Kelly pictures
R. A. Neimeyer, U of Memphis (neimeyerra@MSUVX1.MEMPHIS.EDU)
Wed, 26 Oct 1994 12:13:09 -0600
I have just been invited to contribute a chapter on the life and work of
George Kelly to an encyclopedic volume on the "Pictoral History of
Psychology," which apparently will be published in both English and German.
One of the unique features of the request is that I submit "4 to 8
interesting illustrations" to accompany the text--presumably of Kelly and
his times, perhaps a repertory grid, anything that is eye-catching and
would draw the reader into attending to the history of his contributions to
psychology. Do any of you have ideas about this, or better still, access
to relevant photos that might be used? Of course, I would be happy to pay
any reasonable fee for their reproduction and mailing, and will give photo
credits appropriately. I have only a few months to finish the project, so
I would appreciate your thoughts in the near future. Thanks.
Robert A. Neimeyer, Ph.D.
Department of Psychology
University of Memphis
Memphis, TN 38152
(901) 678-4680
FAX (901) 678-2579