> Why not create a WORLD-WIDE-WEB server devoted to the remnants of the
> scholarly intellectual thread sparked by George Kelly's audacious
> fundamental psychological postulate. This server could provide, among many
> other services, world-wide-open-access to interactive, multi-media
> elicitation, analysis, and feedback of analysis results of ROLE CONSTRUCT
> REPERTORY GRIDS--individual as well as groups--using the latest virtual
> reality software for visualization of multi-dimensional hyperspaces
> This is the kind of question that might have arisen when I first encountered
> the following Kellian metaphor some years ago, but, for me then, the World-
> Wide-Web as it exists today, was unthinkable.
> "We may imagine a system of planes, each with two sides or aspects,
> slicing through a galaxy of events. One does not measure distance on these planes,
> he[one?] notes only, at any one instant of application, which side of each plane faces
> which events when the set is suspended in the galaxy. The set, or construct system, can,
> of course, be moved around the galaxy in the manner I have described when a single
> construct is used to devise a scale. If the set is moved into all possible positions it
> generates a paracartesian hyperspace, with its relatively concrete scalar axes. But
> that is a rather large undertaking..."
In response to this suggestion, (one which I feel is filled with possibility),
some questions would need to be addressed.
1) Are resources actually available for a www server which will run
software for interactive grid elicitation -- Mildred Shaw's RepGrid2
might be ideal -- but how are you going to get to its subtle interface
through Mosaic or HTML? Hint: source code >:)
It seems like a fun thing to do but will definitely take mucho bytes
and mucho dinero (and will ibm help in any way?)
2) What are opinions on this list as to technology for research? Someone
mentioned access to newsletters from overseas. Text files or even back
issues (or for that matter conference proceedings) can easily be made
accessible via ftp and/or email. Indeed there was some talk last
summer at the NAPCN business meeting about starting this type of thing
but I am not aware of what has yet materialized.
Hemant Desai
Email: hdesai@unlinfo.unl.edu
P.S. I am interested in compiling a database of research references in
pcp that would accessible via internet. Any takers for such a project?