled
	  for a meeting that he or she originated,
	  click "modify schedule" on the main screen,
	  click on a meeting scheduled by the user,
	  click on "cancel meeting" (and confirm)
Output: have all users scheduled for the cancelled
	  meeting log on,
	  at their main screen check their schedule on
	  the day of the cancelled meeting and ensure
	  the meeting no longer exists in their schedule

Test Case
Name:   Cancel Attendance (1)
What:   verify that only the individual cancelling his
	  or her attendance has no affect on anyone
	  else's schedule, but has the proper effect on
	  his or her own
Where:  Main Screen
Who:    ?
How:	  Follow the steps to cancel attendance for a 
	  meeting and then check the schedules of the
	  other attendees to ensure they are still 
	  scheduled for the meeting in question
Input:  Log on to PlaNet,
	  navigate to a day where the user is scheduled
	  for a meeting,
	  click "don't attend" on the main screen,
Output: have all users, in particular the ones
	  scheduled for the meeting in question, log on,
	  at their main screen check their schedule on
	  the day of the meeting in question and ensure
	  their meeting schedules are unaffected, except
	  for the one who cancelled the meeting

Test Case
Name:   Cancel Attendance (2)
What:   verify that a user cannot cancel attendance at
	  a meeting originated by him or her
Where:  Main Screen
Who:    ?
How:	  Follow the steps to cancel attendance for a 
	  meeting and observe how this is handled
Input:  Log on to PlaNet as the originator of a meeting,
	  navigate to a day where the user is scheduled
	  for a meeting he or she has originated,
	  click "don't attend" on the main screen,
Output: a system error message that informs the user that
	  the specified action is not allowed

Test Case
Name:   Navigation (1)
What:   verify that the main screen schedule corresponds
	  to real calendar days
Where:  Main Screen
Who:    ?
How:	  Browse the main screen calendar
Input:  Log on to PlaNet and navigate throught the months
	  using both the pull-down menu and the "previous"
	  and "next" buttons
Output: an accurate depiction of the calendar months
	  within the range of the system's database
	  (fourteen months)

Test Case
Name:   Navigation (2)
What:   verify that the user cannot view months out the
	  scope of the database
Where:  Main Screen
Who:    ?
How:	  Browse the main screen calendar
Input:  Log on to PlaNet and navigate throught the months
	  by trying to type a month in the pull-down menu
	  that is more that one month in the past or more
	  than 12 months in the future 
Output: a system error message that informs the user that
	  the specified month is unavailable

Test Case
Name:   Navigation (3)
What:   verify that the main screen schedule has proper
	  color highlighting for the monthly view
Where:  Main Screen
Who:    ?
How:	  Browse the main screen calendar
Input:  Log on to PlaNet and successfully call meetings
	  at both AM and PM times and then navigate throught 
	  the months in the user's schedule using either the
	  pull-down menu or "previous" and "next" buttons
Output: an accurate depiction of the users schedule (color
	  highlighting of the calendar days) displaying when
	  the user has scheduled meetings in terms of the day
	  and whether there is an AM or PM meeting

Test Case
Name:   Miscellaneous Buttons (1)
What:   verify that the "help" button functions properly
Where:  Main Screen
Who:    ?
How:	  try using the buttons not related to viewing and
	  modifying meeting details
Input:  Log on to PlaNet and try the main screen "help"
Output: the poper help topic will displayed after
	  clicking on "help"

Test Case
Name:   Miscellaneous Buttons (2)
What:   verify that the "about" button functions properly
Where:  Main Screen
Who:    ?
How:	  try using the buttons not related to viewing and
	  modifying meeting details
Input:  Log on to PlaNet and try the main screen "about"
Output: PlaNet and ISSI information will be displayed
	  after clicking the "about" button

Test Case
Name:   Miscellaneous Buttons (3)
What:   verify that the "print" button functions properly
Where:  Main Screen
Who:    ?
How:	  try using the buttons not related to viewing and
	  modifying meeting details
Input:  Log on to PlaNet and try the main screen "print"
Output: a schedule hard-copy will be sent to the printer
	  after pressing the "print" button

Test Case
Name:   Miscellaneous Buttons (4)
What:   verify that the "exit" button functions properly
Where:  Main Screen
Who:    ?
How:	  try using the buttons not related to viewing and
	  modifying meeting details
Input:  Log on to PlaNet and try the main screen "exit"
Output: PlaNet will quit when the "exit" button is

Test Case

Name:   AddNewEmployee
What:   Verifies that adding an employee works correctly
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  in the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Personnel radio button
	  Click the "Add New" button
	  In the "Add New Employee" dialog
	  Fill in each field with a valid, unique string.
	  click ok.
	  Test each field with valid data
Output: After OK is clicked, the "Add New Employee" dialog should
	  The new name should appear in the company personnel list box
	  of the administrator dialog.
	  (Restart the application. The name should appear in the 
	  company personnel list box).

======================= End of AddNewEmployee =============================

Name:   AddNewEmployee
What:   Verifies that adding an employee will not work with invalid data
	  in fields
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Personnel radio button
	  click the "Add New" button
	  In the "Add New Employee" dialog
	  Fill in each field separately with an invalid string i.e.: 
	             first name longer then 20 chars
                   last name longer then 50 chars
                   password longer then 8 chars
                   employee notes longer then 500 chars
                   login ID longet then 10 chars
		       Click ok.
		       Repeat this test for each field separately with invalid data
Output: After OK is clicked, a warning dialog should appear and request
	  for unique data in a particular field.
	  With the warning dialog box closed, edit the name and click ok
	  or click cancel to quit.
	  The new name should not appear in the company personnel list box
	  of the administrator dialog.
	  (Restart the application. The name should not appear in the 
        company personnel list box).
======================= End of AddNewEmployee (invalid data in fields) =====

Name:   AddNewEmployee
What:   Verifies that cancelling the addition of a new  employee works
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Personnel radio button
	  Click the "Add New" button
	  In the "Add New Employee" dialog
	  Fill in each field with a valid, unique string.
	  Click cancel.
Output: After cancel is clicked, the "Add New Employee" dialog should
	  The new name should not appear in the company personnel list box
	  of the administrator dialog.
	  (Restart the application. The name should not appear in the 
        company personnel list box).

======================= End of AddNewEmployee (cancelling) =================

Name:   AddNewEmployee
What:   Verifies that adding an employee with duplicate first and last
	  name fails
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Personnel radio button
	  Click the "Add New" button
	  In the "Add New Employee" dialog
	  Fill in first name and last name fields with names that match
	  an employee already in the database.
	  Fill in all other fields with valid, unique strings.
	  Click ok.
Output: After OK is clicked, a warning dialog should appear and request
	  for a unique name.
	  With the warning dialog box closed, edit the name and click ok
	  or click cancel to quit.

======================= End of AddNewEmployee (duplicate name) =============

Name:   AddNewEmployee
What:   Verifies that adding an employee with a duplicate login ID	fails
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Personnel radio button
	  click the "Add New" button
	  In the "Add New Employee" dialog
	  Fill in the login ID field with a login ID that matches
	  an employee's login ID already in the database.
	  Fill in all other fields with valid, unique strings.
	  Click ok.
Output: After OK is clicked, a warning dialog should appear and request
	  for a unique login ID.
	  With the warning dialog box closed, edit the name and click ok
	  or click cancel to quit.
======================== End of AddNewEmployee (duplicate login ID) =========

Name:   ModifyEmployee

	  Repeat all tests applicable to the tests for AddNewEmployee

======================= End of ModifyEmployee ==============================

Name:   DeleteEmployee
What:   Verifies that deleting an employee from the system works
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Personnel radio button
	  click on a name in the company personnel list box
	  click the "Delete" button
	  In the "Delete Employee" dialog
	  click ok.
Output: After ok is clicked, the "Delete Employee" dialog should
	  The name should not appear in the company personnel list box
	  of the administrator dialog.
	  (Restart the application. The name should not appear in the 
        company personnel list box).

====================== End of DeleteEmployee ==============================

Name:   DeleteEmployee
What:   Verifies that cancelling the deleting of an employee from the
	  system works correctly
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Personnel radio button
	  click on a name in the company personnel list box
	  Click the "Delete" button
	  In the "Delete Employee" dialog
	  Click cancel.
Output: After ok is clicked, the "Delete Employee" dialog should
	  The name should appear in the company personnel list box
	  of the administrator dialog.
	  (Restart the application. The name should appear in the 
        company personnel list box).

====================== End of DeleteEmployee (cancel) ======================

Name:   AddNewLocation
What:   Verifies that adding a new meeting location works correctly
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Meeting Rooms radio button
	  Click the "Add New" button
	  In the "Add New Meeting Room" dialog
	  enter a unique and valid meeting room in the "Please select
	  a name for the room" field
	  Click ok
Output: After ok is clicked, the "Add New Meeting Room" dialog should
	  The new location should appear in the drop box of the Meeting
	  Details screen
	  (Restart the application. The new location should appear in the 
        drop box of the Meeting Details screen).

===================== End of AddNewLocation ================================

Name:   AddNewLocation
What:   Verifies that cancelling addition of a new meeting location
	  works correctly
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Meeting Rooms radio button
	  Click the "Add New" button
	  In the "Add New Meeting Room" dialog
	  enter a unique and valid meeting room in the "Please select
	  a name for the room" field
	  Click cancel
Output: After cancel is clicked, the "Add New Meeting Room" dialog should
	  The new location should not appear in the drop box of the Meeting
	  Details screen
	  (Restart the application. The new location should not appear in 
	  the drop box of the Meeting Details screen).
====================== End of AddNewLocation (cancel) =======================

Name:   AddNewLocation
What:   Verifies that adding a new meeting location with a duplicate 
	  meeting room fails
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Meeting Rooms radio button
	  Click the "Add New" button
	  In the "Add New Meeting Room" dialog
	  Fill in the meeting room field with a meeting room that 
	  matches a meeting room already in the system
	  Click ok.
Output: After OK is clicked, a warning dialog should appear and request
	  for a unique meeting room.
	  With the warning dialog box closed, edit the name and click ok
	  or click cancel to quit.

==================== End of AddNewLocation (duplicate meeting room) ========

Name:   ModifyMeetingRoom

	  Repeat all tests applicable for adding new location

========================== End of ModifyMeetingRoom ========================

Name:   DeleteMeetingRoom
What:   Verifies that deleting a meeting room from the system works
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Meeting Rooms radio button
	  Click on a meeting room in the drop box
	  Click the "Delete" button
	  In the "Delete Meeting Room" dialog
	  Click ok.
Output: After ok is clicked, the "Delete Meeting Room" dialog should
	  The new location should not appear in the drop box of the Meeting
	  Details screen
	  (Restart the application. The new location should not appear in 
	  the drop box of the Meeting Details screen).

================================ End of DeleteMeetingRoom ==================

Name:   DeleteMeetingRoom
What:   Verifies that cancelling the deleting of a meeting room from 
	  the system works correctly
Where:  PlaNet PAS (PlaNet Administration System)

Input:  Log into the system with an Administrator account.
	  In the Administration dialog, 
	  Select the Meeting Rooms radio button
	  Click on a meeting room in the drop box
	  Click the "Delete" button
	  In the "Delete Meeting Room" dialog
	  Click cancel.
Output: After cancel is clicked, the "Delete Meeting Room" dialog should
	  The new location should appear in the drop box of the Meeting
	  Details screen
	  (Restart the application. The new location should appear in 
	  the drop box of the Meeting Details screen).

=============================== End of DeleteMeetingRoom (cancel) ==========

Plans for Unit Integration

Integration of the various components of the PlaNet system will proceed in a bottom-up process. The simplest elements will be combined to form more complex subsystems, and then those subsystems will be combined to form the main system. Finally, the help system and any other supporting units will be integrated with the main system to form the complete PlaNet system. There are 3 Stages for the Unit Integration as follows:

First Stage

Integration Subsystem

Units to be Integrated into Subsystem

Meeting Management (MMS) Main, Meeting Details, About dialog, and Change Password dialog
Personnel Administration (PAS) Administration and Add,Modify,Delete Personnel/Location

Note that this stage will not include tests which involve actions specific to individual units and that do not propagate effects to other units. Those tests are assumed to have been already performed by unit testing. Also note that the above list of units includes supporting dialogs for error messages and user information (e.g. invalid value entries, deletion warnings).

Second Stage

This integration stage will combine the MMS and PAS subsystems.

Third Stage

This is the last integration stage. It will combine the main system resulting from the second integration stage with the Login unit, the Notifications unit, and the Help system.

Integration Testing

Tests will be performed at each of the 3 integration stages to ensure the resulting subsystem is functioning correctly. The individual tests for the integration stages are as follows:

  1. First Stage Testing

  2. Second Stage Testing

  3. Third Stage Testing

1) First Stage Testing

MMS Integration

Test Number

Test Action
(all initial actions are performed from the Main dialog except as noted otherwise)


Int1-1 Press About button. The About dialog appears. Return to Main after pressing Ok.
Int1-2 Press Password button. The Password dialog appears.
Int1-3 Change Password. Password for the employee is updated in database. Press Ok to return to Main dialog.
Int1-4 Affirm Password change - press Password button again, type in Old password, and another new password. Previously changed password is affirmed. Password updated again.
Int1-5 Select an empty slot then press New Meeting button. Meeting Details dialog appears with "New meeting" text in the Meetings List, and correct information displayed in all other dialog items.
Int1-6 Set a new meeting in Meeting Details then press Ok. Meeting Details disappears and Main dialog is updated with correct new meeting information.
Int1-7 Press New Meeting button, then set a new meeting in Meeting Details. Press Cancel in Meeting Details. No new meeting is added on the Main dialog.
Int1-8 Select an empty time slot and press Modify Schedule button on Main dialog. Press Cancel in Meeting Details. Meeting Details dialog appears with "New meeting" text in the Meetings List, and default meeting information is displayed in all other dialog items. After return to Main, no new meeting is added on the Main dialog.
Int1-9 Select an empty time slot and press Modify Schedule button on Main dialog. Set a new meeting in Meeting Details, and press Ok. Meeting Details dialog appears with "New meeting" text in the Meetings List, and default meeting information is displayed in all other dialog items. After return to Main, the new meeting is then added on the Main dialog.
Int1-10 Select an empty time slot and press Modify Schedule button on Main dialog. Set a new meeting in Meeting Details, adjust both the day and month, then press Ok. Meeting Details dialog appears with "New meeting" text in the Meetings List, and default meeting information is displayed in all other dialog items. After return to Main, the viewed day and month are updated, and the new meeting is then added on the Main dialog.
Int1-11 Select a time slot that has a meeting and press Modify Schedule button on Main dialog. Modify the meeting in Meeting Details, and press Cancel. Meeting Details dialog appears with meeting text in the Meetings List, and correct information displayed in all other dialog items. After return to Main, the meeting is not modified on the Main dialog.
Int1-12 Select a time slot that has a meeting and press Modify Schedule button on Main dialog. Modify the meeting in Meeting Details, and press Ok. Meeting Details dialog appears with meeting text in the Meetings List, and correct information displayed in all other dialog items. After return to Main, the meeting is modified correctly on the Main dialog.
Int1-13 Select a time slot that has a meeting and press Modify Schedule button on Main dialog. Modify the meeting in Meeting Details so that it is on a different day and month and press Ok. Meeting Details dialog appears with meeting text in the Meetings List, and correct information displayed in all other dialog items. After return to Main, the viewed month and day are updated, and the meeting is modified correctly on the Main dialog.
Int1-14 Select a time slot that has a meeting and press New Meeting button on Main dialog. Set the new meeting in Meeting Details, and press Ok. Meeting Details dialog appears with "New meeting" text in the Meetings List. The Meeting List also has the name of the existing meeting. Default information is displayed in all other dialog items for the new meeting. After return to Main, the selected time slot shows a meeting conflict.
Int1-15 Select an empty time slot meeting and press New Meeting button on Main dialog. Set the new meeting in Meeting Details so that it conflicts with different meetings over a variety of times then press Ok. Meeting Details dialog appears with "New meeting" text in the Meetings List. The Meeting List also has the name of the existing meeting. Default information is displayed in all other dialog items for the new meeting. After return to Main, all time slots that have conflicts are indicated, and non-conflicting slots occupied by the new meeting are updated.
Int1-16 Select an existing meeting, press the Don't Attend button, and press Cancel when verification box appears. The selected meeting is unchanged on the Main dialog after the verification box disappears.
Int1-17 Select an existing meeting, press the Don't Attend button, and press Ok when verification box appears. Then press the Modify Schedule button. Press Ok in the Meeting Details dialog. The selected meeting is removed from Main dialog after the verification box disappears. After pressing Modify Schedule, the removed meeting no longer appears in the Meetings list.
Int1-18 Press the Print button. Confirmation dialog appears. Ok button pressed to return to Main dialog.
Int1-19 Press the Exit button. Exit the PlaNet system.

PAS Integration - Employee Management

Test Number

Test Action
(all initial actions are performed from
the Administration dialog, with the Personnel radio button selected)


Int1-20 Press Add button. Enter details for a new employee in the Add Employee dialog, then press Cancel. Administration dialog is unaffected.
Int1-21 Press Add button. Enter details for a new employee in the Add Employee dialog, then press Ok. Administration dialog is updated to show the new employee.
Int1-22 Select an employee and press the Modify button. Change details for the employee in the Modify Employee dialog, then press Cancel. Press the Modify button again and press Cancel. The second time the Modify Employee dialog appears, the details for the employee are unchanged.
Int1-23 Select an employee and press the Modify button. Change details for the employee in the Modify Employee dialog, then press Ok. Press the Modify button again and press Cancel. The second time the Modify Employee dialog appears, the details for the employee show the correct modifications.
Int1-24 Select an employee and press the press the Delete button. Press Cancel when the confirmation dialog appears. The personnel list is unchanged after the confirmation dialog disappears.
Int1-25 Select an employee and press the press the Delete button. Press Ok when the confirmation dialog appears. The selected employee is removed from the personnel list.

PAS Integration - Location Management

Test Number

Test Action
(all initial actions are performed from
the Administration dialog, with the Meeting Rooms radio button selected)


Int1-26 Press Add button. Enter details for a new location in the Add Location dialog, then press Cancel. Administration dialog is unaffected.
Int1-27 Press Add button. Enter details for a new location in the Add Location dialog, then press Ok. Administration dialog is updated to show the new location.
Int1-28 Select a location and press the Modify button. Change details for the location in the Modify Location dialog, then press Cancel. Press the Modify button again and press Cancel. The second time the Modify Location dialog appears, the details for the location are unchanged.
Int1-29 Select a location and press the Modify button. Change details for the location in the Modify Location dialog, then press Ok. Press the Modify button again and press Cancel. The second time the Modify Location dialog appears, the details for the location show the correct modifications.
Int1-30 Select a location and press the press the Delete button. Press Cancel when the confirmation dialog appears. The location list is unchanged after the confirmation dialog disappears.
Int1-31 Select a location and press the press the Delete button. Press Ok when the confirmation dialog appears. The selected location is removed from the location list.


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2) Second Stage Testing

The MMS and PAS subsystems do not interact directly with each other. The only association between them is the set of employees and locations available for selection when scheduling a meeting. Therefore, the tests will ensure that when employees or locations are added or deleted from the PAS, then the Meeting Details dialog will reflect those changes made in the PAS.

Test Number

Test Action


Int2-1 Select an empty time slot, press the Modify Schedule on the Main dialog and inspect the Available Personnel list on the Meeting Details dialog. Then exit the Meeting Details dialog. Add a new employee in the personnel list from the Administration dialog. Then press the Modify Schedule button on the Main dialog again. The new employee should be included on the list of Available Personnel in the Meeting Details dialog.
Int2-2 Select an empty time slot, press the Modify Schedule on the Main dialog and inspect the Available Personnel list on the Meeting Details dialog. Then exit the Meeting Details dialog. Then delete an employee from the personnel list from the Administration dialog. Then press the Modify Schedule button on the Main dialog again. The Available Personnel list will not show the deleted employee.
Int2-3 Select an existing meeting slot, press the Modify Schedule on the Main dialog and inspect the Meeting Attendees list on the Meeting Details dialog. Then exit the Meeting Details dialog. Then delete an employee, who was scheduled in the existing meeting, from the personnel list from the Administration dialog. Then press the Modify Schedule button on the Main dialog again. Neither the Meeting Attendees or Available Personnel lists will show the deleted employee.


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3) Third Stage Testing

Test Number

Test Action


Int3-1 Login with valid Login ID and password. Invokes Main dialog only and pending notifications.
Int3-2 Login with invalid Login ID. No system entry, Login dialog text changes to indicate improper login.
Int3-3 Login with valid Login ID, invalid password. No system entry, Login dialog text changes to indicate improper login.
Int3-4 Login with valid Login ID (administrator) and password. Invokes Main dialog and Administration dialog, and pending notifications.
Int3-5 Cancel without Login. Exit system.
Int3-6 Login, schedule a meeting with another employee, logout, then login with ID of employee who was scheduled for meeting. Notification dialog appears with correct meeting notice information.
Int3-7 Login, schedule multiple meetings with another employee, then login with ID of employee who was scheduled for meeting. Notification dialog appears with correct notice information for all meetings.
Int3-8 Login, schedule multiple meetings with multiple employees, then for every employee who was scheduled for meeting, repeat the login process with their ID's. For each employee login, notification dialog appears with correct notice information for all meetings.
Int3-9 Press Help on Main dialog. Help activated with Main help page.
Int3-10 Press Help on Meeting Details dialog. Help activated with Meeting Details help page.
Int3-11 Press Help on Administration dialog. Help activated with Administration help page.

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User Acceptance Plans

There are two major components to the plans for acceptance of the PlaNet system by Imagin8 Inc.

Functionality Testing

After the integration tests have been completed, the PlaNet system will be ready for testing by Imagin8 Inc. In order to ensure that all of the requirements for the system as stated by Imagin8 Inc. have been met, ISSI has prepared a list of system function tests to be run by Imagin8 Inc.

The Date of Functionality Testing will be:

The list of acceptance tests will be made available to Imagin8 Inc. 1 week prior to the scheduled date of the testing. ISSI will also notify Imagin8 Inc. to contact ISSI at least 1 day prior to the test date if there are any additional tests which Imagin8 Inc. deems necessary for the acceptance test list. Those tests will then be appended to the acceptance test list.

The following list is a compilation of all functionality tests which the PlaNet system must pass in order to be accepted by Imagin8 Inc.:

Employee Management Procedures

Location Management Procedures

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Performance Testing

In addition to successful functional testing, the PlaNet system must also satisfy the performance requirements of Imagin8 Inc. A checklist of the main functional components of PlaNet has been prepared for performance assessment by Imagin8 Inc. The response times for each of these tests must meet the requirements of Imagin8 Inc. in order for the PlaNet system to achieve satisfactory performance.

The Date of Performance Testing will be the Same as that for Functionality Testing.

The checklist will be made available to Imagin8 Inc. 1 week prior to the test date. In addition, Imagin8 Inc. will be informed to notify ISSI at least 1 day prior to the test of any additional performance tests to be done. These tests will be added to the performance test list.

The following list is a compilation of all performance tests which the PlaNet system must pass in order to be accepted by Imagin8 Inc.:

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