CPSC547 Project Application Page

Aldus PageMaker

Aldus PageMaker is a desktop publishing package used to produce printed documents electronically. It includes tools that are used in the writing, markup and printing of documents.

Screen Snapshot

Aldus PageMaker utilizes a menu bar and a floating Tools palette to control all the functions of producing a document. The Tools palette contains the primary tools necessary for page markup: a pointer tool to select objects on the screen, two line drawing tools to draw angled, vertical, and horizontal lines, a text tool to type in text, a rotate tool to rotate objects, a square tool to draw squares, a circle tool to draw circles, and a crop tool to crop pictures (cut away certain portions of a picture). All other functions such as font selection, column guides, spacing, and leading are controlled through the menu bar.

The main working area of PageMaker allows the user to see the document as it will be printed (WYSIWIG or What You See is What You Get). A ruler covers the outer top and left regions of a page and can be customized to represent common measurements such as centimeters, inches, points, and picas. The user can zoom in or out at fixed ratios to see details that can not be seen visually at the monitors resolution.


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