> David Remmert was interesting in connecting PCP with "grounded" analytical
> psychologists studying Jungs ideas and archetypal psychology (is Hillman
> among them?). One of the persons to turn to is Renos Papadopulos, formerly
> student at Belgrade Psychology Department, than Professor at University of
> Capetown (or somewhere else in Siuth Africa), and currently being the
> prresident of
> English or British Jungian Society . If you conntact me, I will try to find
> his address.
Renos is a man of many parts and guises but I think he spends most of
his time at the Tavistock Clinic, 120 Belsize Lane, London NW3 5BA
Within the U.K. that's 0171-435 7111, elsewhere +44 171 435 7111 (I
think). I don't think he or the Tavistock are Internet aware yet.
> Renos and late Don Bannister were supposed to write down an article
> examinin
> similarities of Jungian and Kelly's approach, but Don's death put an end to
> it.
> There is also an interesting book titled "Yung as constructivist" by Polly
> Eisendrath and somebody else, which is presenting Yung's ideas in the
> light of contemporary constructivists, such as Maturana, von Glaserfeld
> and von Foersters, among the others. If you can not make a proper
> conntact or trace the refference, do conntact me, David.
> Dusan Stojnov
> Psyc. Department,
> University of Belgrade
> Yugoslavia
> estojnov@ubbg.etf.bg.ac.yu
I was a bit sorry to see this posting triggering such vehemence
from Jim Mancuso against looking for links between constructionist
ideas and other theories. Those of us who read Kelly and Bannister
so very much more recently than Jim and saw so much common sense but
also so much preemption sometimes find we like genuinely creative
attempts to explore links (-:)
Chris Evans, Senior Lecturer, Psychotherapy Section,
Dept. Mental H. Sci., St. George's Hosp.Med.Sch.
University of London,
Cranmer Terrace, London SW17 0RE, Britain.
Tel/fax.: (within UK): 0181 725 2540
(elsewhere): +44181 725 2540
Email: (JANET & UK): sgju101@uk.ac.sghms
(INTERNET & elsewhere): sgju101@sghms.ac.uk