Current address: Stanford University, Gates Computer Science Building 2A, Room 206, Stanford, CA 94305-9020, phone: (415)723-4910, fax: (415)725-7411, email: jsierra@cs.stanford.edu
The expression (L,A) denotes a theory with language -non-logical symbols- L and axioms A.
Note that this example uses only propositional logic language. The argument of all functions and predicates, (e.g., the particular car with failure) is omitted because it carries no extra information.


In fact, it is connected to the instantiated resolution method identify-hyp-causes, through a second application of rule I.
A decomposition method input axiom is a formula of the form tex2html_wrap_inline1335 , which describes how the inputs of some subtasks are obtained from the values of state variables containing the output values of other subtasks. There are other types of input axioms as well (see the definition of decomposition method in section 2.1), but we shall not consider them here.
tex2html_wrap_inline1353 denotes the result of applying the substitutions in [instantiations] to the axioms and program parts of tex2html_wrap_inline1357 .
