On March 28, 1994, the federal government announced the renewal of l0 networks
funded under the Networks of Centres of Excellence (NCE) program. In addition,
the government has designated $48 million to support a limited number of new
networks in priority areas that are strategically important to Canada in terms
of economic, social or environmental benefits.
Applications for new networks may be submitted in five target areas: advanced
technologies (materials, software engineering); environment; health research;
learning; trade, competitiveness and sustainability. These networks will
provide opportunities to develop innovative research approaches that cross
traditional disciplinary and sectoral boundaries, and promote collaborations
among social, physical and medical scientists and engineers.
The goal of the federal NCE program is to mobilize Canada's research talent in
the academic, private and public sectors and apply it to the task of developing
the economy and improving the quality of life of Canadians.
This goal will be accomplished by investing in national research networks that
meet the following objectives:
- Stimulate leading-edge fundamental and applied research, based on
excellence as measured by international standards, in areas critical to
Canadian economic development;
- Develop and retain world-class scientists and engineers in technologies
that are essential to Canada's productivity and economic growth;
- Manage multidisciplinary, multisectoral research programs of nationwide
scope and develop partnerships that integrate the research and development
priorities of all participants;
- Accelerate the exchange of research results within the network and
facilitate the transfer of this knowledge to, and its absorption by,
organizations in Canada that can harness it to advance Canadian economic and
social development.
The first stage of the competition for new networks
involves the submission of letters of intent that describe the proposed network
and its relevance to the objectives of the NCE program and the specific target
area. The target areas are described in detail in the attached summaries.
Prospective applicants should refer to the NCE Phase II--Policies and
Guidelines brochure for detailed information about the program.
The deadline for submission of letters of intent is September 1, 1994.
The letters of intent will be used to screen applicants--a selected number will
be invited to submit full proposals for a deadline of January 13,
The evaluation process will be based on peer review. A Selection Committee will
be appointed to provide the appropriate balance of expertise to evaluate the
letters of intent and the applications in the target areas according to the
established selection criteria. To assist them in this evaluation process, the
Selection Committee will rely on reports from expert panels in each of the
target areas. The reports will summarize the peer review of all applications,
as well as the meetings with representatives from each group of applicants. The
advanced technologies area has two components, materials and software
engineering; they will have separate expert panels although they constitute a
single target area.
To be successful, a network must excel in each of the selection criteria. If
the budget permits and the criteria are met, one network will be funded in each
of the five target areas. No more than one network will be funded in any single
area. It is anticipated that the successful new networks will begin operations
in September 1995.
Additional information packages and details about this competition, as well as
copies of the policies and guidelines brochure, can be obtained from the NCE
office by phone, at (613) 995-6010, or fax. at (613) 992-7356. Information
packages are also available from the research grants offices of all
The following five, equally-weighted criteria will be used to evaluate the
proposals. To ensure that the program objectives are met, successful networks
will also be assessed on an ongoing basis during their tenure of an NCE grant.
Networks must excel in each criterion as a condition of both initial and
continued support.
- The excellence, focus and coherence of the research program;
- Canada's ability to develop a lead position in areas of research with high
economic and social impact;
- The quality of the researchers and their ability to contribute to the
research thrust;
- An explanation of the relationship of the research program to similar
scientific work conducted elsewhere in Canada and abroad;
- A description of how this research benefits or would benefit from a
network approach.
- The ability to develop and retain outstanding scientists and engineers in
research areas and technologies that are critical to Canadian productivity and
economic growth;
- Evidence of non-traditional training strategies which promote
multidisciplinary. multisectoral approaches to research and encourage trainees
to consider the economic and social implications of their work.
- Effective research and technology development links among academic
institutions and public and private sector participants. indicating the nature
and extent of involvement of each participant in the research work planned;
- Demonstration of a multidisciplinary, multisectoral approach in the
research program, to the extent feasible, and an explanation of why this is
important to the Network's work plan;
- Evidence that an effort has been made to include all suitably qualified
parties and relevant facilities in the network;
- The nature and extent of anticipated contributions from the private sector
and federal and provincial agencies; and the prospects for these increasing as
the work progresses.
- The potential for the Network's research and technology to lead to new
products, processes or services for commercial exploitation that will
strengthen the Canadian industrial base, enhance productivity, and/or
contribute to long-term economic growth;
- The extent to which a network creates an environment that encourages
opportunities for collaboration with the private sector in the application of
research to technology and/or in market development;
- The potential for technology transfer and growth in the technology base of
private and public sector partners;
- Appropriate mechanisms and plans to: protect the network's intellectual
property; - ensure it is exploited to the greatest extent possible by firms
operating in Canada; and - secure the support of investors.
- Evidence of an organizational structure suitable for the management of the
research and business functions of a complex multidisciplinary,
multi-institutional program including:
- presence of effective leadership and expertise in the business management
- effective research planning and budgeting mechanisms; and
- a management and board structure that will allow significant resource
reallocation decisions to be made and implemented.
A Selection Committee will be appointed as part of the peer review process in
the competition for new networks in Phase II of the Networks of Centres of
Excellence program. The members of this Selection Committee will be selected
and appointed by the NCE Steering Committee which is made up of the Presidents
of the three granting councils and the Deputy Minister of Industry Canada or
his delegate. The Selection Committee will review the letters of intent
according to the selection criteria published in the Phase II-- Policies and
Guidelines, and the relevance of the proposed network to the specified
target area. Applicants who have submitted letters of intent that pass this
screening process will be invited to prepare full applications. Where
appropriate, written advice will be provided to applicants to guide them in the
preparation of the application.
The Committee will evaluate the applications according to the selection
criteria outlined on the previous pages. To assist it in this evaluation
process, the Committee will have reports from expert panels in each of the
target areas that summarize the peer review of all applications, including
meetings with representatives from each group of applicants. The chairperson
for each of the expert panels will be requested to respond to questions and
provide additional information during the Committee's deliberations. The
Committee will rate all of the applications on each of the selection criteria.
To be successful, a network must excel in every criterion.
The Selection Committee will provide the NCE Steering Committee with a list of
networks recommended for funding and the recommended level of award for each
within the program allocation of $48 million. This list will be transmitted to
the Minister of Industry. If the budget permits and the criteria are met, one
network will be funded in each of the five target areas. The Selection
Committee's report will provide the rationale for recommendations, with a
summary analysis of each application, and may include a list of networks worthy
of honorable mention that could be funded if additional resources were to be
available. The report will be made public.
Expert peer review panels will be appointed in each of the target areas
identified for the competition for new networks in Phase II of the Networks of
Centres of Excellence program. There will be two panels in the advanced
technologies target area: one for software engineering and one for materials.
Each expert panel will review the applications submitted to it on the basis of
Phase II selection criteria and the proposal's relevance to the target area.
The expert panels will meet with each group of applicants. Members will be
added to provide supplementary expertise if required for a given application.
The expert panel will prepare a written report on each application to the
target area. The report will provide a detailed evaluation for each of the
selection criteria and will identify any application that does not excel in all
criteria. The expert panels will make recommendations on the appropriateness of
the requested budget for each application. These reports, which will ultimately
be provided to the applicants, will be transmitted to the Selection Committee.
The chairperson of each expert panel will be requested to respond to questions
and X provide additional information during the deliberations of the Selection
Applicants are advised to read the guidelines that follow, the descriptions of
the target areas and the NCE Phase II--Policies and Guidelines before
completing their Letter of Intent. For further information, consult the NCE
office at (613) 995-6010.
The letter of intent plus fifteen (15) copies must be received at the NCE
office by September 1, 1994.
Networks of Centres of Excellence Program
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada
350 Albert Street Ottawa
Ontario KIA IH5
Print must be in black ink. of letter quality (minimum standard), and
single-spaced, with no more than six lines per inch. The type size for fonts
measured in points (pts) must be no smaller than 12 pts; if measured in
characters per inch (cpi), it must be no more than l0 cpi. Condensed type is
unacceptable. Use white paper, 81 x l l inches (2l .5 cm x 28 cm), with margins
of 3/4 of an inch (1.75 cm) (minimum) all around.
Researchers receiving NCE funds must meet the general eligibility conditions of
one of the three granting councils, the Medical Research Council, the Natural
Sciences and Engineering Research Council or the Social Sciences and Humanities
Research Council.
Organizations eligible to receive NCE funds for research are universities,
affiliated hospitals and research institutes and post-secondary institutions
having a research mandate. Other organizations are eligible to receive NCE
funds to administer a network.
The purpose of the Letter of Intent is to provide information on the proposed
network in relation to the goals and objectives of the NCE Phase n program and
the identified target areas. It will be used as a screening mechanism to
determine which groups will be invited to submit full applications.
A covering letter, accompanying the Letter of Intent, must be signed by the
proposed Program Leader and the president or CEO of the institution that will
host the proposed network secretariat.
As an introduction to the Letter of Intent, please provide the following
- Target Area: indicate the target area of the proposed network;
- Program Leader: provide the name, mailing address, telephone and facsimile
numbers and e-mail address for the proposed Program Leader;
- Title: indicate the title of the proposed network as it will be used for
publication and communication purposes;
- Participants: provide a list of the names and affiliations of all the
proposed participants who will be involved in network activities;
- Budget: indicate in dollars the total amount requested from the NCE
program for the four-year funding period, as well as the anticipated support
from each non-council source. Cash and in-kind contributions must be provided
separately for each funding source.
The incremental economic and social benefits to Canada of the network and the
network's proposed research in the identified target area must be clearly
spelled out. Discuss the impact, or potential for impact, of this area of
research, over a ten-year time frame, on Canada's industrial base, health and
social systems.
Discuss the advantages of a network approach to research and research
management in the selected target area and the expected impact of the NCE
program funding on that area relative to other efforts, e.g., Provincial
Centres of Excellence, other research consortia or initiatives.
Use a maximum of l page.
Network research programs must be developed in collaboration with all of the
relevant stakeholders, and must integrate industry, university and government
priorities. Give an overview of the network's proposed research program
- a brief review of the current state of knowledge in the field and an
explanation of the relationship of the research program to similar scientific/
engineering work conducted elsewhere in Canada and abroad;
- the scope, focus and general objectives of the research program;
- the integration of the projects into a coherent research program, the
roles of the participants and their contribution to the program;
- a description of how this research would benefit from a network
Indicate if any new major equipment or facilities will be
required and describe the impact on the proposed research program.
Use a maximum of 2 pages.
Outline the network's strategy to train highly qualified personnel and to
increase the marketability of trainees in relation to the needs of the user
sector for graduates and the capacity to absorb them.
Use a maximum of l/2 page.
Networking is intended to integrate research teams and research programs and to
promote effective interactions and partnerships with the user sector outside
the university community.
Discuss the linkages in existence and the strategy to build new linkages among
universities, industry and governments across Canada. If foreign expertise is
required, provide details.
Include the nature and extent of the proposed involvement of the user sector in
the research and in the research planning, direction and management.
Provide a rationale for the anticipated level of support from other sources and
describe the network's strategy for achieving the projected levels of
Use a maximum of l page.
Discuss the potential for the Network's research and technology to lead to new
products, processes or services for commercial exploitation that will
strengthen the Canadian industrial base, enhance productivity, and/or
contribute to long-term economic growth.
Discuss how the network will create an environment that encourages
opportunities for collaboration with the private and public sectors such as the
application of research to technology, market development, health or social
Use a maximum of 1/2 page.
A strong management structure with clearly defined responsibilities for shaping
the direction of the network is essential. Describe the proposed network
management structure outlining the administrative and operational structures to
coordinate activities, monitor progress, set schedules and allocate
Use a maximum of l/2 page.
NOTE: The space allocated to the description of each criterion does not reflect
the weighting of the criterion.
of Calgary Page,
LINCS@acs.ucalgary.ca 1-Sep-94