Look what the tough minded (if-a-college-freshman-cannot-see-it-and-count-it-it-doesn't-exist) enemy is doing with Web technology.
Joe Whitehurst
> To all list members, we are busily moving forward on our electronic
> journal programming. For more information, if you have a WWW graphical
> browser such as Mosaic or NetScape, or the myriad of others, point it to:
> http://rs1.cc.und.nodak.edu/misc/jBAT/joehome.html
> If you are interested in being considered for the editorial board of the
> journal, please email me with your credentials. The sections of the
> journal are not yet finalized, and won't be for a while. However, we are
> attempting to put as much structure as possible to the project. Here is
> a brief idea of some of the ideas our core group has been discussing:
> (1) Review of Materials in other Journals Related to Behavior Analysis
> and Therapy. One of the primary proposed functions of jBAT will be its
> attempt at providing a current survey of basic and applied research in
> the field as represented in other journals. This includes JEAB-type
> articles, theoretical/philosophical articles, and applied research. For
> example, in one the latest edition of the Psychological Review, Jack
> McDowell has a wonderful co-authored article on a linear systems analysis
> of reinforcement. Review of relevant analyses would be important to keep
> all readers up to date on important goings on in behavior analysis.
> (2) A Coherent Organizational Structure. The way I have conceptualized
> jBAT, it would be a journal with specific sub-sections; including (but
> certainly not restricted to) behavioral assessment, theoretical and
> philosophical issues, EAB, with appropriate sub-divisions which could
> include operant and respondent conditioning (basic), rule-governed
> behavior, behavioral allocation and choice, verbal behavior; child bt,
> adult bt, behavioral med, case studies, abstracts as discussed above, with
> a special Feature Article inc), rule-governed behavior, behavioral
> allocation and choice, verbal behavior; child bt, adult bt, behavioral
> med, case studies, abstracts as discussed above, with a special Feature
> Article in each issue that highlights a particularly interesting article
> that attempts to bridge the gap between behavior analysis and therapy.
> The main concerns of the journal will be BOTH basic experimental and
> clinical issues, and related behavioral work to this theme would also be
> acceptable. The overall mission would be a journal dedicated to
> theptable. The overall mission would be a journal dedicated to the design
> and application of behavioral principles (even "cognitive" principles
> appropriately defined and manipulated with behavioral references) to both
> behavior analysis and clinical psychology/behavior therapy.
> (3) Editorial Structure. In accordance with its proposed organizational
> structure, jBAT will have an editor, and several associate editors, each
> responsible for a particular content area, such as the abstracts, child
> bt, etc. Also, the editorial board will be composed of both ABA and
> AABa particular content area, such as the abstracts, child
> bt, etc. Also, the editorial board will be composed of both ABA and
> AABT-like members, representing the best and most behavioral of both the
> basic and applied behavioral spheres.
> The journal will have FULL graphical capabilities on the WWW, but we will
> also maintain an ascii version for downloading. Also, it will be a fully
> peer-reviewed journal of behavior analysis and therapy. I do hope that
> qualified intersted individuals will consider a possible editorial board
> appointment. At this point Professor Michael Davison is in charge of the
> experimental/operant etc. sections of the journal, and we are putting
> together the clinical sections as well. I am also interested in receiving
> more formal support from ABA, SEAB, Div25 or other behaviorally oriented
> groups. Please write if you have any questions.
> Joe Plaud
> +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+
> | Joseph J. Plaud, Ph.D. University of North Dakota P.O. Box 8380 |
> | Department of Psychology Grand Forks, ND 58202-8380 (701) 777-4494 |
> | E-mail 1: Plaud@Badlands.NoDak.Edu E-Mail 2: Plaud@Plains.NoDak.Edu |
> | WWW: http://rs1.cc.und.nodak.edu/misc/jBAT/joehome.html |
> |-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-|
> | List-Owner: Behavior Analysis Net, Div12 Net of the APA, InterPsych |
> | Clinical-Psychologists Forum & Managing Editor, InterPsych Newsletter |
> +-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-+