Concepts and Strategies of Constructivist Psychotherapy
by Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D., Memphis State University (1 hr., 43 min. CE
Credits: 5; Price: $69)
This program is designed for clinicians interested in deepening
their understanding of constructivism and its practical contributions to
the therapeutic context. Completion of the program should enable you to
identify the distinguishing features of constructivist therapies, and to
use such techniques as "laddering" and "family bowties" to explore clients'
meaning systems and plot relevant interventions.
The Practice of Constructivist Family Therapy
by Jay S. Efran, Ph.D., Temple University (1 hr. CE Credits: 3; Price: $69)
This tape is intended for couples and family therapists, providing
a clear and provocative demonstration of radical constructivism in action.
Basing his intervention on the work of Maturana, Efran illustrates how to
make appropriate decisions about the format and focus of couples therapy,
and how to negotiate problem definitions that give the family greater
leverage in generating responsible problem solutions.
Exploring Personal Metaphors: Putting the Theme Model in Practice
by Sandy Woolum, Ph.D., University of Minnesota-Duluth (1 hr., 13 min., CE
Credits: 4; Price: $69)
Therapists seeking to refine their skills in understanding the
phenomenological realities of their clients will value the strategies
modelled in this self-instructional tape. Woolum demonstrates the use of
inquiry to discover the unique meanings of common language used by the
client to describe emotional experience, and strategies for helping clients
develop personal metaphors that capture the contours of elusive problems
and suggest forms of resolution.
Stream of Consciousness: A Therapeutic Application
by Michael J. Mahoney, Ph.D., University of North Texas (45 min., CE
Credits: 3; Price: $69)
This video is designed for psychologists seeking to enhance their
skills in intensive and relatively nondirective individual therapy.
Mahoney discusses indications and contraindications for using the stream of
consciousness method, and demonstrates the induction of streaming as a
means of assessing and facilitating a client's self-awareness of inner
thoughts, images, and feelings.
Personal Meanings in Systemic Therapy: Reconstructing the Family Narrative
by Guillem Feixas, Ph.D., University of Barcelona (48 min., CE Credits: 3;
Price: $69)
This videotape program discusses the use of circular questions,
problem redefinition, searching for unique outcomes, and narrative
reconstruction in the context of family therapy. These strategies are
illustrated in the context of a session with a couple seeking therapy for
the wife's "depression," resulting in a renegotiation of the presenting
problem in a way that more fully engages both partners in the task of
therapeutic change. (Spanish language version of this tape also
The Meaning of Work
by R. Vance Peavy, Ph.D., University of Victoria, B.C. (46 min., CE
Credits: 3; Price: $69)
The detailed instruction and demonstration on this tape will be of
benefit to counselors looking for sensitive methods to understand the the
matrix of meaning that people use to make occupational decisions. Peavy
provides step-by-step illustration of how to conduct an activity analysis
for evaluating competing career alternatives, help clients identify the
significant themes influencing their occupational choices, and use
autobiographical and narrative techniques to resolve career indecision.
Using Repertory Grid Technique in Vocational Counseling
by Greg J. Neimeyer, Ph.D., University of Florida (1 hr., 53 min., CE
Credits: 5; Price: $69)
This training program is designed for the mental health
professional working with clients who face the challenge of making
difficult career decisions. Neimeyer instructs the viewer on adaptation of
grid techniques to promote vocational exploration, modeling the
administration of a grid to a client and the provision of feedback on the
content and structure of her vocational construct system.
Constructivist Perspectives on Career Counseling
by R. Vance Peavy, Ph.D., & Beth Gray, Ph.D., University of Victoria, B.C.
(90 min.,
CE Credits: 6; Price, $99)
This program develops counselor competencies in the areas of career
and life planning. A study guide workbook and a personal learning journal
are included in the program as a means of enhancing an understanding of the
two counseling sessions presented on the tape. These sessions illustrate
the application of this approach in actual counseling interviews, and they
are followed by step-by-step discussion of constructivist methods for
vocational exploration in the larger context of personal development.
Death in the Family: Individual & Systemic Responses to Loss
by Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D., Memphis State University (1 hr., 10 min., CE
Credits 4; Price: $69)
This tape is designed for therapists interested in understanding
the systemic impact of loss, and the reorganizational tasks it poses for
both individuals and families. Neimeyer discusses how family members
manage the tasks of mourning, and the factors that promote or impede
successful grieving. His interview with Chris, a woman who is courageously
mourning both the sudden death of her father and the protracted death of a
dear friend from AIDS, underscores the dynamics of bereavement and the role
of specific interventions in facilitating healing.
Again, I look forward to seeing what sorts of training materials or
programs others can offer.
Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
(901) 678-4680
FAX (901) 678-2579