If we agree that there are two distinct construals of what pcp is
or should be, I think there is much scope for further work or comment.
Let us keep in mind that at the time the theory was written (1955)
Kelly had to define scientists as those seeking prediction and control.
But prediction (p) and control (c) only arise through the fundamental
channel of anticipation.
Anticipation could as well be defined as discovery and explanation.
To my mind, discovery and explanation are just as valid (and maybe more
important in our time) as definitions of science than p and c. If we
accept, as a given, the dichotomous construct of what science has been,
then some of the implications of anticipation (and of reflexivity)
remain unelaborated.
The moment we try to predict something we are in effect trying to
freeze time. And by wanting to control, we seperate ourselves from nature
and the rest of the world.
I think we need to define science within all possible meanings. All
are just as valid ( and as Kelly said: though, all are not equally useful )
and this is where Utility wins -- as p and c are socially construed as the
most important aspects of science and technology.
Thanks for your thoughts. Hemant Desai
> It is nice that somebody put it in words. At last. I have always thought
> that this two groups resulted from the aims of applicative work: if more
> research oriented, then more grids and numbers and if more, say clinical
> oriented, then more free to use other ways of aaproaching the matter.
> The latter feel that the former group "casts" the clients by greeds, and
> the grid users sometimes might feel that the other group let too much
> room for free interpretation by investigator. Consequently I also decided
> to combine the two ways, but I confess that I am still not sure if it is
> only a problem of construct elicitation or also of rating or ranking the
> elements afterwards. I would appreciate some discussion on it.
> Ana Catina
> Center for Psychotherapy Research
> Stuttgart-Germany