- ...Libraries
- The
first author would like to acknowledge the support by the National
Science Foundation under Grant Nos. IRI-9523419 and EEC-9209623.
The second author's research reported in this paper has been developed at
the IIIA inside the ANALOG Project funded by Spanish CICYT grant 122/93.
The content of this
paper does not necessarily reflect the position or the policy of the
US Government, the Kingdom of Spain Government, or the Catalonia
Government, and no official endorsement should be inferred.
- ...etc
- Metadata Workshop held on March 1-3,
1995, in Dublin, Ohio addressed the issue of appropriate metadata
elements for document-like objects and identified an initial set of
thirteen elements called the Dublin Core[\protect\citeauthoryearWeibel1995].
- ...agents
- By
peer agents we mean agents that are capable of solving the
task that another agent has at hand.
- ...(DistCBR)
- Note that this mode of cooperation unfortunately
carries the same name as our use of the term distributed case-based
reasoning for agents more generally doing case-based reasoning in a
distributed manner. The name for this mode of cooperation was
introduced in [\protect\citeauthoryearPlaza, Arcos, &Mart´n1996] where cooperative CBR was used
for agents more generally doing case-based reasoning in a distributed
manner. In order to avoid confusion, in this paper, we use the
acronym DistCBR for this specialized FPL cooperation mode and
the terms cooperative CBR and distributed case-based reasoning are
used interchangeably for the more general situation of agents doing
case-based reasoning in a distributed manner.
- ...handy
- In these examples, when we talk of agents we
mean computational agents that develop their case bases from the
experiences of different employees and are equipped with automated
tools for exploiting such experience like case-based reasoning
tools. However, the methods presented here would also be applicable
for mixed-initiative systems where computational agents and humans
are treated as ``agents'' in an integrated multi-agent system.