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Tool Integrity


This rule checks the integrity of the internal structure of the knowledge-acquisition tool. The user must be able to reach all components of the tool. The rule warns the user if a window is not reachable from the main window. This situation makes it impossible to edit the knowledge associated with the window. Because bugs in DASH can cause these problems, the rule definition instructs the developer to report the problem to the PROTÉGÉ-II maintainers.


This rule checks the integrity of the main window of the knowledge-acquisition tool. The rule warns the user if there are no widgets in the main window. There must be at least one button on the main window that allows the tool user to enter knowledge into the tool. The rule definition advises the developer to set the ka-specification facet to top-level (Eriksson et al., 1994) for each class of knowledge that should be accessible from the main menu.


This rule detects situations where a window (e.g., form) is reachable from many locations in the knowledge-acquisition tool. This situation can be the result of an unintended circular definition in the ontology (i.e., class definitions referring directly or indirectly to themselves). The rule recommends the developer to reformulate the ontology in noncircular terms. We designed this rule originally for an earlier version of DASH. Because the current version of DASH supports most cases of circular definitions in the ontology, the rule is now obsolete (Eriksson et al., 1995).

Henrik Eriksson