Intro and request
Thu, 12 Jan 1995 10:54:59 -0500 (CDT)
I've been lurking in the bits or bytes, but now I have a need. But, first
things first. I am a third year doctoral student in counseling psychology at
The University of Memphis (TN). My dissertation topic is studying women
divorcing at midlife, using PCT as my theoretical ground. I am, by my other
training, an ordained clergyperson, and interested in understanding religion as
how people construe God based on their experience of life and parents. I have
Linda Viney's article on that topic.
My request is this: if anyone has a spare copy of Maher's Clinical Psychology
& Personality: The Selected Papers of George Kelly, and would be willing to
part with it, I would be quite interested in negotiating to purchase it.
Nothing asked, nothing gained...(to paraphrase).
Thanks for your help. Su McLain
3577 Bishops Gate Drive
Memphis, TN 38115-4603
Phone (901) 360-9877