
Their are dozens of HTML Editors available to enable you to create your own web pages. The four editors that we reviewed are only a sample of the wide spectrum available, but they give a good example of the quality and styles that have been developed.

It is our belief that a company wishing to create a web page would want access to all functions that HTML provides. We tested the editors on the creation and addition of basic text, headers, and address information to documents. As well, we looked at the ease of use of adding color, graphics, tables, forms, and hyperlinks.

After reviewing the editors, we feel that HotDog Standard is the best editor of the four. In a future review it would be interesting to test the HotDog Pro editor. We were disappointed with Aardvark Pro because we had high expectations when we installed it. The functions of HotDog Standard were available on Aardvark Pro and a number of useful Wizards were also available, but we found it much less intuitive than Live Markup and HotDog Standard.

The editor that was most disappointing was Home Page Wizard from Compuserv. A business would not be able to use this editor for their company home page, however, if they were to supply it for their employees, to create personal pages, it could be useful for them. The biggest surprise of the editors that we reviewed was Live Markup. The learning curve of this editor was bigger than for any of the other editors, but once we learned the quirks of this editor it was one of the most effective. The WYSIWYG view allowed us to maintain good format in our documents as we went along.

A suggestion for anyone who is thinking of purchasing an HTML editor is to try a number of editors for their given trial periods. Some people prefer WYSIWYG editors over text-based editors and vice versa, so find out what you prefer.

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Created by Robert Loeppky and Michael Hrytsak