- Research Institute for Technologies in Education (RITE)
- Carl J. Cuneo, McMaster University
- Learning through Interactive Networked Collaboration and Simulation
- TeleLeaming Network of Centres of Excellence
- Linda Harasim, Simon Fraser
- Health Education for the 21st Century Hamessing Technology to Enhance the
Current and Future Health of Canadians
- Knowledge on Demand
- Marie-Michèle Boulet, Laval
- Research Institute for Technologies in Education (RITE)
- Carl J. Cuneo, McMaster University
- Learning through Interactive Networked Collaboration and Simulation
- TeleLeaming Network of Centres of Excellence
- Linda Harasim, Simon Fraser
- Technology Based Learning for Medicine, Continuing Health Education and
Health Promotion
- George Holme, Sandoz Canada Inc
- Health Education for the 21st Century Hamessing Technology to Enhance the
Current and Future Health of Canadians
- The Consortium for the Application of Technology Assisted Learning
- Networked Geographic Analysis Machine (NGAM): A Leaming Engine
- John R. Miron, Scarborough College, University of Toronto
- Creating Leaming Resources for Alternative Delivery of Instruction
- Milton W. Petruk, Alberta
- Telework Net
- Doug Young, Eastern College of Applied Art
- Educational Technology Infrastructure Network (ETI-Net)
- Applications des technologies de pointe et des stratégie
récentes les plus efficacaes à l'écriture en
français langue seconde
of Calgary Page,
LINCS@acs.ucalgary.ca 20-Oct-94