Next: Distributed Processing vs
Up: Corporate Memories as Distributed
Previous: Introduction
Corporate memory consists of the sum total of the information and
knowledge resources within an organization. Such resources are
typically distributed and are characterized by
multiplicity and diversity: company databases, machine-readable texts,
documentation resources and reports, product requirements, design
rationale etc.
A corporate memory facility that promotes an organization to leverage
its existing information and knowledge assets through effective reuse
can be crucial to handling internal and external pressures in an
information-driven economy[Huynh, Popkin,
&Stecker1994]. A number of benefits can
arise out of a well thought out and implemented corporate memory
infrastructure(CMI)[Huynh, Popkin,
- Competitive pressures require quick and effective reactions to
the ever changing market situations. The gap between the evolving and
continuously changing collective information and knowledge resources
of an organization and the employee awareness of the existence of such
resources and their changes can lead to losses in productivity.
CMI seeks to address this problem through ``knowledge-empowerment of
workers'', thus enabling them to respond better to market opportunities.
- Timely availability of relevant information from resources accessible
to an organization can lead to more informed decisions on the part of
individuals (managers, project leaders etc), thereby promoting
the effectiveness and viability of decentralized decision making.
- Promotes organizations to become learning systems and avoid
repeating the same mistakes[Sharp &Lewis].
Information about past
projects - protocols, design specifications, documentation of
experiences: both failures and successes, alternatives explored -
can all serve as stimulants for learning, leading to ``expertise transfer''
and ``cross-project fertilizations''[Vanwelkenhuysen1996] within and across
Enablement of effective management of the know-how within a company
mandates that a CMI incorporate characteristics like[Huynh, Popkin, &Stecker1994]:
- Semantically rich and flexible access mechanisms
- Automated management of potentially large-scale resource sets
- Efficient management of change and reuse given the dynamic nature of
corporate information and knowledge resources
- Adaptability entailing learning from past experiences by recording
them along with their context and re-instantiating them in similar
future contexts to gain a level of predictability about these new situations.
The above requirements on CMI and the distributed nature of the
resources comprising a corporate memory system provide compelling
reasons for treating it as a distributed problem solving system. In
the subsequent sections, we discuss the potential for distributed
case-based reasoning approaches in dealing with access to corporate
memory for semantically related but physically dispersed data and
Next: Distributed Processing vs
Up: Corporate Memories as Distributed
Previous: Introduction