Knowledge Elicitation Phase 2

Development of an Expert Knowledge Base for the Control of an Intelligent Robot Sumo Wrestler

Line Drawings of Various Robots

Situation Assessment Module

Course Project for CPSC 679 -- Cognitive Processes in Artificial Intelligence

electromagnetic spectrum line

An initial repertory grid is elicited from each individual expert. Each expert is elicited for their own elements and constructs relevant to the domain. This serves to familiarized the expert with using the knowledge elicitation software. It also achieves an elicitation of all the elements describing the domain.

electromagnetic spectrum line

Selection of Experts

Initially the intent of the project was to elicit from martial artists with instructor experience. This was mainly driven by the fact that the domain of elicitation was motor skill based. This means that the knowledge could be expected to be subconscious unless the individual had been required to make it conscious because of their instructor duties. The actual make up of the group of experts is slightly different from this initial objective. The four individuals are from the same Wing Chuin class. One was the instructor, Anthony and the other three (including the author) are his students. Two of the students, Don and Rob are senior students having studied Wing Chuin or some other martial art for more than ten years. The other, Vlad (the author) is a junior student who has trained for only half a year.

electromagnetic spectrum line

Individual Grids

The following are the initial grids elicited from the three experts. The author did not participate in this phase since his knowledge in the domain was very limited.




electromagnetic spectrum line

Resultant Element Set

The elements that were derived in this phase were presented to all the experts. The intention was to allow them to discuss the element's and decide on a set that fully represented the domain. There was unfortunately no time with in the schedule to do a proper, iterative discussion so an element set was chosen by simply picking the one element set that seemed to best describe the domain.

The following are the chosen elements:

island line

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