Re: Children's development of Constructs

David Nightingale (
7 Oct 1994 8:42:08 +0000

> Surely virtually all of child cognitive development must lie
>within this category (?)
> - Don't know whether I should put a smiley after that or not ....

In one sense I suppose it does (if pcp is viewed as a cognitive
theory, but that's another story :-)), but my colleague is
particularly interested in the application of pcp to this area, not
cognitive development in general.

Dave N

David Nightingale
School of Human and Health Sciences
The University of Huddersfield Voice: (0484) 472461
Queensgate Fax: (0484) 472794
Huddersfield HD1 3DH (UK) Email:

And diff'ring judgements serve but to declare
That truth lies somewhere, if we knew but where. W. Cowper