Lindsay Oades
University of Wollongong
> If it is Freudian theory and PCP you are interested in, Bill Warren of the
> University of Newcastle (Australia) has written on this... International
> Journal of PCP... not sure the year etc.
> Chris Stevens
> University of Wollongong
> _______________________________________________________________________________
> David Remmert wrote:
> > My name is David S. Remmert and I'm in Chicago at the Chicago School of
> > Professional Psychology. I am extremely interested in Kelly and PCP and
> > have elected to write a theory competency paper on PCP and Analytical
> Psych,
> > attempting to build a bridge between the two. I hope that this list can
> > give me some good ideas and some direction :-|.
> >
> > One last thing. You really should include an adress in the introduction I
> > received when I joined specifying where to send postings. Just a
> suggestion.
> >
> >
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Hi, David:
> Welcome to the pcp mailbase. Stephen Soldz has done work comparing PCP
> and psychodynamic approaches to psychotherapy. A reference that comes to
> mind is an article by him in the _International Journal of Personal
> Construct Psychology_ (either vol 1 or 2 c. 1989).
> When you say "Analytical Psych" do you mean Carl Jung's work? To view
> personal constructs as related to collective archetypes (i.e., bipolar
> idealizations) would be fascinating. Is this your line of research?
> Hemant Desai