CPSC 547 Presentation: Liability References

  1. Bloden Tarter, Information Liability: New Interpretations for the Electronic Age; Computer/Law Journal Vol XI No 4, December 1992 p481-554

  2. Everett, "Independent Information Professionals and the question of Malpractice Liability", ONLINE, May 1989 p 70

  3. Terri A Cutrera, "Computer Networks , libel and the First Amemdment", Computer/Law Journal, Vol XI No 4, December 1992

  4. Susan C Lyman, "Civil Remedies for the Victims of Computer Viruses", Computer/Law Journal, Vol XI No 4, December 1992

  5. H. Kopetz, "Software Reliability", The Macmillan Press Ltd 1979

  6. Dai Davis, Evershed, Hepworth and Chadwick, "Safety-critical systems -- legal liability", Computing & Control Engineering Journal, February 1994, p13-17

  7. G. Steven Tuthill, "Legal Liabilities and Experts Systems",AI EXPERT, March 1991, p45-51

  8. Graham Douglas Mackintosh, "Software Liability: Are Expert Systems Any Different?", Canadian Artificial Intelligence, April 1988, p13-14

  9. Roger S. Pressman, Software Engineering: a practitioners approach, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992, Chapter 17-19

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