Re: Rep test to elicit constructs re preventive care
Christel Woodward (woodward@fhs.csu.McMaster.CA)
Fri, 24 Feb 1995 09:09:25 +0500 (EST)
We are thinking of using the rep test to elicit constructs regarding
preventive care from health care providers and the public. The individual
preventive measures (e.g. tetanus immunization, blood pressure measurement)
would serve as elements to be compared. Has anyone else used the rep grid
in this way? We are interested in this approach because intervention to
assist physicians or the public in preventive care have had notoriously
poor results which suggests that we do not understand enough to do good
intervention trials and/or that greater tailoring of interventions is needed.
Thanks for your assistance.
Christel A. Woodward, Ph.D.
Professor, Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics
Fax 905-546-5211 telephone 905-525-9140 ex 22568