Journal of Constructivist Psychology

R. A. Neimeyer, U of Memphis (neimeyerra@MSUVX1.MEMPHIS.EDU)
Mon, 26 Sep 1994 16:53:45 -0600

I'm new on the mailbase, so I hope I'm using this right, and that I'll have
a chance to interact a bit more with several of you. Thought I'd start
with an announcement about a journal that should be of interest to many of
you--The Journal of Constructivist Psychology (which in 1994 metamorphosed
out of the International Journal of Personal Construct Psychology). I'll
share the "blurb" summarizing the thrust of the "new" journal, which
includes, but is not constrained to the familiar personal construct
contributions that appeared in its predecessor since 1988. Those of you
who are interested in receiving a free copy or subscribing may call or
write the publisher (see below).

Psychology and related disciplines throughout the human sciences and
humanities increasingly have been revolutionized by a "postmodern" emphasis
on the role of language, human systems, and personal knowledge in the
construction of social realities. The Journal of Constructivist Psychology
is the first publication to provide a professional forum for this emerging
focus, embracing such diverse expressions of constructivism as personal
construct theory, structural-developmental and language-based approaches to
psychology, constructivist family therapy, and narrative psychology. Each
issue of the journal will feature departments highlighting theoretical,
empirical, and methodological developments in constructivist scholarship,
as well as contributions to professional practice.

JCP will be essential reading for counselors and psychotherapists of many
theoretical orientations looking for novel contributions to their practice,
as well as for scholars in a range of disciplines concerned with the
ramifications of postmodern thought for the study of individuals and human

To subscribe or request a free sample copy, contact Taylor & Francis,
Rankine Road, Basinstoke, Hampshire, RG24 8PR, UK (Tel: +44 (0)
256-840366); OR Taylor & Francis, 1900 Frost Road, Suite 101, Bristol, PA
19007-1598, USA (Tel: 800-821-8312.

You might also consider submitting something for publication (4 copies, APA
style) if you are so inclined.

Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
(901) 678-4680
FAX (901) 678-2579