Re: PCP and Drug abuse research

Hemant Desai (
Mon, 10 Oct 1994 22:05:58 -0500 (CDT)

Beverly Walker writes:
> Two very good papers were given by Janet Powell at the 6th Australasian PCP
> conference on alcohol and drug addiction and pcp in 1992. One is included in
> the proceedings.
> There is a pubished paper by Reid Klion in Leitner and Dunnett, Critical
> perspectives in pcp Krieger (1993).
> These papers are all based on extensive and intensive clinical work. Grids do
> not feature prominently in them, but theory and construing do.
> Regards,
> Beverly Walker

To add to this, there is a repgrid based case study of a drug-taking
client in Al Landfield & Franz Epting (1987) Personal Construct
Psychology: Clinical and Personality Assessment. Human Sciences Press.
Pages 170-1.
