Children construing: observing

Gwyneth Cheeseman (
Fri, 11 Nov 1994 17:41:13 +0000 (GMT)

Does anyone know of research into children's construing and the way they
may observe as a precursor to changing constructs?

In a pilot study using the retrospective method, participants have
referred to watching, observing and making sense. Certainly, I see my
small grandchildren standing around and watching adults and they seem to
be vigilant of adults.

Not classical PCP stuff, but if anyone has any pointers, I'd be glad.

Second point, I can't recall who asked, but I will be seeing cohorts of
children from 7 years to adulthood in a study due to start very soon. We
will use grids and tape-recorded discussions around pictures. The focus
of interest is construing of parents.

Gwyneth Cheeseman
Department of Community Studies