=46irst EPCA, then Barcelona.
Right. Be it know that EPCA is the only trans-European networking
organisation for PCP, and comprises over 12 separate country groups=
currently, just over 100 members. It has supported the development=
strong national groups in Germany (membership varies between 60 and=
and Ireland (currently 40 strong) who tend to branch off from its=
as the national dimension develops. It has some 60-odd UK members,=
fulfils a particularly valuable service for smaller country groupings=
Spain & Portugal, Netherlands, Scandinavia, and the Yugoslav regions,
acting through a group of national representatives. EPCA conference
surpluses, if any, are used to provide a float for subsequent EPCA
conferences, and bursaries for eastern European and other members=
facilitate conference attendance through the Gavin Dunnet Memorial=
The funds are currently very healthy, and will in part be devoted=
to the
preparation of the 3rd EPCA Conference to be held in the University=
Reading, UK, in 1996.
We offer a European conference every two years (last one was in St.
Andreasberg, Germany in April 1994), held in alternate years to the
International Congresses, (organised independently of EPCA of course),=
which Barcelona is the next. We produce a Newsletter (which is developing
more into a Bulletin) twice a year, and are about to produce a datapack=
new members as an introduction into EPCA services worldwide (we even=
one Australian member!) One of the most valuable services has been=
to act
as a link between national groups which have developed policy documents=
the national accreditation of personal construct therapies (Ireland)=
national groups seeking to develop the same (Yugoslav regions), though=
could be said we could be doing more in this regard. In the UK, local
members of the EPCA Guidance Panel also act as a networking body=
the Southern group based round the University of Surrey (Gwynneth's
outfit!), the Northern group based round Helen Jones in York, and=
but no less lively groups such as the University of Huddersfield=
The next Newsletter, some 30 pages long, is due to appear next week,=
with a
report on the St. Andreasberg Conference, articles by Phillida Salmon,=
Tschudi, A.T. Ravenette, networking details and personal interests=
of all
members, and tri-lingual book reviews (English, Spanish and German)=
of two
recent publications, Salmon's "Psychology for Teachers: an Alternative
Approach" and "European Perspectives in Personal Construct Psychology",=
collection of papers from the EPCA inaugural conference of 1992.=
And lots
A reference copy gets sent to the Neimeyers in the USA (subsequently,=
we know who runs it, to Rod Klion of NAPCN!), and to the Australian=
in Wollongong. But why not join, and find out for yourself? It only=
=A310 to new members and students whether new or rejoining, for=
the two
years 1994-96; =A330 for non-student rejoiners. UK currency or bank=
only please.
And now, a direct reply to Gwyneth's query as well as to all other
colleagues interested in the Barcelona Congress.
It takes place in that city on July 3rd to 7th 1995, being located=
in the
Sol Apollo Hotel (Avenida Paral.lel, 57-59, Barcelona) which is within
close striking distance of the city centre and the sea, 4 miles from=
airport. Full particulars will be provided in the November EPCA Newsletter
to members, and no doubt the organisers have written to the US and
Australian associations as well. They have issued a request for early
expressions of interest (please send to Luis Botella, Dept. of Psychology,
Ramon Llull University, Cister, 24-34, 08022-Barcelona, Spain, fax.
34-3-4188527) and are currently calling for abstracts of papers,=
workshops, symposia, posters, video and computer presentations to=
submitted (send to the same address before 30th March 1995). Fees=
have not
yet been announced but will be shortly, by means of the Conference=
to be issued soon, which will include a submission and registration=
Come one, come all!
Queries about EPCA membership, please, to the Membership Secretary,=
Howard, Kent Cottage, The Drive, Belmont, Surrey SM2 7DH; about EPCA
overall to the General Secretary, Lynn Benson, University House,=
of Teesside, Borough Road, Middlesbrough, Cleveland; and about the
Newsletter to me at the above e-mail address.
Kindest regards,
Devi Jankowicz
(member, EPCA Newsletter group, and outgoing Secretary 1992-94, EPCA)