Another resource on this topic is Theodore Sarbin's view of PCP (see the 1976 Nebraska Sympsium)
which uses the World Hypotheses framework particularly well in differentiating
the epistemic roots of mechanism, organicism, and contexualist paradigms
and elaborated how the latter school exemplified Kelly's theoretical
"Contextualism, .. is the world view connected to the writings of
C.S.Pierce, William James, John Dewey, and G.H.Mead. While formism
and mechanism are analytic types of theories, contexualism is a
synthetic type. The root metaphor for contexualism is the
historical event. (Sarbin, 1977).
He traces the influence of these thinkers on Kelly and concludes:
"Kelly's not identifying the source of his ideas was certainly in
keeping with his own construction of personal construct theory.
Every construing is de novo, as it were" [and later in the same
chapter] ... "Construals need not be sterile repetitions of past
construals, one's own or others" (p.10)
Hemant Desai
Educational Psychology, UNL
Robert Markley < > wrote:
> I am pleased to see comments and discussion of Pepper's WORLD HYPOTHESES. Note
> the article by Botella & Gallifa in the recent JConstP. I recently happened
> upon an article/book review by Pepper in which he adds a 5th root metaphor/w
> orld hypothesis to his categorization -- "The System". THe article was a book
> review by S. Pepper which appeared in the journal "Philosophical &
> Phenomenological Research" Vol 32, 1972, pg 548-553. Pepper wrote a very
> laudatory review of a book by Ervin Laszlo INTRODUCTION TO SYSTEMS PHILOSOPHY,
> New York: Gordon & Breach, 1972.
> My impression is that Laszlo's ideas represent a useful expansion of the
> construct system. I would appreciate commentary and analysis from anyone more
> comfortable with Pepper's work.
> Thanks.
> Robert Markley
> Psychology
> Fort Hays State University
> Hays, KS 67601-4099 USA